
The laboratory of the Bernett Group...

"Dauk... Dauk...."

"Come in" Kai replies and looks at the door.

"Hello president" Linda bows and enters the room. She looked haggard, seemingly too tired in both body and soul.

"Why don't you rest first? What is so important to you that you cannot rest and come here."

Kai frowned and asked.

Linda smiled weakly, even though Kai's tone was a little harsh, she knows he cares about her. But even though she wanted to rest, her troubled mind won't let her rest. She has no choice but to get out of bed and face the problems that prevent her from resting. She placed the files on the table in front of Kai and tried to figure out how to report him.

Kai takes the files and looks at the muted Linda. He read the files with a sigh.

As he read, Kai couldn't help but frown. He knew things weren't right, but not to this extent. The man proposes that God disposes of, Kai heaved a deep sigh and rubbed his forehead.

Although he tried to get the families of the employees as quickly as possible, only a third of them made it safely to Bram. The others were on their way or running late with their issues and ended up in this mess.

Concerned for their families, the employees filed a recusal petition with the company. How is it possible? Another problem was resources, not all resources came to Bram. Some are en route and some are not yet delivering. All are almost lost.

"Okay, rest, I'll think of a solution. Dr. Ray, General Daka, Smith, Mr. Doyke, and finally that boy Ryths, let him know to come to the briefing room in the morning.

"Yes, President"

Watching Linda leave, Kai put down the files and lay back in his chair. Murphy's law, anything that can go wrong will go wrong. From the beginning he doesn't have much choice either, he just hopes they have enough time for preparation but well…

It's time to load up.


The next day. In the meeting room of the Bernett Group.

Kai looked at the core members of his group. The mood in the room was depressing, and bad news followed as their initial plans didn't come to fruition. Obviously except from Dr. Ray looks so fresh.

"What happened General?" Kai asked the somber-looking man, General Daka.

"Why did you ask the question if you know why?" You don't know, or are you feigning ignorance? "Like a TNT whose fuse goes out," the general shouted at Kai.

"Unfortunately, I knew how you felt, but what's the point of getting discouraged? Remember you are the leader of the defense forces, behind you, the lives of this town were at stake. Act like a general."Kai frowned but tried to calm the general down.

"You don't know anything, Kai. Do you know what the capital looks like after the outbreak? This is absolute hell, if not for your selfishness, we could save more civilians.

From the outset, you selfishly evade your responsibilities, and even at the critical moment, you dare to leave behind hundreds of civilians. Well done Kai, well done"

General Daka slammed the table, the more he spoke the angrier he got.


A mocking voice came out of nowhere.

General Daka looked back, looking for the laughing one. What he saw made his blood pressure boil.

"Can I ask a few questions, General?" Ray asked lightly, smiling at General Daka.

General Daka wanted to yell at Ray, but he didn't, not wanting to get out of line too much. He just nodded.

"Let's say if you ask for help if we say our forces are no longer in the capital, what can you do?"

The general opened his mouth, but he closed it and just frowned.

"Did you know how many fighters we lost to help you? What about the resources?" Ray doesn't wait for the general's answer, asking question after question.

"And finally, why don't you ask the other government department? There are so many armed forces in this country, why don't you ask them? On what basis are we to blame?"

The conference room is silent. After seeing the embarrassment in the room, Kai coughed a little to get attention. "Okay, Ray, that's enough. General, you're my dad's friend, let me be more frank. I don't want us to be in a bad position with each other in a situation like this."

"If, as you say, we make the remaining survivors wait another two hours, they will all still be in the capital. And the resources this town desperately needs will stay there. I can't risk the fate of this town for a few survivors. The survivors were citizens of Cifad I agreed with your point you have to save them, but don't forget that nearly 60k people in this area were also citizens of Cifad. "

"You're also a leader, more experience than me, so I guess I don't need to say more."

Ray just glanced at Kai as he pulled out his files.

General Daka falls flat in his chair like a deflated balloon. It's too much for an older man as the pressure and responsibility were too much to handle.

"Mr. Doyke, what was the reaction of the townspeople?"

Kai simply stopped talking to the general and asked Mr. Doyke. "Not Good… As you said, I'll let the adults know what they need to know. Everyone is worried and scared.

Some even think we are lying and trying to contact other cities. It's a mess," said Mr. Doyke in a low voice.

Thinking about yesterday's situation in the town made his head hurt. It can't help, sooner or later they will learn the truth.

Even with all the chips installed, there were about 50 people who didn't respond well and had knockouts.

If they knew without the help of the chips, who knows what kind of hell is about to descend on this town?

Fortunately for this city, the Bernett group chose to settle there. "Let them know that we will check the groceries. No one is allowed to store more food than necessary.

If they don't agree, they can try. But we will not protect them from any harm. All farms will be under the supervision of the city government. "

As Kai was about to change the next problem, Mr. Doyke raised his arm and asked. "How are we going to manage cash? Nobody wants to sell or workers no longer want to accept Cifad$.

How are we going to solve the problem? "

Here comes the headache, one problem at a time. In the silent room, only the tapping of Kai's fingers can be heard. "Linda, do you have any ideas?"

"I don't have a perfect solution. But if we were to allow cash flow, I think we need hard currency or something that they think is valuable in this situation."

"Now the hard currency was food and other necessities like medicine and guns. So you can exchange directly, or we have to change to another new currency.

"How do you think Ray?"

"Hun...I guess your idea isn't bad?...

How about just distributing the points on SW? Now we have to control the food source and later they will need our services.

When they buy groceries or pharmacies they can use points, wages are simply redeemed with the points. Just let them know they can use the points to buy anything from us. "

"So Linda, you and Mr. Doyke will take care of the issue of point value or working per hour and work out a plan."

Mr. Doyke nodded and seemed hesitant to ask. After a moment's hesitation, he sighs and

"Can you release Syth? I have few hands. The workload was too heavy for me to do alone."