
It's alright, Mr. Kai. " She replied, shaking her head. She believed she was fairly strong after turning into a werewolf, but she couldn't have been more mistaken.

The monster is as powerful as Ryths, the alpha werewolf, and Dr. Ray, who appeared to be weak, was scarier.

The guards quickly arrived at the cell layer.

"Make sure that everyone in the town is quiet; I don't want to talk to them right now. How long until Linda's group shows up?"


They are traveling, boss, and I anticipate they will arrive in the evening. " Smith.

" Got it. "



The most dangerous criminals were kept in Hikco prison in Cifad's capital city the previous evening.

Prisoners took control of the facility, and the TCF has since encircled its perimeter.

Because he had a bad feeling about this case, General Daka personally came here to control the situation. The police chief decided to keep the prison outbreak a secret while attempting to resolve the issue independently. However, after making vain attempts, he begged TCF for reinforcements; what a moron.

When the police chief first spoke with him, the situation was already hopeless; as of right now, the entire prison is silent and out of contact.

He questioned the police chief angrily, "What information do you have to give me?"

The police chief scanned the area and apologized to General Daka in a low voice.

"I believe there are numerous monsters there. Asylum, where patients with mental illnesses were housed, was where it all began. The entire prison was already in their hands when we got here. "The police chief exhibited a truly frightened expression.

"Did your force report anything, how about their situation?"

"Nothing, all they could report were monsters and their fighting noises." the police chief walked impatiently around the car while saying.

Even attempting to report back on the conditions inside the prison, they are unable to survive. Since the prison is completely dark, all that can be seen on camera is the monsters' shadows. After glaring at the prison.

General Daka shakes his head, stops speaking, and looks anxiously toward the prison.


The dead bodies of prison officers and inmates were strewn about the floor as Henry and his team members walked along the hallway of cells. Some of them had limbs amputated, and their stomachs had their intestines gouged out and eaten.

Even though they had visited numerous grisly battlefields, this scene dwarfed all of those experiences. The entire floor was covered in the blood of the dead.

Henry mumbled, "What the hell happened here?". He motioned for his team to stop as he anxiously scanned the area.

" Kyeeee. !".

Under the light of their headlamps, each team member turned to face the source of the noise and noticed that the door they had entered had been shut. As the hallway of the cells became silent, they could even make out their heartbeat and breathing.

Henry carefully scanned the hallway, but all he could make out was the empty, dark hallway. One of his team members muttered, "Captain, what do we do?".

Henry took another look around, but all he could make out was an opening door. He finally gave up and said,

"Let's split up two teams," with a shrug.

"One team ascends to the upper floor.

Is it not risky?" the team member asked while shivering. The monsters in this prison appear to be significantly more powerful than those they have previously encountered. Force was used to pry open a few of the prison cells. Even worse, all they had for illumination was the light from their handguns and headgear.

"Neither of us has any other options," Henry remarked after giving it some thought.

"We don't currently know the location or size of the monsters. Check all the prison cells and the corpses; we can't lose to the other squad, can we? "

A monster was hiding among the corpses on the second floor of the cell's corridor while looking down at the TCF squad's position in the hallway. If one were to look closely, it would be similar to a frog, save for its tail, and it had dark skin, and razor-sharp teeth that were dripping with blood.


To get to the second floor, Henry gathered the other four members. The second floor's corridor doesn't appear to be all that different from the hallway. There were numerous dead bodies scattered throughout the hallway. He exhaled deeply and motioned for his fellow crew members to be careful. As they made their way down the hallway, they examined each cell individually.

" Aaaahh.!" Heartbreaking cries broke the silence before it was restored. All the squad members pointed their guns in the direction of the source of the sound as Henry quickly glanced down and asked, "What happened?"

" Whooppp." Henry quickly turned to face the source of the sound and said, "Ahhhhhh."

