Chapter 36: Polyjuice Potion

Very few people are as wise as Dumbledore, and news of Penelope and Myrtle the weeper's attack spread throughout the school.

Rumors spread, making everyone suspicious.

Even the ghosts were a little scared, unsure of what kind of power could hurt a ghost.

During this time, several students bought things to protect themselves. Ivan saw Neville Longbottom buy a giant onion, an amethyst, and a rotten salamander tail.

As a result, the other Gryffindor boys told him that he was in no danger since he was a pureblood, so he should not be attacked.

Neville, his face full of fear, said, "They started with Filch. As you know, everyone knows I'm just as useless as he is."

Neville's words were approved by Colin, who hesitated to buy another amethyst that was said to protect him from harm.

On top of that, Percy was also acting abnormally.

His arm was already fixed, but when he saw the petrified Penelope inside the school infirmary, he was horrified. Now he wasn't interested in trying to keep order in the common room, just sitting alone in front of the fire every night, not knowing what to think.

Ginny seemed to be worse off than Percy, she had been so distracted lately.

Several times she approached Ivan looking very well pale, she seemed to want to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.

It was suspicious that, after Ivan kept asking what was wrong, she relented. She told him that she was having nightmares every night, dreaming of Harry, Ivan and the rest of the Weasley family being killed by the monster in the Chamber of Secrets, which worried her a lot.

Ivan comforted her for a while, unsure if Ginny became that way because she realized she had been controlled by Tom Riddle.

He was told that Ron, Ginny and the twins left the hospital shortly after he left, but they were separated, so he didn't know if she had gone to the third floor bathroom during that time or not.

The situation was so bad that the first years were now always grouped together, it was as if they were afraid that if they acted alone they would be attacked. No one except Colin wanted to be with Ivan.

No matter where he went, someone always pointed him out.

Harry and Hermione enjoyed the same treatment, and people avoided the three of them from a distance, as if they had decided that the one responsible for opening the Chamber of Secrets was among them.

The prime suspect was still Harry, the young wizards even gave a reason. It was that Myrtle the Weeper offended Harry at Nick Nearly Decapitated's party and ran back to the bathroom after talking to Harry. The girls have seen Harry trying to get into the bathroom, they suspected that he was seen by Penelope, so he decided to kill her.

As a result of this rumor, The Magic of Hogwarts newspaper sold an all-time low, the last issue sold only 300 copies.

No one wanted to buy a newspaper of alleged criminals until proven innocent.

In addition, the energy of young wizards was focused on the Chamber of Secrets, and they were no longer interested in Quidditch games or the novels Lockhart bragged about.

The only benefit of the attack was that Ron was willing to talk to Ivan again.

It might be because Ivan's Protego spell deflected Lockhart's spell and sent it in Percy's direction and made him think Ivan was on his side or because the Chamber of Secrets opened up again and made him realize the importance of these things and think that now is not the time to act like this.

They huddled in a corner of the common room for several nights in a row and whispered.

Harry, Ron and Hermione agreed that they had missed an opportunity to get a key clue and that, as a victim of the opening of the Chamber of Secrets, Myrtle the Weeper may have known something, but now she was out of the picture.

Ivan knew where and how to open the Chamber of Secrets, but he didn't tell, as he wasn't prepared for battle, not to mention he also didn't know where Tom Riddle was hiding.

Ivan said, "There must be something wrong with our thinking."

Ron had a puzzled look on his face as he said, "Who do we know that thinks Muggles are garbage?"

Harry replied doubtfully, "Malfoy?"

Ron said, "Of course it's him! Just look at his ugly rat face, and the house elf that attacked you was also from his family!"

Hermione said, "Yes, Dobby mentioned the Chamber and the plot. But we can't be sure that Malfoy is the heir of Slytherin."

Harry said, "Come on, Hermione! Look at his family, they're all in Slytherin and he brags about it all the time. He could also be the Slytherin offspring, since his father is evil enough."

"They could have had the key to the Chamber of Secrets for centuries, passed down from generation to generation for centuries," said Ron

Hermione said cautiously, "It's possible.... Ivan, what do you think?"

Ivan replied to Hermione, "Malfoy should know something, even if he is not the heir."

Ivan had to find Tom's diary and pay attention to Ginny, and asking Draco Malfoy himself was a good way.

Lucius probably didn't reveal his plans to Draco, but there might be some clues as if they were in contact with any other Hogwarts students other than the Weasleys, as long as there was a clue, it would narrow down their search.

"Ivan and I think the same thing, but the question is how can we get Malfoy to tell the truth," Harry said pessimistically.

Hermione looked up hurriedly to make sure no one was eavesdropping and lowered her voice as she said, "I have an idea! But of course, it's not easy, it's very dangerous, we'd probably have to break fifty school rules."

"Don't be so secretive if you want to tell us," Ron said impatiently.

"We have to get into the Slytherin common room and ask Malfoy some questions without letting him acknowledge us," Hermione said calmly.

Harry and Ron almost burst out laughing as they said, "That's impossible."

"No, it's possible as long as we have the Multijuice potion," Ivan said as he narrowed his eyes.

Harry and Ron asked in unison, "What's that?"

Hermione said in surprise, "Multijuice Potion! How did you know, Ivan?"

Ivan replied to Hermione, "I read in the books that this kind of potion can turn you into someone else!"

Hermione said excitedly, "Yes, we can become Slytherin students. Malfoy won't know it was us and he could tell us everything. He's probably in the Slytherin lounge right now bragging, it's a shame we can't hear him."

Ron said with a frown, "This potion seems a bit dangerous, what if we become Slytherin students and never change back?"

Hermione waved her hand impatiently and said, "The effect will wear off after a while, Professor Snape said that the recipe for the potion is written in a book called Moste Potente Potions in the restricted section of the library. But it shouldn't be a problem, Professor Lockhart should be willing to sign a note for us to get it."

"That guy will sign anything," Ron whispered.

Hermione said, "The problem now is raw materials. We should be able to get them from Snape's personal collection."

Harry hesitated for a moment and said, "Hermione, that's too risky, Snape isn't Lockhart, we can't easily get it from him."

Hermione looked hesitant and said, "But....."

Ivan interrupted Hermione and said, "This is not a problem, we can use the proceeds from the Hogwarts Magic newspaper to buy the herbs. And we can use the girls' bathroom on the third floor to brew the potion."

"Oh, no!" said Ron weakly as Harry's face looked grave.

Ivan, seeing Ron and Harry's reluctant faces, said, "It's the safest place, and Filch is no longer protecting it. After the two attacks, no one is willing to go near that corridor."

Besides doing potions, Ivan was willing to take a chance.

It will be next to the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets, and no matter who Tom controls, as long as they want to enter the Chamber of Secrets, they must pass through it.

Ivan also wanted to know, will it be the same as the original plot and will he find Tom's Diary there?