Chapter 351: The Philosopher's Stone

"Although there were many differences, the heirs of the Black family entered Hogwarts, which proved that our decision to establish a wizarding school was completely successful." Gryffindor returned to his long table and said complacently, "For nearly a thousand years, I have closely watched the changes of Hogwarts in the Centaur colony, and I have seen many talented wizards graduate from the school and contribute to the development of the wizarding world. This is completely in line with our original vision. Both the Sorting Hat and the Headmasters of all generations have done very well. They have developed and grown in line with the ideas we left behind. I'm sure the other three are pleased with this as well."

"You mean Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin?" asked Ivan. "Did they also leave their conscience like you?"

"Yes, it was Helga's proposal to keep part of our conscience in our treasure keys, and observe the changes at Hogwarts with our own eyes." Gryffindor explained, "After we left the Secret Treasury, we separated our consciousness, but I don't know where the three of you hid your keys. It was totally confidential, and it's up to you to find out. "

"I have some clues." Ivan nodded. According to the previous analysis, the Ravenclaw Treasure Key should be kept with the Merpeople.

He also speculated on the location of the Slytherin and Hufflepuff Treasure Keys.

The question now was about what the Treasure Keys left by the Four Founders were, and why they had such powerful magic. He couldn't help but ask about that.

"The Treasure Keys are actually four Philosopher's Stones, the collection of our four families; the greatest achievement of ancient Alchemy." Gryffindor waved his hand, and a red gem appeared from the void on the long table in front of him.

The stone was bright red, with a golden light flickering on and off.

"In our time, pureblood wizarding families had something inherited from the ancient wizards." Gryffindor said, "The Philosopher's Stone is a typical example. It's almost impossible to have enough magical theory and materials to make one today, but it wasn't that difficult for the ancient alchemists."

Ivan was stunned. He had no idea that the key to the treasure would be a Philosopher's Stone.

Currently, the wizarding world recognized that the only Philosopher's Stone left was the one left by the famous alchemist Nicolas Flamel, who could make gold from the Stone and make the Elixir of Life.

Because of Voldemort, it was eventually destroyed by Dumbledore and Nicolas.

Unexpectedly, the Four Founders had left four Philosopher's Stones as Treasure Keys.

It was truly shocking. Not to mention what was hidden in the Secret Treasure, these four Philosopher's Stones themselves were rare treasures beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Ivan held his breath and looked carefully at the red gem in front of him. The magic it contained was astounding.

Undoubtedly, this Philosopher's Stone was an incredibly powerful magical object.

It was every magician's dream. In addition to powerful magic, it had many fantastic functions, such as making the elixir of life!

"Touch a stone and turn it into gold; live forever and you will never grow old, the Philosopher's Stone always brings reverie..." Gryffindor stared at Ivan, and seemed to see through his mind. He said with a smile, "Unfortunately, the four stones we left have no such effects. It should be known that Philosopher's Stones have different uses depending on the method of alchemy and the materials used to make them."

"What use is this Philosopher's Stone?" Ivan looked up.

"Now it's just a Key Stone can unlock the Secret Treasure we left behind, that's all." Gryffindor waved again, and the petrified magic on the table disappeared in smoke. "Obviously, under Rowena's design, the Treasure we left behind requires powerful magic to open. Magic items that can provide such strong power are very rare. After some selection, we have modified the four Philosopher's Stones and cancelled their original use. We let the magic contained in them become purer, and provided the magic needed to open the treasure."

It was hard to imagine what the Four Founders had left in the Treasury.

In fact, they destroyed four Philosopher's Stones for this purpose, cancelled their original fantastic roles, and transformed them into Powerful Magic Energy Stones.

Ivan felt this was almost a waste

"Of course, because of its great magic, this Philosopher's Stone can help wizards improve their magic." Gryffindor said with a laugh, "Your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher and his three classmates did a good job. They made that map with the overflow energy from the Philosopher's Stone, and it was very interesting."

"That's the Marauder's Map showing all the secret passages in Hogwarts and the names of the people in the castle." Ivan nodded.

"A very cool idea! The knowledge of the magical location and personal names involved is of great practical value." Gryffindor admired, "This is progress in the magical world. In our time, some wizards studied it. Influenced by ancient wizards, we just studied powerful spells or tried to summon souls, demons, evil spirits, etc."

They also discussed the principle of making the Marauder's Map for a while, and it could be seen that Gryffindor was very interested in this knowledge and had a lot to ask.

Ivan told everything he knew. In addition, he also had in mind what they had left in the Secret Treasure.

"What did you leave in the Treasury?" he asked curiously.

"It's absolutely beyond your imagination, I think we should leave you some expectations, and not find out all the mysteries." Gryffindor blinked and gave Ivan a smug smile. Then, before Ivan could respond, his smile faded and his expression turned serious. "Well, we've wasted too much time. Now we should talk about the test I left behind. Only through this test can the Philosopher's Stone be obtained."

"What do I have to do?" Ivan tapped his wand and was ready.

"I wanted to test your fighting ability and courage against your deepest fear." Gryffindor said, "But after you got into this illusion magic, I changed my mind. I don't think the heir of Slytherin or a pair of fire dragons will stop you. It doesn't make any sense. Therefore, I prepared additional tests especially for you."

"Additional tests?" Ivan suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Yes, I'm going to show you the nightmare fear of the void, something you've never seen before, and that's what you have to face in the future." Gryffindor said.