Chapter 268: Ravenclaw Seeker Quotes

After a while, Sirius also came to cheer Harry up.

After learning that the firebolt was a Christmas present from Sirius to Harry, the mood at the long Gryffindor table reached its climax.

The young wizards talked excitedly and envied Harry.

Malfoy stood in front of the door with a grim face as they all filed out of the Great Hall, gathered around Harry and the firebolt. He seemed to be waiting there intentionally.

"Are you sure you can handle that broom, Potter?" Malfoy said in a cold, resentful voice, looking closely at Harry's broom.

"Yes, I think so," Harry said casually.

"It's got a lot of special features, doesn't it?" Malfoy said, his eyes glinting mischievously. "Too bad it doesn't come with a parachute to keep you from falling off."

Behind him, Crabbe and Goyle laughed.

They all remembered the last Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff quidditch match, where Harry had fallen off his flying broom because of Dementors.

"Too bad you can't put on an extra arm, Malfoy!" Harry replied bluntly. "Then I could catch the Snitch for you."

The Gryffindor team burst out laughing. Malfoy's pale eyes narrowed even more. He stepped forward and clenched his fists tightly as if he wanted to punch Harry.

Then he saw Ivan coming right behind his opponent.

Malfoy stopped abruptly, a flash of uncontrolled fear on his face, and remembered the terrible magic Ivan had used on him that night.

He took a step back, instinctively feeling fear, thinking that this second year dirty-blood Gryffindor was too evil.

He didn't want to provoke Ivan before everything became clear.

"Hold on to your broom, Potter, you're getting the last flight of your life today." Malfoy threatened viciously and turned and slowly walked away.

"What do you mean?" Hermione looked at Ivan, trying to understand, "I thought he wouldn't come any closer to us!"

"Vain provocation!" Ron didn't care, "After Hagrid and Buckbeak were acquitted and he knew Harry had a firebolt, he must be mad. Look at the shocked expression on his face."

"Malfoy can't believe he has a firebolt, this is the happiest day of my term!" Harry nodded his head and said happily, "Don't worry, Hermione, he's bluffing, he won't..."

"Better be careful, Malfoy has a plot." Ivan warned, "Just in case, in the game, you should have your wand on you."

Ivan remembered the last time he went to Hogsmeade; he overheard Malfoy talking to Goyle and Crabbe in the Honeydukes candy store. Just before kicking Malfoy, with Harry's Invisibility cloak in the barrel of Jelly slugs, he overheard him talking about using cloaks as Dementors to scare Harry in the game.

While this should have little impact on Harry, the protection was really necessary.

After a few minutes, they all parted outside the castle door.

Ivan, Ron, Colin, Hermione, and Ginny went to the stands to find a seat, and Harry followed the Gryffindor team into the locker room.

The weather couldn't have been more different from their match against Hufflepuff. It was a clear, cool day with a very light breeze; there should be no visibility problems this time.

Ivan sat in the noisy stadium, and the rest of the school sat in succession. He greeted the people he knew. The most exotic costume was Luna's. She had a large blue crystal necklace around her neck. It was particularly conspicuous outside of her black school robes. It matched her silver-gray eyes and looked particularly ethereal.

"It's a blue crystal. It can bring good luck and help Ravenclaw win the match." Luna in a trance sat down next to Ivan and said, "But I don't think it will be of much help. After learning that Harry got a firebolt, Ravenclaw gave up. They all talked for a long time last night, studying strategies and tactics, but in the end they had no good ideas and went back to the dormitory one by one in frustration."

Ivan saw the Ravenclaw players quiet on the pitch, as the firebolt should wipe the floor with the other brooms.

Needless to say, among the four Houses, Harry was the best Seeker.

In today's game, the confrontation between the two Houses was no longer important. All attention had shifted to Harry's performance and his firebolt.

The themes and comments about the firebolt could be heard everywhere. The young wizards were excited to talk and cheer, and Ivan was excited by the mood around him, which was characteristic of a Quidditch game.

To his left, Luna did not return to the Ravenclaw stands.

She was not interested in the game, but shared with Ivan the latest research results related to Wrinkled Horned Snorkack.

After the financial success of the paper, Ivan also sponsored Luna with many galleons to support her research on the Blibbering Humdinger and Wrinkled Horned Snorkack.

After that, he regularly informed Ivan about the progress of his research and the latest developments.

Although Ivan wasn't interested in such things, Luna didn't seem to mind. Looking at her, it seemed that she simply wanted to talk to him.

To Ivan's right, Hermione was holding a thick magical book related to centaur astrology, and was busy reading it quickly.

Unlike Ivan, Harry and Ron, she was very worried about the adventure of going to the centaur colony tonight for fear of any accidents.

She advised Ivan to be prepared. Between the night before and the game, he quickly read a lot of information about centaurs.

Among the young wizards at Hogwarts, she was the most knowledgeable about centaurs.

More than 10 minutes later, the Quidditch teams of the two Houses, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, officially appeared. Under deafening cheers and thunderous applause, the blue-clad Ravenclaw team took the lead.

They all rode their old sweeper sevens, but they were very skilled and their technique was very good. They flew low around the stadium full of spectators.

A few seconds later, Ivan felt that someone had stopped above him. He looked up, surprised, and saw Cho Chang smiling and waving at him, very pretty.

After Ivan greeted her, he quickly flew to the center of the field.

"Cho Chang asked me about you!" suddenly said Luna. She smiled and looked at Ivan.

Ivan didn't smile. He felt Hermione, who had been reading next to him, look up next to him after hearing the subject and seemed very interested.

"Why did you ask about Ivan?" Hermione said nonchalantly, her eyes narrowed and looking at Cho Chang who had landed in the center of the field.

Cho Chang was shaking Harry's hand, and Harry seemed to be very excited and looked a little awkward.

"She probably adores Ivan, she wants to go out with him or something." said Luna in her own unique voice. "It's not just Cho Chang, a lot of girls ask about Ivan. He's the most popular person in school now."

Hearing Luna's praise, Ivan blushed slightly.

He didn't know he was so popular, but if as Luna said, Cho asked him on a date, should he agree?

Seeing the beautiful girl in the center of the field, Ivan's thoughts turned chaotic.