Chapter 26: Nick's day of the dead party almost decapitated.

Faced with the unknown, Ivan chose to wait cautiously.

If the diary was given to someone by Lucius, then the Chamber of Secrets must be opened.

Ivan recalled that the first attack was initially on Halloween.

On Halloween, he intended to stay with Ginny to keep an eye on her, or to see if anyone else was acting suspiciously, but Hermione disagreed, she wanted Ivan to go with them to the Anniversary of Nick Nearly Beheaded's Death Day.

Ivan looked miserable and said, "Hermione, my cold is about to go away, so let me stay in the world of the living. Besides, I have to go gather material for next week's cover headline, which is this Halloween party."

Hermione shook her head and said, "Your cold was cured last Tuesday Ivan. You can leave the gathering of material to Colin and Ginny, Nick Nearly Decapitated has already helped us with a lot of news lately, so we can't miss tonight."

Harry and Ron looked at each other, as neither of them wanted to attend Nick Nearly Decapitated's Day of the Dead Anniversary, and Harry hesitated for a moment before looking at Hermione and saying, "But I heard that Dumbledore hired a company of dancing skeletons for the entertainment."

Hermione turned her head to look at Harry and said, "You and Ron were the ones who promised Nick Nearly Decapitated that you would attend his Dead Day Anniversary."

So, at seven o'clock that evening, the four of them walked through the door that led to the Great Dining Hall. There were numerous decorations, candles and gold plates on the table, it was very tempting, but instead of going to the feast they headed towards the dungeons.

Although they had to pass through this corridor every time they had a potions class, it was especially scary tonight.

Candles hung on both sides of the corridor, and the effect was not at all pleasant: they were small, dark, thin candles that glowed blue as they burned and looked creepy.

With every step they took, the temperature dropped.

Which made Ivan sneeze and wrap himself in his tightest clothes.

Immediately after, he heard a sound as if a thousand fingernails were scraping a giant chalkboard.

Ron, terrified, said, "What's that sound?"

Harry replied in a whisper, "I guess it's music."

They rounded a corner and immediately saw Nick Nearly Decapitated, standing by the door.

Nick Nearly Decapitated instantly noticed them and said with infinite sadness, "Dear friends, I'm so glad you've come, welcome, welcome, welcome."

He took off his hat and bowed to invite them in.

The sight was incredible, the Dungeon was filled with hundreds of translucent figures, most of them dancing on the dance floor, dancing to the terrible sound of musical saws, the band playing them sitting on a stage covered with black cloth.

A thousand candles were also lit in a chandelier emitting a midnight blue light.

Ivan found he could see his breath, as if he had stepped into a freezer, so he could only say, "Well, what do we do now?"

Harry, trying to keep his warmth in, suggested, "Let's take a look first!"

Ron said nervously, "Be careful not to walk through anyone," Ron said nervously.

They walked carefully around the edge of the dance floor, saw a group of shadowy nuns, a ragged man in chains, and a Fat Friar.

Then they encountered the Bloody Baron, who was a ghost of Slytherin house with blank eyes, a gaunt face and robes stained with silver blood. No one dared to approach him, so the other ghosts gave him enough space to be alone.

Hermione suddenly froze in place, then said quickly, "Oh, no, turn around quickly, I don't want to talk to Myrtle the Weeper."

Harry was confused, so he asked quietly, "Who?"

Hermione looked at Harry and said, "It's a ghost staying in the girls' bathroom on the third floor."

Harry asked confused, "He's staying in the bathroom?"

Hermione replied, "Yes, that sink is broken all year because it keeps throwing tantrums and splashing water everywhere. People try not to go there if they can help it. It's really annoying when you go to the bathroom and he starts crying loudly."

As Hermione spoke, she was surprised to see Ivan walking straight ahead toward Myrtle.

Hermione was stunned for a moment, then recovered herself and said, "What, what is he doing?"

Ron said with a big grin, "Who knows, maybe Myrtle is Ivan's type, haha, this is great news."

Hermione shot a stern look at Ron, and then the three of them followed Ivan quickly.

Since the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets was in the bathroom where Myrtle the Weeper was located, Ivan wanted to ask if he had seen anyone strange come in recently.

This was especially important at this time, as Tom Riddle's diary was nowhere to be found, so he must not overlook any clues.

Before Ivan had a chance to speak to Myrtle the Weeper, he saw a being with an orange jester's cap, pale skin, black hair and black eyes appear in front of him, it was Peeves, the Hogwarts poltergeist.

Peeves held up a bowl of moldy peanuts and said, "Little children, would you like some?"

Ivan quickly shook his head and said, "No, thank you."

Peeves looked at Hermione approaching and said, "I just heard you talking about poor Myrtle, how rude!"

Then Peeves took a deep breath and roared, "Hello, Myrtle!"

Hermione, who was standing next to Ivan, hurriedly whispered to Peeves, "Oh no, Peeves, please don't tell her what I told you, she'll be very sad. I was only joking..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he saw Myrtle the Weeper approaching.

Myrtle's expression was the most melancholy and somber that Ivan had ever seen before.

Myrtle the Weeping Woman approached with a sullen face and asked, "What?"

Hermione in the most charming voice she could mustered said, "Hello, Myrtle, it's good to see you out of the bathroom."

Peeves slyly approached Myrtle and whispered in her ear, "Miss Granger was just talking about you a moment ago."

Hermione looked sternly at Peeves and said, "Tonight we were saying how pretty you looked."

Myrtle looked suspiciously at Hermione, but tears suddenly sprang to her glassy eyes as she said, "You were teasing me."

Hermione elbowed Ron and Harry in the ribs and said, "No, seriously, didn't I just say Myrtle looked beautiful?"

Harry hissed in pain and said, "Yes...."

Ron covered the spot where Hermione hit him and said, "She did!"

Myrtle gasped, and tears rolled down her transparent cheeks as she said, "Don't lie to me, you think I don't know what people call me behind my back. Fat Myrtle, ugly Myrtle, crying Myrtle, four-eyed Myrtle."

Peeves laughed gleefully as he said, "You forgot..."

Ivan, who had questions to ask Myrtle the Weepy, wasn't about to let Peeves spoil it, so he rudely interrupted, "That's enough, Peeves!"

Then Ivan looked at Myrtle and said, "We really think you're beautiful tonight, you're very friendly unlike the other ghosts, you're the best, trust me....."

Seeing Ivan go out of his way to pay compliments to Myrtle, all three of Harry, Ron and Hermione's mouths dropped open in surprise.

Ron whispered to Harry, "I can't believe he likes Myrtle, Ivan has really bad taste."

Unfortunately, his whisper was heard by Peeves and Myrtle.

Myrtle the Weepy began to cry again as she flew out of the dungeons and said, "You're lying, no one likes me."

Peeves began to chase her, throwing moldy peanuts at her as he yelled, "No one likes Myrtle, pimple-faced Myrtle."