
"How's your body?"

Kai took a sip of coffee.

"It's okay, I've never been better than I am now," Smith replied with a slight smile.

"Oh, tell me how you felt when you faced that horror. I'm quite interested in your struggle with that thing. You have really big balls of steel, don't you?"

Smith blushed under Kai's teasing eyes,

"Ah, ah, ah,"

"Don't say that boss, it's only in the heat of the moment. I'm sure you know that feeling, don't you?"

Of course, he knew about Kai's outburst at the meeting. To be honest, he was quite impressed when he saw the collapsed wall.

"Anyway, joking aside, let's go. "

Kai forcefully changed the conversation, put down his cup of coffee, and left.


test site for Bernett Group equipment,

The researchers were busy with their work, rushing around the laboratory, not having time to pay attention to Kai and Smith.

They looked at each other helplessly, called one of the employees, and asked where Ray was.


Dr. Ray shot a dummy with armor-piercing ammunition. Kai approached the shooting range, stood next to him, and watched.

After Ray puts down the gun,

"How is it going?"

"How do I know if we're not checking? Come on"

Ray took off his earmuffs, answered with a sideways eye, and walked over to the mannequin.

He took off the armor from the doll and it was covered in red spots after he removed the armor.

"Look here! the red marks mean bruised or not life-threatening. Performance has improved greatly.

Have the armor checked. "He pointed to the red circles and looked at the armor.

The outside of the armor was full of holes and the liquid was starting to leak out. The inner layer has no visible damage. "A nice improvement."

Nodding his head, muttering to himself, and setting the armor down on the lab bench.

"This is LA-Wolf V-0.1. We used wolf fur, and upgraded existing liquid armor."

"Can we mass-produce it?"

"Yes, in theory. We need large quantities of wolf fur."

Ray waved them to follow him.

In short, the carcasses of beasts are precious, their hides, meat, and even their bones.

I no longer need to talk about the skin,

the meat of the wild beast contains high-quality GE."

As they talked, they came to a large glass room. In the room sat a goat, calmly eating its food.

"What is it for?"

Kai doesn't understand why the goat was in a heavily reinforced glass room.

"For experimenting with living armor."

"Did you get hit on the head somewhere?"

Avoiding Kai's hand reaching for his head,

"Fuck your ass, you're the one getting head kicked!" Kai sniffed,

"The cells were still alive." he turned to Smith and spoke. "Even cells separated from their main body can be active by themselves for about an hour.

That's when an idea came to me: what if we could make living armor from these cells? But it failed, after testing here and there we get a stable combination.

The cells themselves have no direction, their only property was to regenerate and nourish themselves.

How can I explain it for you to understand? Hmmmmm?" rubbing his sparse mustache and thinking.

As they watched Ray walk back and forth, the corners of Kai and Smith's eyes twitched.

"That's it," slapping his palm with the other fist.

"A patient in a coma...these cells are like a patient in a coma, you know what I mean?"

Although they didn't understand most parts, the two nodded hastily in pride. " Are you sure?" Ray asked with a questioning look.

" Really?!!"

After seeing their crestfallen faces, he pursed his mouth in a smirk.

"Anyway, let's test it."

"Gordon, run the experiment!!!" he shouted to an assistant.

A mechanical arm holding a quivering piece of red meat moved towards the goat and dropped the meat on its head. The goat jumped up from the sudden touch on the head and tried to shake it off.

Surprisingly, the piece of meat sticks to the head and quickly spreads all over the body. The goat running around the room making noises and banging on the glass kicks the food bowl away.

After causing some havoc in the room, the goat's body began to melt. After a while, there was only one piece of red meat left in the room. "Is that so?"

" Yes."

"Gather the data,…I'll come back later."

The three-headed to the other place.

"How can you think of using that thing as armor? It will only eat the wearer. "

"Yeah, that's the downside, but."

He raises his index finger

"First, this thing has powerful regeneration. After depleting its stored energy, it can restore itself simply by devouring others. On the battlefield, it's a plus.

Second, after absorbing the wolf's fur, it has great resistance. It is a good material to replace the liquid in the liquid armor. "

"We need an anchor for the jerk. I'll find out somehow. "


... ..... ..... "Here it is, today's main dish."

The hangar housed incredibly bulky mechanical armor. The body was painted deep black, and on the chest was the golden Bernett Group logo, a slightly out-of-shape four-pointed star.

The helmet separated from the body was also painted black, its shape inspired by the medieval knight's helmet.

In his hand was a .50 heavy machine gun, and a heavy sword hung behind his back, the length of the blade was 2m, and the handle was about 0.5m.

"For God's sake, this project has been put on hold due to so many shortcomings. But the most fundamental shortcomings have been fixed, now we can improve this armor." Ray muttered again.

And he looks at Kai with a mischievous smile and drags him to the locker room.

" Myself?!!!"

knot, knot,

"The human who is to wear this armor needs a strong body, an inhuman reflex.

Although it has mechanical support, it is not a mecha. With current technology, there is no way to compensate for human shortcomings."

Project FEAR, as the name suggests, if the armor could be used on the battlefield, it would invoke fear in the enemy's soul and body.

"Don't be tasteless, go ahead... go ahead."

Ray said impatiently and pushed himself behind Kai's back.

"Don't I have to wear protective gear?"

"Who the hell needs protective gear when you can knock down a wall with just one punch? And those muscles that even bullets can't damage, who are you kidding?"

Ray looked aside and said sarcastically.

Kai walked past the suit with a helpless smile and stood in the dressing place.

Ray motions for the assistants to begin.

The mechanical arms dismantled the armor, first bringing the leg armor to Kai.

When Kai steps on these legs, he suddenly rises to 0.5m. "Don't stand there like an idiot, spread your hands."

The jeering noise coming from Ray.

The mechanical arms do their job perfectly, the armor was put on within 2 minutes.

Kai tried to clutch his armored hand and that feeling was really special. Just like riding a bicycle, you know the condition of your bike just by the feel of the lever and the sound of the engine. If you know, you know, it's hard to explain.

"Hey, hey, don't be stupid, tell us how you feel."

"It's okay, just a little stuffy." sounds a muffled voice.

"Try to move. "

The black armor began to move, when the armor's feet fell off, the vibration force hit the surrounding people.

"Go...go, out of the hangar...

Have your running speed tested. "

An iron giant has left FEAR's project ground. Nearby, researchers and collaborators were speechless in front of the Big guy.

"Isn't that fail thing?"

An old researcher asked his partner.

"The project itself failed, but not because of the armor.

There just wasn't a human who could carry it effectively. "

"Doesn't armor mechanically support the movement?"

"Are you even a scientist?

1. It's supported by mechanics doesn't mean the wearer can move however they want. Can a child ride a combat bike?

2, if the human doesn't have strong reflexes, it's just a big target saying to others (hit me...hit me) just by existing.

3, the shock absorption technology is not up to par at the time, if that man was hit hard enough, the human inside would become a mashed potato. Even if the armor itself would not be damaged."

"Banggg!!!! Banggg!!!"

While they were talking, a huge shock wave hit their feet with force.

In contrast to the bulky body, the iron giant deftly runs around the laboratory sites at a speed of about 35 km.

After making a full circle, Kai decided to stop and go back to the FEAR project members.

"How is it going?"

"It's great, this guy doesn't even have to spend a lot of energy, I can maintain him myself. "

A voice of joy comes out.

"Okay, we'll test combat effectiveness tomorrow."

" It's over?" There was a disappointing voice.

"Are you a child? I have other things to attend to." Clicking his tongue, Ray walked back to the hangar.