chapter 21

A few semi-trucks and other vehicles can be seen traveling toward a derailed train at a distance of about 80 kilometers from Bram town.

Smith looks at the train, which is eerily idle and lying close to some hills. Some of the train cars were still standing, and half of them were completely wrecked. Around the derailed train, he detects no indication of any life.

One thing was for sure, many years of his experience were screaming at him not to go there; at least, even if the train was wrecked, all the people on the train can't be dead, can they?

"All right, you maggots, form five-man teams. We will search the train car by car, starting with the resources section that are still standing, and transfer the resources if there are no problems. "

"HMMWV will be stationed alongside the search area on guard; don't relax your guard. Fall back immediately if something is incorrect or hazardous. Do you have it? Please refrain from fighting inside the train."

"Yes, sir!" was the response.

The combatants leave in groups after accepting the order and forming their teams from training.

With the help of his dependable subordinates, Smith forms a five-person team.

At least 30 of the train's cars are still standing, but resources were concentrated on the last five, which are in good shape. They began searching the passenger cars after transferring the resources.

The six teams reorganized into three 10-person teams and continued looking for survivors in various cars. Before dusk, they still have two hours, according to Smith's glance at the SW.

If so, they only had about 45 minutes to search. Hopefully, everything is operating as it did before. The visibility was poor inside the train cars because some of the windows were closed or obscured. It is darker in the hills' shade.

There is no electric light, so they must rely solely on the light from their weapons. There are neither passengers nor a dead body in the first five cars. There might only be a few people on the train because Bram town is the last place of significance.

Private Boatman's Point of View.

Hello, my name is Boatman. As a member of the security forces, I work for the Bernett Group. You are aware that this business is one of the nation's most powerful and influential.

My life as a member of Bernett Group's private security forces has been going well so far. Just provided some important goods and some training regarding daily activities. The employee benefits were also good.

But over the past ten days, everything has started to go awry, including the chairman's urgent order to call back all combatants and the transfer of the employees' families to Bram town. The chips connecting the spinal cord that were installed at the back of my neck come last.

The officers first inform us of the installation of chips. I tend to be afraid. My motto is "peace and quiet," as you may know. a salted fish that is wary of trouble. Furthermore, I'm not a slave of the organization, so let's forget about the chips, which are first coming to my mind.

I can't just give my life to an organization. I am a combatant, and while I am serving, I am subject to death. But It had already decided on the nature of my work.

I don't mind if I pass away while performing my job duties. But not a needless death or slave away. The placement of chips is something I strongly oppose. And the only result is, of course, termination with 3 months' pay.

A very unbelievable piece of information was given to me by my immediate officer just before I resigned.

He only said that installing the chips and moving my family to the sparsely populated Bram town was the best option.

He is unable to provide me with more details, but those concerning my family's future and my own life and death are important. I recall the serious expression on my officer's face and how, according to his usual conduct, he didn't joke around.

When I asked him if he had installed the chip, all I got in return was a nod. This comes as a surprise. The officer had already installed the chip when the order from above arrived just today.

What do they withhold from us, or are they attempting to conceal? Nearly 2 out of 3 of our brothers were given the preference to resign, so what does the chairman's behavior mean? The organization was almost disbanded by the very nature of the order, but with his brain, he wouldn't order something absurd or senseless.

On that day, my officer left me alone. Though I appreciate his patience, I still don't know what to do. I had a drink later that night with my other friends who were leaving the next day. A rumor that came from one of my friends was the thing that caused me to change my mind.

In the nation's capital and other populated cities, some weird monsters have been seen. The government or any media, however, did not confirm the news. However, a relative of mine who was in the capital saw it for himself and asked my friend if he had any information.

He chuckles at the idea of how a worker at the base of the food chain could obtain such private information. But I don't know why the warning signs keep ringing in my head. That evening, all of a sudden, I felt a chill run down my spine. That night, I had trouble sleeping. My officer's warning and the monster rumors. a last-minute decision to move the organization's headquarters to a rural area.

Everything comes down to me having to hug the thighs of my organization. I ruminate endlessly but the only thing that truly calmed my nerves was the choice to hug the thighs of organization. Even the officer installed the chip, why can't I, I ask myself. Every time I try to go against my instincts, I feel as though the outcome will not be favorable.

All of the combatants had their chips urgently installed after we reached Bram Town. I experienced unbelievable things on the very night we arrived. Werewolves!!! Fucking werewolves from legend, maybe 20 in number, can you believe it?

The most unbelievable thing is that we are surprisingly composed when, under normal circumstances, we would be excited, terrified, or cowering and sobbing. However, we discovered a secret that no one in the general public is aware of. After installing the chips, the threat posed by monsters and their origin was discovered. The main purpose of the chips was to reduce our feelings of excitement, and SW would inject us with drugs to reduce our anxiety in risky situations.

Even though they claim it is only a prototype, it works fairly well. I have said enough now.

Currently, we are engaged in an operation to recover the lost materials and rescue some trapped survivors from the derailed train. Everything was going smoothly until I climbed into the seventh car, at which point a warning signal rang in my ears. I immediately ordered my officer to take a step back. however, for now.

"Buzwa! back off!" I yelled.

Another five brothers and my officer were standing in front of me. Buzwa gave me a "what"-like look in response.

Before I knew it, my rifle was out of ammunition as something came off the barrel. Before long, in my vision, meat tentacles with sharp bones spike swiftly mowed down on the front combatants with a speed I couldn't track with my eyes.

Even with Chip's assistance, my mind is on the verge of disintegrating (Fuvk fuk fuk). The blood of my brothers and officer was on my face and body. My body was pulled backward as I stared at the tentacles that swarmed like a sitting duck. By sheer luck, I have just barely escaped from more tentacles.

Who the fuck slapped me? My cheeks hurt. Gunshots and grenade explosions are audible to me.

With the yelling of my nickname, another sting on my left cheek came. "Hey rotten boat, wake up, fuking!!!".

I racked my brain while I looked around, patting myself for being hurt. Now that fear was all that was on my mind, I had to turn it off because my brain simply couldn't handle the excitement.

"If you don't want to die, pull yourself together, fucking moron." My first action after hearing the shouting was to pick up the ammo magazine that had been lying in the dust.

When I got to my feet, a huge meatball covered in human body parts and adorned with numerous tentacles came into view. What in the world is that?