Chapter 185: Hiring Lupin

Professor Lupin was all haggard. His worn tunic was covered with dust. He looked thinner than usual, and had deep shadows under his eyes, but his face had a big smile on it.

When they saw Lupin, Ivan, Harry and Hermione, they all rose from their beds and shouted with joy, "Professor!"

"Good afternoon, Harry, good afternoon, Ivan, good afternoon, Hermione!" Lupin said with a smile.

"Professor, I heard Hagrid say yesterday that they locked you up in Azkaban, those monsters didn't do anything to you, did they?" asked Harry excitedly.

"I'm fine, Harry!" Lupin looked across at Harry, Ivan and Hermione. "In fact, I want to thank the three of you. It was thanks to your efforts that I was able to get out of there so quickly."

"You're innocent, and Ron was only controlled by Peter Pettigrew to frame you." said Ivan.

"Peter Pettigrew!" Lupin repeated, a flash of regret on his face. He slowly closed his eyes, then opened them immediately, and said grimly, "I saw Sirius at the Ministry of Magic, he and Dumbledore told me all about it. I shouldn't have doubted him that year; I actually thought he had betrayed James and Lily..."

When it came to Harry's parents, no one spoke, and the atmosphere became somewhat heavy.

"Professor, I successfully conjured a full Patronus last night, it's a stag!" after a long silence, Harry whispered.

"Your father always conjured a stag when he used his Patronus." Lupin smiled again. "You're right, Harry, so we called him Antler."

"But then there was another Patronus, and it was a doe," Harry said quickly.

"A doe?!" Lupin was stunned and seemed unresponsive for a moment.

"The doe, I mean, would that be my mother...?" asked Harry.

"Lily's Patronus was actually a doe." Lupin looked at Harry with concern. "I once told you that the shape of the Patronus varies from person to person and is related to the character and inner world of the wizard. You know, the Patronus will not always be the same; it will change when the summoner is subjected to great shocks and emotional changes."

"What do you mean?" asked Harry.

"Harry, the Patronus you saw can't be Lily." Lupin continued. "I don't know who summoned it, but that person must have something to do with Lily. Otherwise, her Patronus couldn't be a doe."

In fact, upon hearing Harry's description of Lily's Patronus, Lupin thought of Snape, perhaps it was his Patronus. Lupin knew more or less of the history between Lily and Snape. Before they came to Hogwarts, they came from the same place. Lily had been very close to Snape, but then....

Lupin hesitated for a moment and finally said nothing.

In his opinion, some things were not suitable for Harry to know.

Besides, he had no such qualification. The fact was that James and Lily had made Sirius Black Harry's godfather.

Harry, who was lost in thought, didn't notice Lupin's strange reaction. His expression was confused and he thought hard, who would be related to his mother?

At that moment, only Snape was there, would it be him?

Harry knew that he and his own father had had a bad relationship as students, as had he and Malfoy.

From the information he learned later, Snape hated his father.

As for Snape's relationship with his mother, Harry knew nothing about that. The two of them weren't supposed to have any intersection.

But with this, that no longer seemed to be the case.

But even if Snape conjured the Patronus, Ivan didn't expect it to be fair and friendly. In his first year, Snape had saved Harry, but later became increasingly hostile to him. Dumbledore once said it was because he felt this would make him even with his father. And because he owed no one anything, he could nonchalantly relive the hatred he felt for James.

Harry didn't delve into it at the time, but now he still felt that something wasn't right, and that Snape's relationship with his parents was much more complicated than that.

He tried to think about it, but it gave him such a violent headache that he had no choice but to stop thinking about it.

Harry looked up and heard Hermione say worriedly. "Professor, there's nothing wrong with Sirius? when will he be back?"

"He's fine, but it will take him a while to come and see them" Lupin said, "The Wizengamot has set a special trial procedure in motion and should issue a final judgement before Christmas is over. Since they caught Peter and Dumbledore is there, you don't have to worry about him."

"And you, Professor?" asked Harry. "I just heard from Professor Dumbledore that he resigned. you didn't do that, did you?"

"I'm afraid I did, Harry!" said Lupin.

"Why? You obviously didn't attack Ron," Harry asked.

"This has nothing to do with whether or not I attacked Ron. You should have seen him during those two days. The parents of the students are not willing to have a werewolf teach their children. I think they're right, I can bite any of you...this kind of thing can't happen again," Lupin said.

"Don't leave, Professor, you're the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher ever!" Harry shouted, and Ivan and Hermione were quick to agree.

Lupin shook his head and said nothing.

Just as Harry was thinking of reasons why he should stay, Lupin continued. "Harry, Ivan, Hermione, teaching at Hogwarts was a happy time that I will never forget in my entire life. If there's one thing I'm proud of, it's you. You three are the best students I have ever taught."

"Professor!" the three of them said.

"Well, it's getting late; I should get back and pack." Professor Lupin rubbed his eyes to dry his tears with the back of his hand.

"Wait a minute, Professor!" Ivan hurriedly stopped Lupin. "What are you going to do after you leave Hogwarts?"

"I'll probably keep looking for the next job." Lupin smiled bitterly, "Don't worry about me."

Lupin's insides filled with bitterness, as a werewolf, there should be no one but Dumbledore to hire him.

He didn't know where he should go. After Sirius cleared his name, he could move in with him for a while, and then find a way to subsist.

Lupin said nothing about it. There was no need to tell these things to Ivan, Harry and Hermione.

"Professor, you know I have 'Hogwarts Magic', I'm going to expand the scope of sales of this newspaper, selling it to all the wizards in the world of magic, and turning it into a daily newspaper," Ivan looked at Lupin. "But I don't have enough time. If you want, I hope you can help me manage it."

Ivan gave a detailed account of his own ideas.

Lupin seemed to be stunned. He was silent for a long time before asking incredulously. "Are you going to hire me?"

"Yes!" Ivan nodded.

"Running a newspaper?" Lupin continued.

"Yes." said Ivan, smiling some more.

Seeing Lupin's reaction, Harry and Hermione also laughed on the side. If Ivan hired Lupin, they could still see him often.

"Say yes, Professor!" Harry and Hermione said in a chorus.

"But, I don't have any relevant experience before...," Lupin hesitated.

"I believe in you, Professor, you will prove that you are qualified for this job," Ivan said.