
Even with the aid of contemporary machinery and technology, the still-being-built fortress and walls are a substantial project that will take many months to complete. He just hoped that the threat posed by Craver and perhaps the beast's tide wasn't too much for the current Bram town to handle.

"Mr. Chairman, good morning."

Kai was greeted by the project manager who had hurriedly arrived.

"Just take care of what you can at the moment. I'm just taking a look around. ".

Kai gave a nod of dismissal to the project manager. Although he does have some ideas, he is currently unsure of what to do. Just the current state of affairs was out of hand. There are too many things to take care of, but not enough time or resources.

He was daydreaming as he walked around the construction zone. Before he could gauge how much time had passed, an armored vehicle drove into view.

"Hey Kai, why are you sitting around like that?"

Kai doesn't need to look behind the windshield to determine who was speaking because of the voice and mocking tone.

Looking at Ray as he got out of the car, Kai said, "Nothing, I'm just relaxing my mind a little. What's the matter, Ray?".

"Well, I believe you should speak with the troublemaker as soon as possible. Consequently, here we are."

Ray shrugged and pointed to the other side of the car, where a young person was wearing a grumpy expression.

Kai looked around the construction site before pointing to a spot that seemed appropriate for a brief conversation. After seeing the young man, Kai knew right away that he must be the leader of werewolves, Ryths something.

"Let's go there, I hope we can have a nice conversation. Ray, you also come. ".

Ryths follow in their wake, wondering what the future holds for their small family. Though there were no casualties on either side and everything could be worked out easily, he felt a little guilty for the issue he had created.

He doesn't entirely believe what they've told him, but what can he do, it's not like he has a choice. As he works to organize his disorganized thoughts, he sighs.

Ryths awake from his trance to hear, "Kid, I think you already knew the current situation, what are your thoughts?"

He reacted angrily to Kai after processing what he had heard.

"Don't call me kid; my name is Ryths Fodden.".

The tone caused Kai to raise an eyebrow, but he dismissed it because now is not the time to focus on things of this nature.

"Ok, Ryths, let me ask you again: what are your thoughts?"

Kai's casual response caught Ryths off guard. He wasn't trying to be a fool; rather, he just wanted to get a sense of Kai's personality. However, it seems difficult to assess a personality of this caliber so quickly.

"Well, the point isn't what I'm thinking right now, but rather the kinds of roles you expected us to play. I am very familiar with the circumstances surrounding our case. "

As Kai listened to his response, he looked into the kid's eyes.

At least the child isn't currently his enemy, Kai reasoned, so that's good.

"We don't have an agile scout team for the Henika Mountains range, so since you thought I had a role for your guys, how about becoming scouts? "

Ryths was perplexed by the assignment and asked, "Scouts?" He had no idea that they would have such a significant role in his life.

"I was aware of the overall situation that was taking place, so why would you want us hybrids to serve as your scout team? Aren't you worried that we'll turn on you guys?"

Ryths was forced to ask. According to him, the problem is one of trust because he believes that once they became known as werewolves, society would reject them or leave them without a home. Of course, if they were strong enough, there would be no issue.

"You think too much, kid. I apologize Ryths. The biggest thing we currently lack is human resources. Particularly talented employees.

I believe the Scouts team is a good fit for you guys. "

"Don't even think about betraying me. If you guys don't do anything shady, we're all good. You guys will install it with the chips. Nevertheless, if you were considering bothering us. hee..hee."

Kai's chuckle made Ryths shiver because Dr.Ray is nothing different from this uncle who seems laid back. Both are crazy bastards.

"Don't be too bad on us, though; the fact is that you guys don't believe us, so I can't just blindly believe you guys. It's difficult to gain someone's trust.

One thing is for certain; we will use every resource at our disposal to protect this location. Your ability is necessary for us." Kai held out his hand while he waited for Ryth's response.

Although the kid feels the deal is unfair, he is uninterested in changing it. He cannot wager on the organization's safety, particularly the safety of his son. If the kid doesn't disagree with him, his only option is to kill him because he cannot allow an unknowable factor to interfere with his plan.

Ryths become hushed as his rage grows inside of him. He is reasonably confident that he can harm or kill this man at close range as blood was dripping to the ground from his fist in his grasp. He will die next, along with two of his parents, and his followers, but at what cost?

Kai shook his shoulders and withdrew his hand after noticing the kid's bloodshot eyes.

"Remember, kid, even though you might not think my suggestion is fair, I didn't have many options. I am aware that I am being unfair to you, but I have a better way to handle the situation.

If I kill you, Syth will take over as the werewolf leader.

What would you do in my position?"

After finishing his speech, Kai turned to face Ray before leaving. As he told Ryths, he doesn't have many options, so he wasn't in the mood to bully a kid. Being a good person now isn't necessary.


"help. hup. A pitiful human figure lying between the corpses and severed limbs can be seen under the dimmer sunlight.

As he breathed to compensate for the lack of oxygen, Denzai's mind was blank. The monsters were more deadly than he anticipated when they were fighting two against six.

Unsteady ground, a lack of clean air, and—worse—the monster—were problematic combinations for him.

when he realized that death was approaching and he had no chance of surviving.

Well. For the love of God, his eyes were blurry until now, so he has no idea what it was that saved them.

"Hello, head, how are you doing?"

He suddenly heard a pleasant voice. He struggled mightily to open his eyes once more. He couldn't make out who she was because she was in the shade and had red hair, glowing blue eyes, and possibly fair skin.

His dry lips let out a dry voice that asked, "Who are you?".

"I'm La Yate family head," she said (where La is a moon and Yate is a shape, indicating that her name in English was Moon shape).

La Yate, in his memory, was a shy young woman who seldom spoke to him. is his wife's niece. Well, maybe he was too tired and his vision was blurry because she doesn't have red hair or her height.

After much effort, Denzai asked, "Thank you, do you know where My wife and baby girl are?



Denzai's heart sank after not receiving a response. Hurriedly sitting up, he discovers that his back has fallen flat.

"Don't worry, family head, I believe they are safe. I saw them with the TCF, who rescued the civilians." She hurriedly replied after observing Denzai's pitiful condition.

La Yate is unable to explain the precise circumstances of why he was silent.

Denzai, who had reached his limit, collapsed when he learned that his family was currently safe. He was now at least mentally at ease.

La Yate sighed after witnessing the family patriarch out cold again. She was unsure of herself that she can control her desires, and she was torn in her mind whether or not to follow the family head.