
Doyke was staring at the ceiling of the waiting area.

He couldn't keep up with how quickly everything was happening. He can still clearly recall Kai's suggestion to industrialize Bram town and install him as mayor.

Everything is fairly straightforward, and the proposal is advantageous for both him and the growth of the town. Therefore, he quickly accepted Kai's suggestion. Following that, everything was going smoothly until Mr. Kai's son fell ill, at which point the projects were put on hold.

And right now, nobody knows where the monsters, the virus, or the impending end of the world came from. He hopes that everything he has experienced is just a dream, but reality hit him square in the face when he realized that, before Smith's knockouts, he was in the situation he was in.

Like the other three fortunate men, he had already had the chip implanted when he came around. Soon after, Smith arrived and announced Mr.Kai's request, which was for all town residents to install the chips today. Well, he can see why: in the cell, there is a monster that seems to have emerged from folklore, and he experienced a strange panic when his mind was completely transformed into a monster right in front of his eyes.

Every fact indicates that installing chips was essential, but he omitted to mention Kai's potential for becoming a despot and the fate of the residents of Bram Town. Even though he was in the same boat as Kai, he doesn't want to see his hometown turn into the Bernett Group's playground.

He said as he cast a glance outside the room.

"Before I return to the town, I have a question that I would like to ask Mr. Kai."He is aware that a guard will be waiting outside the room.

"Mr.Mayor, I will inform Chairman. Please wait. " The guard immediately responded from outside the room.

Soon, after a little while.

"The guard informed me that you wanted to talk to me but that I was unable to do so due to my busy schedule. Become direct. "

Mr. Doyke turned to face Kia, who was enjoying a leisurely seat across from him. Although he didn't appear to be in a rush, it was clear what his intentions were.

Mr. Doyke asked solemnly, "Will we have to listen to every order from your Bernett Group after the civilians had installed the chips?

"Yes," Kai replied before Mr.Doyke's anger flared up. He pointed to SW's bracelet on Doyke's wrist.

"See the breaking news column to understand what I mean."

He doesn't have time to go into detail, so he won't. Once Mr. Doyke has read the information from the SW, he believes Mr. Doyke will comprehend.

After taking a deep breath, Doyke absentmindedly glanced at the door and, in keeping with Kai's statement, read the breaking news from the breaking news column.

Images of destroyed cities, monsters of various sizes, and graphic scenes of dead bodies on the roads. He hastily read the news, unable to believe that the capital and other cities had been destroyed.

He made an unconscious effort to deny the news as he read it and studied the pictures, but he knew in his heart that it was true. Kai had said, "I don't have time; it's the same for you," just before he left. He recalls that. Doyle quickly rose from the chair and made his way to the town.


A bald man is simultaneously hastily leaving Bram town in a car. His name is Toa, and he was a simple farmer who was not married.

He unintentionally learned the group's little secret from Ryth and, fortunately, joined them. However, Ryths does not immediately transform him into a werewolf because, according to Ryths, he must first prove himself.

After that, he will be required to gather data or perform other odd jobs for Ryths. Since Ryths recruited them, the kids have grown stronger, their appearances and heights have magically improved, and most importantly, Ryths claimed that if he can turn into a werewolf, his life span will be extended and all of his illnesses will be cured. To be honest, he envies these kids.

He genuinely despised the Bernett Group and believed that if they hadn't arrived the previous week, he would already be a werewolf. He must share the information with Ryths.

According to what he had observed, things were not looking good for them. If the Bernett Group's chips were installed, it means that the werewolves are no longer welcome in Bram. I hoped they could still save it.


At the perimeter of the Bernett laboratory.

Linda breathes a sigh of relief because the trip was relatively risk-free; in contrast, when Kai's group arrives, they face numerous obstacles.

Linda looked around and said, "Dr. Ray, I brought along all the researchers of your group, is there anything you need?"

"Nothing, it's enough, boys pack your things and follow me. A pressing issue needs our attention." Ray simply shook his hand off and gave the researchers instructions.

Linda quickly inquired, "Where is chairman, Dr. Ray?"

"Just take a nap, Linda. He told you to get some rest because he was heading to the construction side of the walls. Smith transports each combatant and their families to their respective buildings for rest. "

"Did you bring those Cravers with you, Linda? Ah! wait a second."

"No. We left unexpectedly, so the last group will bring those along. Initially, I was considering bringing them along. Do you require them right away?"

"It's alright, it's not like I can test them right away. "

Ray drove all the researchers to their appropriate quarters so they could settle into their housing before departing for Bram town.


Doyke inhaled deeply before scanning the crowd of onlookers who had gathered at the town's location. If possible, he would prefer not to deceive the public, but for their benefit, he must tell a white lie.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I'm sure you are all aware of the chips that the Bernett Group has suggested we install.

I sincerely ask you guys to listen to what I have to say all the way through before I start talking about the chips. You guys are free to ask questions after that in an orderly manner. I'll respond to each query.

Are we clear?"

The crowd responded, "Yes.".

The figurehead of each group asked them to pay close attention even though they were quite dubious about chips. They merely stated that it is difficult to put things into words.

"Some of you guys will be quite curious about why the nation's top organization is coming to our small town and trying to settle down here.

Some of you might have second thoughts about the chips they suggest we install. Nothing is important.

As a result of the virus, we suffer brain damage and become uncontrollable. Some of you already knew that the virus is to blame for the rising crime rates in other densely populated areas.

The Bernett Group is also attempting to settle down here for this reason. The chips they are attempting to distribute may not be the perfect treatment, but they will certainly help. "

The crowd became rowdy with arguments and murmuring after hearing the mayor's speech.

Some of the civilians raise their arms to draw attention to their query.

"All right, each of you can ask your questions individually. I can't respond to all of you because there are so many people here. Please choose your respective regions, and each region may ask up to five questions. "

Doyle breathed a sigh of relief as he observed the bustling crowd. For the time being, everything is going according to plan.

Unexpectedly, there was a loud bang.

"The mayor should not be trusted; they were in the same pot. They're attempting to influence us. We will all be under the control of the Bernett Group if we install the chips." Toa shouted at the crowd as he got out of his truck.

Given how bad things were, they couldn't allow the Bernett Group to win the support of the locals. He smugly smiles once he has the residents' attention.

"Let me show you the Bernett Group's test subjects. They simply use our innocent town residents, they are here to search for animals that can be used as test subjects in their research. "

Earlier Mr. Doyke doesn't understand why Toa makes sense, "No!!!! You idiot" he yelled but now he is fairly certain of what the idiot is going to do.