
"Ray remembers a crucial issue and reminds Kai,

"Kai, you forget something, do you think these townspeople can withstand the shock?"

For civilians, this type of shock can act as a switch for a mental demon, but the issue is that it's not an artificial shock that would be milder. The situation is fine if they can pass through, but if not, there will be further explanations, more issues, and widespread unrest.

Kai doesn't like this kind of situation a bit. Nothing is desirable when given the choice between dog shit and cow dung. With his fingers, he squeezed the bridge of his nose.

"Let's bring in five people at a time so that we can control that number if something goes wrong and the others who don't can be our eyewitnesses."

Kai exclaimed, sighing. Please be patient, "Ms. Syth; it's for our safety and future. "

The cheerfulness he had when he first awoke is long gone.

Since Ryths doesn't like their plan, it must be his antics.

After all the combatants arrived, he must hunt down those mischievous puppies.

"Mr. Kai, I do understand. Just set me free as soon as you can. You two go outside now, that I have to change, I need to undress first."

Syth said as she nodded her head and glared at them tremulously. Even though she is no longer a teenager, she feels uneasy when Mr. Kai gives her that look.

Kai chuckled after staring at Smith's timid face for a brief period. This SGV enjoys playing with emotions. Despite having seen a lot of attractive women, he had never lost his cool before.

" Let's go, I need to ask you something. " before he go, looked at Syth and says "We will come back after 5 minutes, take your time. ".

" Ray, the mental demon I felt is not the same from time to time, do you feel the same or different?"

" What are you saying?" Ray looked at him with questioning eyes.

" The first time I injected Limiter, I felt like a lazy person who lost interest in anything, but the second time I felt so horny. It affects me till now. "

Ray looked at Kai from top to bottom, he doesn't know what to say. When he injected the Limiter, what he felt was the same emotion every time, nothing changed. But to give Kai an answer he needs more data.

" I don't know, the other peoples who take shots were only at the first time. We are exploring uncharted territory, so ."He felt like he lost face this time. He never felt this helpless, he doesn't dare to conclude SGV anymore. The more he knows, the more he felt helpless.

" It's ok, take one step at a time. " After looking at how Ray looked, Kai let out a small smile. He couldn't imagine there will be time, his friend lost confidence.

The always-confident mad scientist had a time when he felt helpless, he doesn't foresee this coming.

" How about you stop taking injections? After gathering enough data, if it's not dangerous you can continue. "

" We will talk later " As they talk they arrive at the safety door of the cells. Kai cut off the conversation, readjusted his face, and open the door.

" Hello gentlemen, I will bring you guys 5 men at a time, don't worry it doesn't take time. Mr. Doyke will accompany all of you. " Kai looked at the mayor whose presence was almost forgotten by the crowd.

" Why can't we all go see together? What are you trying to pull?" The bald man asked with shifty eyes.

" Don't worry, It's just that, not too convenient for everyone to go in. Let's go gentlemen. Who will go first. ?" Kai's gaze passed through the crowd as asking.

He waited patiently, telling himself it was for later convenience. He dearly missed Linda's presence, who take care of annoying things like this.


The first five townsfolk, the mayor, Smith, and one of his underlings, Kai, and Ray go inside the safety door.

" growl. !" A faint growling voice comes out from the down corner of the stairs as they are near the cells layer.

" Before seeing the gift, I will remind you guys, you are completely safe so don't panic. " Kai.

The townsfolk and mayor face become confused. As they wondered what Kai want them to see, they arrived at the heavily reinforced cell after they turned into the corner a few steps.

" Ahhhhhh. !!!!!!" As soon as they see the silver fur werewolf, which stared at them with dripping drool. Some want to run back upstairs but they turned and tripped on the floor.

" Calm down gentlemen, it's safe here. The monster can't do anything to us. " As Kai explained, he signal Smith to block them. One of them lost his mind and tried to grab Smith's shotgun.

Smith knockouts the one that trying to grab his gun. The mayor and the other townsfolk were trembling with fear as they don't dare to let out a sound under the guns pointing at them.

" Try to calm down your mind gentlemen, as. " before Kai speaking end, one of them suddenly leaped onto the Kai swiftly. All he can do was look at the red eyes that only express madness and malice as time seems to stop.

