
"Syth? Ray, how is your situation?"

Kai looked at Ray, and the latter just shrugged.

"I can free Miss Syth, but on one condition she must agree first."

"What condition?"

"She must come to my lab at least one day a week for my SG research goal."

"But!!!! Your research won't hurt her, will it?"

Mr. Doyke asked a concerned Ray.

Ray just looked amused at Mr. Doyke.

"Mr Doyke, your question goes in the wrong direction, what you have to worry about is not about her but about yourself. Because Mrs. Syth herself is a danger, not the other way around. "

"Are you sure you want your secretary to be a werewolf?"

"I… know about her from her childhood, she's a good little girl and I need her help from her." Mr. Doyke replied with some hesitation.

As before, Kai and the others do not interrupt their conversation, but Kai thought he had to stop Ray or else Mr. Doyke would become paranoid.

"Let's stop here, we'll send Mrs. Syth back like you asked Mr. Doyke, but you have to do a good job for me."

Mr Doyke sighed, Syth's parents were friends with him and so she became his secretary. His friends did not see their daughter day and night and worried about their daughter.

Even though he's a little unhappy with her current behavior, it can't help as things aren't like they used to be.

Next, Kai tasked Smith with collecting resources from the roads within a 100 km radius. As for Ryths and his boys, he used them with 30 fighters to scout near the Henika Mountains.

After most people left to do their duty, only Ray, General Daka, and himself remained in the room. Kai looked at the depressed old man,

" What are you going to do?"

"What can I do?"...

" What do you want to do?"



No response from the General,

"Listen, old man, you can do many things. Like picking up survivors from nearby cities, trying to contact your old friends, or using military tactics to defend this city. You have many things to do."

Kai sighed, what he wanted was an experienced general, not a depressed old man. What should he say when he sees General Daka like this?

Kai looked at Ray and left the room. Ray, receiving the signal, also picked up his files and silently left.

" In my room ?" After catching up with Kai, he asked.

"Okay, let's go to your room." Kai nodded and agreed.

"How did your search go?"

"I am not a god, we are exploring new territory. This cannot be done in a few days."

Kai stopped and looked at Ray only to see him smile at her later. "You know what I mean, don't mess with me. I'm not having a good time here."

"I can't say for sure, it's only been almost half a month. I don't even know how many types of Cravers there were there. And now we have werewolves, my God! "

When Kai sees Ray's frustrated face, he knows he's serious. "Our human race was initially so small that we are on the corner of this continent. If we fail natural selection, we are doomed."

"Be more careful with your research Ray, the Cravers were just the tip of the iceberg."

Ray nodded and recognized Kai.

The people's situation was so bad that mankind has never crossed the Henika Mountains since the beginning of the history of human civilization until now. It's not that they didn't want to, but they were busy defending their existing territory.

They know there were vast lands, but trapped in this corner. What beyond the mountains, nobody knows.

Just a few legends from ancient documents and folklore.

"Enough of those mountains, which direction do you want me to focus on? evolution or technology. Both sides have advantages and disadvantages. "

"Are you kidding, evolution of course? Even if our technology was ten years older, what good is it if there isn't someone sane using it?

Yes, the urgent question was the survival of humanity. Not the crazy monsters who lost their humanity.

Although humanity must evolve to survive, it must not lose its roots. Ray paused, silence for a moment,

"Those who care too much about human survival may fall back on werewolves, the hybrid form.

Even if they have a few flaws, this is the safest way to evolve for now." Ray asked in a pleasant tone.

In the current situation, even the plants were on the way to evolution, he can not be sure of the safety of mankind.

"Are you kidding? Let's ignore the fact that Ryths becomes the sole ruler. Can you assure me that the evolutionary path of the werewolf is the right one for humans?"

Ray is silent after the question, he is not afraid of challenges or difficulties, he is afraid of time. Yes, it's time to pursue the truth of this world, and now the mystery of SG, what's beyond the Henika Mountains, there is so much he still doesn't know.

"What I can say is that if there is an evolutionary path of seven sins, I think there will be an evolutionary path of seven virtues. Maybe more than that, who can say for sure?

But we humans were the beings that danced with sin, so don't have much hope for the evolutionary path of the seven virtues. hehe," said Ray, who was silent for a moment after gathering his thoughts.

"What is your development path then?" Kai asked smiling at Ray.

"Who knows? I don't understand it myself. What I said before was just conjecture. Let's not talk about me, what's more important? Why the hell is there no sign of evolution?" Is it that hard for you or are there other factors?"

This time it's Kai who's sure he's gotten stronger after the final attack on the way to Bram's city, but if he were to put his plight into words, it's half an evolution at best. Nothing special is different from normal people, just a little stronger.

What is he missing? The others were on the brink of evolution, doing their best not to go mad and to protect the last bit of humanity.

But here he is, is he on the path to lust? YES. Is it on the road to anger? YES. But what is the path of evolution, or was it the seven deadly sins or the virtues that governed the path of evolution?