
After a few days, somewhere in the inner ring of the Bernett Group laboratory, nine people wearing different uniforms stood in front of Dr. Rayon.

"Relaxed. Do you know why you were here?"

" Sir Yes Sir.."

"Yes, Doctor. Ray." Two different answers come out at once.

Ray tilted his head slightly and tapped his forehead with his index finger.

"From now on, answer me," sir! Yes sir" sir! No sir!!. Have you understood!!"

" Sir Yes Sir! "

"I can't hear you, say it louder!"

" Sir, yes sir !!!!!" Ray nodded, quite pleased with the response he received.

He always wanted to play the role of a military sergeant in the TV show trying to exert dominance over the recruits.

After he fulfilled his little fantasy, he called names.


" On duty! "


"Here" replies a voice without reason.

"Ryths !"

"Here!" the sound gets a little louder,

"Ryths "

"What the f…" Before Ryths's voice finished, a blurry image appeared in his eyes. Out of habit, he tried to protect his face. The hands were only halfway, his solar plexus was hit with great force.

"Eh...!" as he vomited the air out of his lungs, his whole sight was filled with stars and multiple colors.

He crouched with his head between his knees and tried to inhale the air.

"Damn pup, this isn't your playground. If you don't like being in this group, leave now."




"Grrrllll..." Ryths was so pissed that he left all his thoughts behind him and tried to rip the bastard in front of him.

The other members back down to some extent after seeing Ray's hand signal to back off.

In his eyes, the attacking claws were full of power but with so many flaws. The speed reached the middle level and above. It's like machine gun fire from noobs, everywhere without effect.

He whipped out his cleaver and made a shallow cut at Ruth's wrist, dodging the incoming left claws.


Ray's body was constantly moving close to Ryths' body, side to side, right to the front, and so on, under Ryths' clumsy attack.

" Owooo...Growl....!!

Newag..... Grom...."

Ryths' howl of frustration was so excruciating that Ray continued to attack as his cleaver sliced ​​through Ryths' muscles, with perceptions. From the chest muscles, arm muscles, thighs, and calves.

Despite the superhuman recovery, shortly after, Ryths was lying in the pool of blood, scolding Ray with red eyes.

The other members view Ryths' condition with fearful eyes.

"I may not be that good at fighting, but if I say I'm number 2 when I'm dissecting bodies, there's no one who dares to be number one in the Bernett group." Ray stretches out his hands helplessly as always, making a tribble joke.

"Guard, take him to the infirmary. "

Juan's eyes trembled at the scruffy-looking man whose lab coat was covered in blood. He heard about the notoriety of this man but never imagined it was so bad.

As the guards walked out with the half-dead Ryths, Ray shook the blood from his cleaver and put it back into his lab coat.

"Okay, where are we?


Juan! looks at the bloodstained folder.

"In service!!!!" Juan replies in a strong, trembling voice.

He was satisfied with the answer, and Ray nodded.


"In service!!!" The excited voice of roll call echoes through the area.

"You were more or less different from the others, and as you know, I will explore the potential of each of you. I have no free time, if you weren't sure of your determination, here is the door.

No punishment, no hard feelings. You can stop now.

But you can't leave this unit after today. Resources entering this unit have been limited productivity."

" Mr.Ray!"

" Go on. "

"All I know is that it's a project that you proposed. What is the task of our unit and what is our responsibility?

"Well, we can't define responsibility definitively at this time, but to simplify it. Mjjmm... we will take on all the missions that normal units cannot do.

For this, you will be our main investment. "

Boatman raised his hand and shouted. "Sir! What benefits will we get from this? I think our jobs are more dangerous than others!!!" he asked noncommittally.

"I have no idea. My only job was to prepare you for the task you were about to undertake." Respond with an amused look on your face. "Okay..." after looking at his SW

"I still have some time. Let me clarify what is dangerous.

Where was safe under today's circumstances? Those townsfolk? The survivors of the capital? The refugees from the surrounding villages?

If this town was attacked, except by children and old people with unfit bodies, everyone should defend this town. Sooner or later, everyone will have to assume their responsibility.

Not even the mayor, not me, not the general, not the chairman of the infamous Bernett group."

Since the members are silent

"After this project, you will at least have the strength to fight back and protect what you want to protect."

It's not sufficient? "

" Questions?!!!!"

"Sir!!! No sir!!!!"

Ray hands the file to Smith, who approaches him. "Start with endurance and perseverance, only a strong body can harbor a strong mind. Give them a daily limiter and a post-workout GE injection."

"Don't forget the meditation section."

'Yes, Doctor. Ray. ...'

After a moment of hesitation

"And this guy?"


Smith stared at Ray without a word, my dear. He was truly speechless.

"Ha...ha, just kidding. It's up to him. I can't discriminate against him because I don't like him. Can I?"

Ray responds with narrowed eyes.


Henry walks down the hall, half running. When he arrived at the general's office, he adjusted his uniform and took a deep breath.

"Doc…doc…" knocked on the door.

" Come in. "

"Excuse me, general."

Enter the office and salute the general.

"Sit down and what is it?" After returning the salute, the general asked, pointing to the chair.

"We had contact with General Victor, he asked us to provide reinforcements to Shalter 03."

"Oh... tell me everything. "General Daka responded with interest.

Shelter 03, as the name suggests, is an emergency shelter for unforeseen circumstances.

To this day, General Daka is still considering the decision of the country's government. He doesn't say that all of them are rotten eggs, but few of them have the same authority or determination as he does.

He always had his TCF department under control and everyone showed excellent determination.

From Henry's explanation to make a summary, Shelter 03 needed all sorts of resources, but it's under the city of Moegock.

The city was infested with Cravers everywhere. And resources like medicine and food have run out because it houses what needed to be stored, and the resources that needed to be stored didn't arrive due to a sudden outbreak from Cravers. To reclaim the city from Cravers, he needs their TCF troops.

"He also said that there were civilians and children among them. So we must help them because that's what our department should have done."

Henry… he added with great hesitation.

Henry secretly swears that General Victor, this #%%== mother, is well aware of the general's weakness.

He doesn't want to say it, but he can't bear the general's disappointed eyes if he knew the truth.

Looking at Henry's gloomy face,

"Don't worry, I know the priority. Leave me alone. "

General Daka sank into his chair, eyes closed. Henry looks at the general's tired face and doesn't know how to console him.

After thinking for a moment, he leaves the room with a sigh.