" Swiftttt. !" The sharp object cutting the air and flesh, nothing more nothing less. The room was quiet as a headless body was lying on the ground.

" Knock them out. " Ray ordered Smith after cutting off the head. Kai was too positive about these guys' tolerance, he can't be more wrong.

As the two of them come back from shock, they started to knock out the remaining four. But one of the townsfolk doesn't go down as his skin change into gray color and his body buffed.

Smith aimed at the head of the monster with his shotgun and blast off. As though the monster knew beforehand the danger it ducked to the right immediately as the bullets only grazed his left shoulder.

As it looked back at Smith and run toward the cells, the gunfire erupted. Syth suddenly lifts the metal bed frame and blocks the incoming bullets and hides behind.

The speed of its running was so quick that the bullets only hit the afterimage of the monster as it bounced around in the hallway of cells.

The monster bounced around as it looked for an opening and made a turn.

Ray who looked calmly at the situation suddenly close his eyes and mumbled a bit as if afraid of others to hear. ( OT).

Before Kai asked what he meant, Ray has already blocked the monster's path and exchanged blows with it.

Ray blocked the monster claws that headed to Kai with his cleaver and hacked toward its head. The monster swiftly ducked the incoming cleaver by sitting down instantly and flicking backward.

" Bang. !" All Kai see was the image of two bodies swiftly exchanging blows as one chased after another. Smith and his lackey stop their fire and guard Kai left and right.

Ray was surprised by the monster's speed, although the monster's strength was only about 1.5 of a normal human, its speed was around 4 times faster. Though its claws were still lethal to Ray as speed generated force.

Even with his ability, he can barely suppress the monster. The hardest part is the monster only tries to flee and doesn't engage to fight with him. In this enclosed space, when Kai and others were helpless as they can't follow the monster's speed.

He can't let the monster slip behind him or within two seconds, the cells layer will be flooded with blood. At the point of this thought, his eyes flash with a red hue, let's try it.

He opened a gap toward the unconscious townsfolk as they fight and baited the monster. As he calculated, the monster dive into the gap as his claws were over them, as before the claws make contact with flesh,

" Swiftttt. " he chopped off the forearm of the monster.

" Oùuuùuuù" An earsplitting voice came out from the monster. " Zweeee. !" The sound of a blade cutting through the hard layer of the skin follows up. Ray hacked

off the neck of the monster with his clever after chopping off the monster's forearm.

From start to finish, it is only within 10 seconds, Kai and the two combatants only can follow the fight with their eyes, but their brains can't proceed with the process.

Ray walked back to Kai, " Forget what you heard. ".

He looked at Ray whose face seems to be like having diarrhea and oozing out malice. He can't help but smile and give a wink at his friend. You can bluff others, not me( he he).

Ray who can do nothing to Kai, changes the target,

" You guys better forget what you heard, or I will make living hell out of you guys. " Smith and his lackey nodded their head like there is no tomorrow after hearing his threatening voice, although they don't know what to forget.

" Daut. daut. daut. " After hearing the sound of footsteps running down the stairs, Kai looked back. " Boss what happened ".

" What the hell happened " The bald man.

" Block the townsfolk, don't let them come down. Call more guards to the basement. " Kai immediately ordered the 3 guards to block the townsfolk.

He looked at the unconscious townsfolk and mayor,

" Get them into the cell, one person a cell. " things are not simple as he thought to be, the mind of people is already in the unstable stage. From the reaction from these guys, he can't let other townsfolk know about the SGV and monsters before they implant the chips.

" Ray implant them with chips. ".

" Are you sure? What if they don't like it. ".

" It's not about whether they like it or not. It's about their lives, if they are not implant the chips when they came to be, I am afraid they will act out like before and turned into Cravers. "

" I know, but can you effort the backlash?".

" What can I do? They are the only witnesses, if even them turned into Cravers, who will explain those townsfolk?" Kai sighed.

And he looked at the cell, Syth's head coming out behind the metal bed in human form.

"Sorry about that. ". First SGV evoked sloth, last night's lust. He suddenly paused a bit and looked at Ray.