The gloomy sky outside made the already dark castle look especially eerie.
Ivan, Hermione and Harry quickly ran towards the Gryffindor tower, disturbed by what had just happened.
Harry's face was pale as he said, "I can't believe it, Malfoy is the one trying to kill us!"
Ivan, hearing Harry's words, shook his head and said, "I don't believe it, why would Malfoy want to kill us? and even if he did, he wouldn't be stupid enough to send a mad elf to do it, that would be too stupid."
Harry's expression changed as he heard Ivan's words and said, "So Dobby...."
Ivan, thinking about Dobby's actions, said, "I think he is telling the truth, he must have heard something related to the opening of the Chamber of Secrets and came here specifically to warn us. He wanted to save you, Harry."
Harry said sarcastically, "Yes, save me, he wouldn't let me on the train, he wanted to break my arm and he controlled over eighty chairs and tables to attack us. If he keeps trying to save me like that, I could end up dead."
Ivan tried to reassure Harry as he said, "Don't blame him too much, house elves are creatures of immense servitude. They can't violate their masters' orders, they can't reveal their masters' secrets, and if he does, he has to endure terrible punishments!"
At that moment, Hermione growled, "Servitude? It's amazing that in this day and age there is still slavery in our country!"
Harry said, "I don't care about that, I wish he would have told us who opened the Chamber of Secrets, or what monsters are inside it. How is it possible that no one notices a monster walking around the school?"
Ivan said, "Maybe he can make himself invisible."
Hermione thought for a moment and said, "Or maybe it can disguise itself as another object."
Ivan said quickly, "Either way, this has something to do with Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy is up to something, but..."
His words were interrupted as the three of them rounded a corner, they saw a horrible scene.
Ivan felt his blood run cold, and his face went pale.
A Ravenclaw girl was lying on the floor, cold and rigid, her face was terrified and her eyes were fixed on the ceiling. It wasn't just her, there was another figure beside her, Ivan had never seen such a strange sight before.
It was Myrtle the Weeper, she was no longer milky white and transparent, dark smoke surrounded her, she was lying six inches off the ground, with the same expression as the Ravenclaw girl.
Harry looked at the girl on the ground and hesitantly asked, "Haven't we seen this Ravenclaw girl before? what was her name?"
Harry took a deep breath as he looked down the hallway and saw the spiders quickly fleeing.
Hermione replied in a sad tone, "Penelope Clearwater, she's a Ravenclaw student."
Ivan said quickly, "Another attack, we should find someone to come and help."
Before they could react, they heard a door open, it was Peeves.
Peeves bounced as he laughed, "Ah, it's you three, what are you doing, why are you sneaking around?"
He did a cartwheel, but suddenly stopped when he noticed what was on the floor.
Peeves quickly straightened up, took a deep breath and, before Ivan could stop him, shouted at the top of his lungs, "You did it again! Even ghosts aren't saved! Run for your lives!"
The whole castle instantly cheered, people rushed to where they were.
In the next few minutes, the scene was incredibly chaotic, Penelope was in danger of being crushed. People stood on Myrtle the Weeper's body as she pressed Harry, Ivan and Hermione against the wall.
In the next moment, the teachers arrived and restored order.
Professor McGonagall rushed hastily to the scene and cast a spell that produced a tremendous explosion that silenced everyone. She ordered everyone back to the common room of their houses.
Ivan heard Justin whisper that Harry was the successor as he left.
This remark was apparently overheard by Peeves, who suddenly opened his mouth producing an evil grin and began to chant, "Oh, Potter, oh, Potter, you're a pain, you ruin lives, and you think it's funny!"
Professor McGonagall roared, "Stop messing around, Peeves!"
Peeves stuck out his tongue and ran away in a hurry.
Professor Flitwick along with several other students took Penelope to the school infirmary. They didn't know what to do about Myrtle the Weeper.
Finally, Professor McGonagall transfigured a large fan and handed it to Ron, who had just arrived, directing him to fan Myrtle the Weeper down the stairs. Ron looked at Ivan and the others with a worried expression before leaving.
Professor McGonagall looked at the three of them for a moment and said, "Come with me, Mason, Potter and Granger."
Professor McGonagall led them to a giant statue of a griffin.
McGonagall spoke the words, "Lemon Sorbet."
As soon as her words were finished, the statue jumped aside, revealing a staircase which they slowly climbed.
Ivan and the other two followed Professor McGonagall and heard an explosion, the entrance closed again. The staircase climbed higher and higher, making Ivan feel a little dizzy. Ivan then saw an oak double door, on which there was a brass doorknob shaped like a griffin.
Ivan knew where it was, it was the entrance to Dumbledore's office.
He had been secretly looking at it for four weeks. He couldn't help but be amazed at its beauty. Harry and Hermione were worried about his impending fate.
It was a coincidence that the three of them were there on the first and second as well. If they said they had nothing to do with the Chamber of Secrets, no one would believe them.
Dumbledore's office is very interesting, it was a very spacious and beautiful round room, and a few amusing sounds fill it. The shafts of the tables had many silver devices on them.
The walls were lined with portraits of the former headmasters, snoring softly in their respective frames. On a shelf was a torn and crumpled hat.
On a perch behind the door was a terrible looking bird with red and gold feathers.
This should be Fawkes the Phoenix, Ivan looked at it curiously.
As Ivn watched carefully, Dumbledore entered.
Professor McGonagall sternly, "Albus, it was Miss Clearwater and Myrtle in the morning....."
Dumbledore calmly replied, "I know, Minerva! The Chamber of Secrets has been opened again."
Professor McGonagall looked terrified as she said, "But Albus, you must know.... Who was it?"
Dumbledore replied, "The question is not who, but how...."
In his mind Ivan was a little scared, Dumbledore must have noticed something.
Then he saw the look on Professor McGonagall's face and knew that besides him, Harry and Hermione, no one understood what Dumbledore meant.
After that, the expected investigation did not begin, Dumbledore just told them about the Phoenix Fawkes, and let them go.
Ivan turned away, wondering if he had imagined it or not, but he felt as if Dumbledore's eyes were on himself.