

Denzai pedaled towards the military truck, which is out of service, squinted, and looked ahead towards the highway.

His hair, always neatly coiffed, was tied up with an elastic to keep it from becoming a bird's nest, and his dry, chapped lips indicated that he needed to get some water.

"How far is it from the city of Bram?"

A hoarse voice pierced his dry throat.

Diwa comes with a card in hand.

"Quite far, about 22 miles."

Scratching his head in frustration,

"If it's just the two of us, we can run into town before dark. "

Looking back at the truck, keep his heart heavy.

After fluctuating conditions in the capital, they found a lead from a TCF member who was unconscious under the fragments of a collapsed wall.

Searched everywhere to no avail, the only good news was the TCF member's information.

There was a group of survivors who were rescued by TCF and most likely went to Bram's relatively safe town.

Of course, even within the survivor group, whether or not his family was in the survivor group was a matter of luck.

So they tried to look for one last try.

After another day of searching near Ba's clan, they accidentally meet other survivors but find neither their families nor any clues.

And along the way, they meet other survivors.

The number of survivors was increasing day by day, with 2 children, and 1 dog, and the rest were mostly injured adults.

"Are there any villages nearby?

"Yes, but I don't think it's a good choice. "Diwa spat out the dust mixture with his dry saliva and spoke.

The further they were from urban areas, the less danger and danger there was.

The highway was littered with wrecked cars, corpses, and the occasional wandering Craver. They leave behind the vehicles that can no longer drive on the road, get new ones, and finally arrive at this truck.

And a distance that can be covered in a day has been so delayed. They dare not approach a village or a city.

But even the villages were a big problem for them as the only capable fighter was only 3 of them if you count the TCF member.

"Do you have any idea?"

It's not that they can't camp overnight and travel tomorrow.

It's just that the closer they got to the city of Bram, the more they could see the blood, the corpse of a monster, and the consequences of the skirmish. Even now, the air they breathed was tinged with the smell of earth and iron.

"How about you? I will try to reach the tow of Bram before dark and call for reinforcements. Master Denzai and Hashin will still be here to protect it before reinforcements arrive?"

"At least it's safer than camping overnight."

Denzai considered the plan. he asked quietly, looking worried.

"The gap is not small. If you meet monsters on your way, it's so dangerous to go alone. "

"Don't worry, sir. I'm not that frail. I too come from the lineage of warriors, this is my calling." Diwa beats his chest and speaks forcefully. But his pale face betrayed his bravado.

Denzai stared at him for a moment.

"Wait here a minute." A warrior's choices should be respected.

He opened the truck door and took out a bottle of water, which was only about 1/5th full.

"Here take this, at least you need the energy to reach the town."

Diwa looks at the water bottle and Denzai's face. He don't need to ask, He knew why Mr. Denzai kept this water. The water for the children.

"I will be back!" he took the bottle of water and took a sip to wet his mouth, he vowed. Put the map and the bottle in the pouch,

he immediately ran away.

Denzai approached the side of the truck,

where Hashin was smoking, leaning against the truck.

"We'll camp here for a while, how are they?"

"As always," he doesn't want or communicate with some of them.

He doesn't like babysitting survivors.

Some of them were bastards, they even tried to compete with the children for water. They show their skin wounds and try to free themselves from responsibility. He really can't believe it.

"Phuuuuu..." Blowing cigarette smoke,

"Bang..... bang..." he slammed the body of the truck.

"Guys, it's time to stretch your bodies. "

A huge black shadow jumps out of the truck.

"Woof woof." Bark at Hashin.

" Yes yes.. my mistake.

My misfortune."

He squeezed his hand, trying to appease the big guy.

Hashin was still impressed by this impressive pooch.

While searching Denzai's family and grocery store, he encountered him in an apartment.

At first, Hashin doesn't believe his eyes, he even mistakenly believes that it is a black panther. Really big guy, standing 2m tall with strong muscles to show his strength.

The dog protected the sibling under his stomach and growled at him.

The dog's body was covered in claw and bite marks, even one of its left ears was half missing. Only then did he know why there were no Cravers in that apartment.

Either you get bitten by this guy or you run away. Both children also have small skin wounds here and there.

But they were fine, except they were starving. Half the food he had on him that day went into these guys' stomachs.

"Blacky,..don't be rude to Brother Hashin." A girl from a height of 1 m nimbly jumped down. Crying a plaintive wail, Blacky lowered his head to the girl.

Patting the dog's head, which drops to her chest, her head tilted slightly to the side.

"Brother Hashin, please help us bring the little brother down."

'Yes, I know.' His lips trembled as he walked towards the truck.

:Here brat, holding out your hands."

"Brother Hashin, do you stink so much!?" Pinch

nose, Mile complained.

Forehead veins protrude like tree roots, Hashin barely controls his hands trying to knock this brat down.

"Mister soldier, please help us too." The truck boys call for help.

"Move your ass, !!!"


After a few hours, on the way to the city of Bram, a figure was running slowly under the red twilight. The Crimson Moon has also begun to rise over the horizon, whether the sun has set or not.

In Diwa's blurry vision, you can see a black line blocking the road. He took out the water bottle and tried to shake the remaining drops of water from his mouth.

"Huukkk.,... Huukk..." He throws the water bottle away and holds a card in his hand.

gasped. He shook his head and focused his vision, but the line widened as he got closer.



... .... ..

... His vision blurred ... the legs that can not follow the path he wants...

.. ...

.... ..... "Huukkk.,... Huukk..."


"Stop where you are!!!! Are you copying me? "

Under the bright light, his already blurry vision was blocked.

Diwa tried to cover his eyes with his hand to try to figure out what the scream meant.

After slowing down a bit, his wobbly legs give way. Before his face kisses the road, he turns a little sideways with his last strength and extends his hand.

... .... .....

Under the lighting, a man running towards the fortress falls, he cannot even answer their screams. Although they were on the fortress, it is now only 2 meters high, so they can clearly distinguish it.

Run down from the fortress and open the small door. The TCF member raised his guns and slowly approached the falling man.

Under the lights of their weapons, the man passed out with one hand outstretched.

There was paper in his clenched hand.

One of them looks at himself and takes out the paper, which appears to be a map.

"The survivors were waiting for help!!!!"

with a prominent red mark on the map.