Chapter 355: The next load

Ivan and Okegiga's incredible performance made them both the focus of the war.

"Look, it's the god of war, Okegiga, he's back!"

"He's the monster, hasn't he been annihilated by the Forest God?"

"Run, we can't be Okegiga's opponent at all!"

On the battlefield, the main centaur forces went completely on the offensive, and the initially scattered formations were reunited.

On the opposite side, Okegiga's name was whispered in fear by the rebellious centaurs, who watched in panic as he crushed the goblin's body under his hooves.

As the mightiest warrior in the history of the centaurs, his long-standing prestige and herculean achievements made all the centaurs fearful of being Okegiga's enemy.

They trembled and stepped back, raising their bows and arrows to take aim at Ivan and Okegiga.

Almost instantly, the two became the enemy's priority targets. Strong piercing arrows came from all directions, pouring down like rain of death from hell!

Okegiga ducked like a gust of wind, but too many sharp arrows were coming.

The two were in the center of the rain of arrows and could not evade them at all.

The situation seemed hopeless, but the only thing that could be seen on Okegiga's face was a bit of disdain.

"Hum, you weaklings, what puny attacks!" He made a loud war cry, not backing down, and with the heavy spear in his hand, he lifted the huge body of the troll on the ground and fiercely threw it into the face of countless sharp arrows.

The monster's body was bleeding downward. In the air, it was shot into a sieve with sharp arrows.

"Let's hurry up and let these cowards see what true power is!"

Ivan heard Okegiga's shouts and clung to him hurriedly, nervously looking ahead.

Taking advantage of the short window of the troll corpse, with his long spear in hand, Okegiga ran with Ivan towards the nearest fortification with irresistible horror and speed.

Out of fear, the opposing centaurs fled and their defenses opened.

At that moment, a goblin in a strange gray robe showed half his head from the fortifications. He waved his fingers and the arrows that had already landed floated back.

Under the influence of his magic, numerous arrows, which glowed faintly and were stained with still warm blood, were plucked from the ground and flesh and flew towards them.

"You loathsome goblin, you greedy coward, you just sneak in from behind with your evil magic!"

Okegiga glared resentfully at the goblin hiding behind the fortifications.

He wanted to move on, but there were so many magic arrows in his way.

Okegiga had to give up the advantage he had gained and retreat.

"Leave it to me, I have a way!" said Ivan quickly.

He recited a spell and used the end of his wand to cut some of the cyan rocks on the ground. The next second, huge stones were clumped together, spinning rapidly in front of Okegiga.

Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang!

The arrows falling from the sky caused obvious damage to the rock defense, and a large number of stone fragments and debris flew and splattered.

Despite their precarious state, as the frequency with which Ivan waved his wand accelerated, the barrier formed by the boulders in front of them grew thicker and thicker and never broke.

The sharp arrows made a burst of sound, digging into the rock wall, sounding eerie.

After the end of this round of arrows, without waiting for the goblin to continue casting spells, Ivan flicked his wand to fire a few red curses forward, bursting into flames on the ground.

As his opponents scattered against the flames, Ivan shook his right hand violently, and the rock barrier surrounding them began to twist and warp.

Under everyone's steady gaze, a tall stone giant swayed and stood up. He made a loud noise and ran toward the fortifications where the goblins were hiding.

"My God, look at that stone giant - there's a human wizard at war!"

"It's a mighty wizard from the castle; Okegiga brought help!"

The Giant rushed forward, and the whole earth shook.

With the tremor, rumors erupted on the battlefield, and all the centaurs paused, glaring at the stone giant who was demolishing the fortifications in front of the colony.

The gray-robed elf, unsuspecting, was surrounded by the fire summoned by Ivan, and was finally crushed cruelly by the stone giant.

The Giant trampled him alive into minced meat, and his red blood soaked the ground beneath his corpse.

The centaurs' brains were blank, and before they could react, they heard Okegiga's harsh laughter; his laughter was full of disdain.

They seemed to have realized what had happened. Soon, aside from a few foolish trolls still trying to resist, the remaining enemies quickly fell back, abandoning all their defenses and returning to the colony.

"Well done, human, you're more useful than I thought!" Okegiga admired, not stopping to move on, "We took control of the tribal gate. The next objective is the Temple of the Moon on the central island. We must get there as soon as possible to prevent the traitors from summoning the evil god."

"What are they doing?" asked Ivan curiously.

"According to the major, he received warnings from the stars and the Founders of the castle. The fallen ones are hiding in the depths of the Temple, using evil magic to summon the evil spirit from the endless void, summoning his body to descend upon the world. "Okegiga said, "We can't let them succeed, otherwise everything will be delayed."

"Summon the body of the evil god?" Ivan was stunned and remembered the test Gryffindor handed him. He had to help the centaur Okegiga reseal the evil god.

"Yes, they are all mad, deluded and corrupted by the evil god - they believe in all his myths!" Okegiga nodded quickly. "All the noble observers of the colony's Central Plains have become his most loyal followers, hoping to use the powerful magic contained in the gem left by the castle's Founder as energy to summon the return of the evil god."

Okegiga spoke of the Philosopher's Stone, as one of the keys to deciphering the Secret Treasure left by the Four Founders, which held powerful magic beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Unexpectedly, the evil god used it as a power source for his return.

"What do we have to do?" Ivan asked, taking a deep breath.

"Enter the Temple of the Moon, stop the magic or destroy the gem left by the Founder of the castle." Okegiga said coldly, waving his spear vigorously.

Ivan frowned. Okegiga's plan was too simple and straightforward.

He thought it was necessary to talk to the eldest of the centaurs first, or catch some of the higher ranking centaurs and find out what magic they were using, understand how it worked and adopt a more specific response strategy.

Perhaps, they could also find out what kind of monster the so-called evil god was. Since the ancient sorcerers summoned it, they must have left behind a method to bring it under control.

But Okegiga obviously had no intention of doing this. He was a powerful warrior. Magic was never something he considered. He took Ivan quickly to the Temple of the Moon.

Ivan hesitated, then decided not to stop him.

Although reckless, in the actual story, Okegiga was clearly successful, and prevented the evil god's body from emerging from the void.

Of course, the result was the division of the tribe and the decline of the Centaurs' power, and the Philosopher's Stone left by Gryffindor was split into two halves, which was a terrible event.