
Due to their immense size, General Daka and the remaining groups must change their current arrangement. The road was not designed for use by cars or large groups of people. Following a member check, he decided to form 36 groups, each of which averages 60 civilians and 40 TCF. The injured and doctors must be protected by the surplus TCF members.

They were being attacked by a small number of monsters on occasion as they moved slowly in the direction of the north exit. The capital used to be the city with the highest population, but after just one day it looked deserted and devoid of people. The road to the north exit was completely silent, save for the sporadic howling of monsters or beasts. The two front-facing scouts suddenly began to run hastily in the direction of General Daka.

A remarkable turn of events suddenly occurred as General Daka was about to inquire about the situation. More and more noise could be heard, including the glowing of beasts. The monsters and large animals were fighting each other as they approached them under the bewildered gaze of the remaining groups.

As he gave the order to the TCF to prepare for battle, General Daka had no time to stop and consider, "Take cover, protect the civilians and injured members.". Before he knows it, mutated animals and monsters start to appear on both sides of the road. General Daka's face broke as he observed the circumstance.

Because of the traveling situation, their defensive line was too thin, which worried him. They certainly can't have the time to set up a suitable defensive line. They are now under attack from both sides and must fight them until the bitter end.

"Soldiers, try not to overthink things. Take only your groups into defense. Don't let yourself be the one to cause your group's defense to fail. Fight to the bitter end. Salute to Father Cifad. "

"Hail father Cifad!"

Despite the dire circumstances, the TCF's morale was slightly raised thanks to General Daka's inspiration. When the monsters and mutated animals heard the yelling of the remaining groups, they sprinted in their direction as if it were a signal for an impending attack.

At that precise moment, while the civilians were crouching inside the cars and the TCF members opened fire without waiting for permission.

Monsters would occasionally dive into the survivors amid the chaos, causing panic among the populace and damage to the TCF defense line.

General Daka yelled at the protective groups, "Don't let the monsters breach into the civilians!".

One of the monsters broke through the defenses, dodging the TCF members like a quick-footed cat on top of the cars and stumbling into the civilians.

" Mommy." Under the fear, a young girl, perhaps nine years old, just stood still and cried out for her mother. As the cat-like monster approached the children's group, some bystanders fled behind the car's wreckage, leaving the youngster behind.

A blurry shadow rushed to the monster just as its claws were about to touch the child, and they clashed.

"Eat my dagger, you ugly monster. "The man who collided with the monster yelled and lunged a dagger at the monster's neck. He moved toward the girl, attempting to console her, after dispatching the monster.

Juan smiled and asked, "Are you all right?" But the girl remained motionless, her eyes wide as she stared at him.

The mother of the child ran out behind the car and bowed to Juan as she hugged her son. "Brother, thank you for saving the child, I'm sorry Cherry," she said.

She was completely terrified as the monster approached them and was being dragged by others when she remembered about her daughter, but it was already too late.

"It's okay, take the girl with you, and find a safe place to hide because the monsters' attack hasn't ended yet. "Juan only gave a simple head shake. Thankfully, TCF members saved him when he was nearly dead from exhaustion. Otherwise, he would not have survived.

Although he was concerned when he realized that TCF who had been pursuing him constantly had saved him, the misunderstanding was already resolved after speaking with one of the sergeants. He is the only person who made it out alive that night, so they don't care about his gang or anything else; they just want to keep an eye on him for a while to see if he poses a threat.

However, that is no longer necessary at this time since the capital has already fallen, and they now need people who are strong enough to take on the monsters. He declines the TCF members' invitation to join their group to protect the remaining civilians because he wants to give it some more thought once things have calmed down.

Juan felt strong as he stretched out his arms and legs. Close to the civilians, he climbed onto the roof of a car and kept an eye out for any monsters that managed to get past the defenses. He believed he was needed—at least for the time being. He felt he was now alive, which was a good feeling.

If this continues, the TCF members will run out of ammunition, General Daka thought as he stared at the never-ending monsters that were emerging one after another.

"We must push forward and breakthrough. It's only 300 meters to the north exit, soldiers, we can do it. Don't worry, we'll be safe soon." General Daka commanded the members of the TCF to "just walk with the defensive line."

The TCF members' powerful firepower caused the monsters' corpses to pile up like a small mountain, but some of them perished as they carried out their missions to the bitter end.

General Daka was both proud and saddened as he observed the dead soldiers. He was saddened that they would be cut off from death and unable to give them a respectable funeral. He felt proud of his TCF members for not hesitating to carry out their military duties. As they pass through and leave the city, he saluted.



Kai enquired as to how things were going in the capital.

"For the time being, the remaining combatants of our team were positioned in a chairman-ordered waiting area outside the north exit. Everything will be alright as soon as the surviving groups leave the city. "

'Smith responded.

"Is Linda's group there yet?"

"They will arrive soon; she just called me an hour beforehand. "

"All right, you can leave now. "

Kai asked as he turned to face Dr.Ray, who was now completely lost in his world.

"Have you considered that we might be able to overcome these obstacles?"

"If we are not careful enough, human civilization will decline to the stone age within a year; the question is not whether we can or cannot, but simply, can we pay the price?

Desperate times call for desperate measures, so we can no longer be softhearted." Ray responded.

What do you mean?


Any able person over the age of 15 must participate in our system as either a labor force or a fighting force. We must impose martial law. As soon as possible, the walls must be completed; the longer it takes, the greater the threat we will face. ".

It will take at least six months to complete the walls.

:Simply laying the foundation is sufficient; as long as we can erect walls that are at least five meters high, the monsters won't be able to enter in large groups. "

On Ray's advice, Kai pondered whether they could at least gradually snare the monsters if they could somehow stop them from approaching in large groups. It will only take over a month if they just lay the foundation at first. They need to find a way to live through this month.

"Did the villagers accept our offer? How are things in town?"

"They must; don't worry; I will implant the chips in all of the civilians here today. "

"Did you have an adequate labor force?"

"Please don't be concerned; Linda and my boys will be here soon. "