All he could make out was a thin, long object dragging one of his team members into the cell. He set his sights on the target but was unable to fire it because it had long since vanished into the cell.

"Squad members, reassemble with your group and watch out for one another again. "He shouted and went after the teammate being dragged inside the cell.

Not long after, in the cell what he see was a gruesome dead body of his team members whose necks was bite off by the monster. He immediately started firing

(rat- tat- tat- rat),

but the monster was moving so quickly that it jumped in his direction. (Craaaa. As the bullets struck the monster, it emitted a repulsive growl.)

Henry doesn't have time to dodge the approaching monster and instead just instinctively keeps firing his gun. The two bodies hit each other and fell off the railing of the corridor into the hallway.

The TCF members on the ground floor were caught off guard by the monsters' sneaky attack, and when they turned around in response to Henry's yelling, another of their members had been dragged away. The hallway was lifted by gunfire light.

They chase after the area where their member was dragged while aiming their weapons at what appears to be two monsters eating their dead members.

Henry is unable to stand up due to the force of the fall, but he is fortunate to be landing on the monster's body as they both fall to the ground. He fired every round in the magazine while aiming his gun at the monster's head.

The monster's head was shot off by the bullets, suggesting that its defense was weaker than that of other types.

He sits up from the monster amid the agony; it appears that his rib cage bones were broken, though it is unclear how much. He quickly replaced the empty magazine with the new one and quickly started to scan the area.

The team members from the upper floor rush down the stairs as they look around them.

Ah, ah. Gunfire broke out as the voice screaming "You ugly monster die" came from the corner of the hallway. (rat- tat-tat-rat).

The team members from the upper floor hurriedly surrounded Henry and guard him. Henry cautiously grinned and shook his head when the other members asked,

"Are you okay? "

He is in such agonizing pain that he is unable to utter a sound.

As their team members battled two monsters, he motioned for help.


General Daka of the TCF surveyed the death-beaten members of his TCF in front of the Hikco prison after battling two hours of gloom. He sent out four squads, and only half of them returned alive with minor and major wounds.

Shaking his head, he turned to face Henry as he was being carried to the ambulance. He seems out of service.

" Report what you find," He asked one of the squad leaders.

" We cleared all the prison compound, but there seems to be monsters, which fled from the prison. Despite being formidable, the monsters we drove out were not powerful enough to seize control of the prison. I believe there is a monster with knowledge who can guide them."

He recalls the horrific scene as he reports, sending shivers down his spine. The dead bodies in the asylum were only left with the husk of their former selves as if something had sucked away their very being, which is not something a normal monster could do.

He still clearly remembers the horrified and helpless looks.

We had already surrounded the prison, including the underground. They are unable to escape anywhere. The unfavorable report caused General Daka to frown and shout. " Go on."

The situation was more serious than it was previously if the monsters had a leader who could take charge.

"The monsters we encountered were strong, but not powerful enough to break the prison wall or the cells. But there are plenty of broken cells and walls.

The entire prison complex had already been combed by us, but we had failed to locate them.

I believe they had already left before we surrounded the prison."

He doesn't want to visit that monster-filled hellhole again.

General Daka gave the squad leader the signal to leave while pinching the bridge of his nose. He wants to punch the stupid face of the police chief. The idiot who only cared about his reputation has now damaged the entire capital.

Even though TCF has ten thousand combatants, it seems insufficient to handle the monster issues that arise in the capital and neighboring cities. They held a ticking timebomb, as Kai claimed, ready to detonate at any moment.


Somewhere within the hilly regions out of Bram town, Ryths gazed at the clouds as he lay down on a tree branch.

Last night, he made a terrible mistake when he made a snap decision that hurt his group. He was unable to flee because he is concerned that Bernett Group will hunt down his pack.

He can't help but worry as he considers Syth and his other member who has fallen into the hands of the Bernett Group. To fan the flame about chips and possibly save those two from the chaos, he is now waiting for the town's news.