Chapter 34: The Light of the House Elves

Ivan looked at Dobby and asked, "Tell me, why did you attack Harry with the Bludger?"

Harry, who was calm, became angry once again and, looking at Dobby, said, "What do you mean by that, Ivan?! Dobby, did you try to kill me with that Bludger?"

Dobby said in horror, "I would never kill you, sir, I would definitely not kill you. Dobby just wanted to save Harry Potter's life, and the only way to save him is to hurt him so he can be sent home, and being hurt is home is better than staying here, sir!"

Dobby said with a bit of fear, "All Dobby wanted was to hurt Harry Potter to be sent home, but Dobby failed, Harry Potter's friend attacked Dobby with a spell, so Dobby had to stop the magic."

Harry said angrily, "Lucky Ivan attacked you, otherwise I would most likely be sent home in pieces!"

Dobby wailed, with more tears falling on his tattered pillowcase, saying, "I wish Harry Potter knew. I wish he knew how much he meant to our humble, enslaved race in the wizarding world! Before He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was defeated, we were treated like pests."

Listening to Dobby talk about the tragedy the house elves suffered, Ivan felt terrible, and he also saw Hermione's frown deepen.

Dobby wiped his tears with the pillowcase as he said, "Of course, we are still mistreated. But overall, our lives have improved a lot since Harry Potter defeated the What-Not-Must-Be-Named. This was the light in the darkness for those who thought the dark days would never end, Harry Potter shines like a beacon of hope within the darkness."

Ivan said at that point, "But is this the way to repay your benefactor?"

Dobby looked desperate as he said, "Harry Potter doesn't understand, terrible things are about to happen. Dobby can't leave Harry Potter here because history is about to repeat itself and the Chamber of Secrets is open once again..."

Harry and Hermione shouted at the same time at Dobby's words, "Did you say the Chamber of Secrets?"

Dobby froze for a moment in horror as he suddenly disappeared and reappeared immediately afterwards near a desk and began to ferociously inflict pain on himself, but Ivan and the others soon stopped Dobby's self-harm.

Dobby kept muttering, "Dobby bad, Dobby bad, Dobby bad, Dobby bad, Dobby bad, Dobby very bad!"

Hermione asked excitedly, "What do you know about the Chamber of Secrets?"

Harry also asked, "Besides, I'm not a Muggle, so why would I be in danger if the Chamber of Secrets were opened?"

Dobby stammered, "Dobby can't say anymore, stop asking questions and harassing poor Dobby!"

Dobby said, "In short, people are up to things, things that will endanger Harry Potter and his friends, Harry Potter must not stay here, please go home, Harry Potter, go home, Harry Potter! You must not meddle in these matters, they are too dangerous!"

Harry continued to ask, "Who opened the Chamber of Secrets? who is hatching the conspiracy?"

Dobby began to shout loudly, "Dobby cannot tell, Dobby must not tell! Go home, Harry Potter, go home Harry Potter!"

Harry said in annoyance, "I can't go, I'm staying here and I'm not going anywhere. Two of my best friends are Muggle-born, Ivan and Hermione, and if the Chamber of Secrets is really open, what will happen to them..."

Dobby groaned with sadness and joy at the same time as he said, "Harry Potter is willing to risk his life for his friends! How noble, how brave! But Harry Potter has to be saved, and Dobby is going to help Harry Potter get home to his friends!"

Suddenly, Ivan had a bad feeling, and he saw Dobby stretch his finger, and all the tables and chairs in the classroom began to shake.

Ivan, pulling out his wand, said cautiously, "What are you doing, Dobby?"

Dobby wagged his finger forward, causing tables and chairs to shoot out in the direction of the three of them as he said, "Harry Potter and his friends must be sent home, even if Dobby is punished, I don't care."

It was truly spectacular, like arrows raining down on them. Harry and Hermione were petrified with fear, not understanding how a little house elf, humble and pitiful one second, became so terrifying the next.

Ivan suddenly shouted, "Expelliarmus!"

Ivan's wand shot out a scarlet light and a table flying towards them bounced backwards, crashing into those behind it with a loud bang.

Ivan looked at Harry and Hermione and said loudly, "Don't just stand there, this is serious!"

Only when they heard Ivan's words did Harry and Hermione react, pulling out their wands and casting several spells.

But this didn't work, more than eighty chairs and tables were under Dobby's control, they were surrounded by them, the three young wizards casting spells didn't even manage to open a gap so they could run away.

A few seconds later, the three of them were leaning next to each other, panting as their magic was rapidly depleting, making them look like they had just run a marathon.

Hermione looked at Dobby as he cast spells and pleaded, "Dobby, stop, you're going to kill us!"

Dobby looked at them wide-eyed as he said, "Harry Potter must leave Hogwarts, and there is no alternative to this. Promise me, sir, promise me that you will go home, or Dobby will have to hurt them and send them home."

Ivan never thought Dobby's request would be so lethal. He had no doubt in his mind that when Harry refused, the table and chairs would fly at them and hit them in the next second.

If they were hit, it wouldn't be as simple as being hurt.

Harry looked at Ivan and Hermione and said quietly, "He's mad, what do we do?"

Hermione said hopefully, "This is Defense Against the Dark Arts class, maybe Professor Lockhart will hear the sound and come running to help us."

Ivan, hearing Hermione's words, said, "Then I'd rather hope it's Snape who comes!"

Dobby once again said in a high-pitched voice, "Please go home, Harry Potter. You can't stay at Hogwarts this year because of the plots!"

Harry gasped as he looked at Dobby, saying, "Bloody hell, who orchestrated this plot? who let this mad house elf out?"

Ivan had a brilliant idea and shouted, "It's Malfoy, it's Lucius Malfoy who sent you, isn't it?"

All the tables and chairs fell to the floor with a bang as Ivan's words seemed to have frightened Dobby.

Dobby looked terrified and began to mutter, "Don't mention the master's name, Dobby revealed the master's family secret, bad Dobby, bad Dobby, bad Dobby!"

Dobby grabbed a chair and began to thrash intensely with it, disappearing from the sight of the three.

Ivan, Harry and Hermione looked at each other before running out of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom before Dobby had a chance to return.

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