Chapter 413: The city in the dream

The feeling of familiarity was obvious, but Ivan could not remember where he had seen him.

The man's body was very strong, his face was covered, and with his strange costume, Ivan would never forget if he had seen him before.

It was certainly the first time he had met him, but this feeling...

Then, he realized that something was wrong. The magical fluctuations in the air were undergoing subtle changes. The man was using magic to spy on him and Sirius.

This was a very sophisticated spell technique. If he had not spent more than a month studying and Flamel asking him to use his body magic when writing the ancient magic scripts and to feel the magical changes when the various magical texts were completed, he would not have noticed the subtle changes.

Under the influence of this magic, as long as the distance was not too great, the man could pick up the specific location of Ivan and Sirius at any time.

The purpose of using such magic on such an occasion was obvious.

Ivan whispered a few words in Sirius' ear, then quickly drew his wand and read a spell. A white light flashed past.

He cast an anti-detection spell to break the opponent's magic.

Sirius also pulled out his wand and pointed it directly at the three people in front of him.

In the blink of an eye, the chatter in the bar came to an abrupt halt.

Everyone was looking in their direction, and many people were eager to see the "show".

In fact, the three guys in front of them were surprised that Ivan could break the magic that the strong man had cast. They didn't expect the teenager, who looked to be only twelve or thirteen, to discover magic and respond so quickly.

The three of them focused on Ivan, then turned to Sirius' increasingly glowing wand.

They were rigid and sat there motionless.

The light at the end of Sirius' wand told the three very clearly that if they dared to move, they would be hit by a powerful spell.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? COME OUTSIDE IF YOU WANT TO FIGHT!" The steward rushed over and shouted at the three men in heavy clothes, "Out, out!"

Under the watchful eyes of Ivan and Sirius, the three quickly got up and left the bar.

As they were in close proximity, Ivan could smell an unpleasant odor.

It was as if something had decayed and degenerated, wafting from their robes and handkerchiefs over their heads.

When they came into the bright candlelight in the hallway, Ivan found that their robes were covered in black stains, all from blood that had coagulated.

"Damn vampires!" The bartender muttered under his breath.

It turned out that all three were vampires. No wonder their skin looked so pale.

Perhaps as the waiter said earlier, women and children were the target of the vampires' hunt. They might have considered Ivan as food, so they did that magic.

It was a special magic that vampires could use, and it was usually difficult for mages to discover.

Things seemed to be that simple, but Ivan still felt that something was wrong.

After the middle man stood up, the feeling of familiarity grew stronger in his mind.

In addition to the strange familiarity, this time he had a bad feeling about this.

It was like being looked at by a beast, and Ivan sweated all over and his hair stood up.

He kept thinking about it until he went to bed.

In the dim light, he felt like he remembered something, but in the blink of an eye he had gone into a dream!

When Ivan opened his eyes, he found himself in a dark stone chamber.

The surroundings were shrouded in endless darkness, and even the floor and walls around him were black.

It took him a long time to realize that he was in a dream.

No matter from what perspective, this sudden dream was all too real.

Ivan did not like this feeling. The dream was not so simple.

It should have been magic beyond his ability. He should have been the target of something strange and powerful.

Under a soft light, he saw a man standing in front of him.

He was tall, wearing a thick black robe and a graceful head scarf. It was the vampire Ivan had just seen downstairs in the bar.

He stared at Ivan, giving a burst of frightening laughter.

Ivan remembered why he had a sense of déjà vu when he saw him. This man was the one he had seen in the prophecy basin made by Flamel.

As before, he seemed to be ready to do something and cast horrible black magic. The sense of danger grew stronger and the situation became more sophisticated....

But soon, a thick fog began to rise around, covering everything.

When the fog dissipated, the black stone chamber and the man had disappeared. With the transition of the Dream, at this moment, Ivan was on an elevated terrace.

The clouds passed by him and below him was a beautiful city.

Ivan shook his head and took two steps forward so he could see more clearly.

In front of him was a beautiful city shimmering with a golden glow. The buildings were similar to those he had seen earlier in the centaur colony, but more sophisticated.

A silver river ran through the city, dividing it into two parts.

Layers of red roofs and old pointed gables ran up the northern slope, providing shelter for the grassy green cobblestone alleys below.

Just below the terrace was a wide rectangular square.

The fountain at the base of the obsidian gushed spring water, emitting a radiant glow in the sunlight. Flower beds and spectacular statues lined the square.

The ancient and mystical atmosphere enveloped the city, like a thick dark cloud hanging over a virgin mountain range that existed only in legend.

As before, Ivan did not like the feeling.

This city of the dead centaurs might be the city of the fallen centaurs 800 years ago in the forest, but it was definitely not what it looked like in reality.

Judging by what was around him, he should now be standing in the central temple of the centaur city.

Ivan turned around and saw a magnificent statue 100 meters tall. It was one of the evil gods summoned by the fallen centaurs he had seen in the illusion earlier!

He took a deep breath. this monster dragged him into this dream?! What was the purpose of doing it?!

Ivan subconsciously touched the locket on his chest. If this evil spirit had begun to regain its strength, then it must want to take this half of the Philosopher's Stone with it.

In fact, the enormous magic contained in the Philosopher's Stone was the indispensable energy for it to return to the real world from the void.