
General Daka opened his eyes with cold sweat seeping out from his forehead. How much time was passed? He doesn't know. Whenever he tried to close his eyes, the helpless cries of citizens hunted him away from sleep throughout the night.

He gets up from the bed, shaking off his sluggish mind. Even if he knew he was taken advantage of him, even though he knew its an open conspiracy, what he have to do doesn't change.

As he opened the window, the warm sunlight embraced somehow healing his body and soul. Bathing in the sun embraced with closed eyes, his mind became clear and firmer.

After cleaning up he contacted the council members, calling out Henry to prepare for assembly. If he wanted to achieve his goal he need everyone's help.


Looking down at the TCF members around 1800, he beckoned to silence and grabbed the microphone.

" Some of you may know why I'm calling this assembly, but most of you may not know why. Two days ago, we got a request from General Victor, they were trapped inside Shelter 03 under Moegock's city. To sum it up, we need to help clean up the city for them. "

He cut off his speech, watching their reaction. As he predicted the assembled become noisy. Holding his hand up, waiting for the assembly to quiet.

" I know how you guys feel, it's no brainers what they do was unacceptable. I'm angry at them too, if that anger can be manifested, it can burn this whole town.

So let's put them out of the equation, they don't deserve our attention. In that shelter, some citizens survived this ordeal.

The citizens!! I don't know how much there was, but I do know there were helpless children, starving old people, and frightened people who needed our help.

In that group, there can be involved your relatives, friends, family,y, and parents. Think about it, even though some of the responsible parties neglected their duty, are we going to ignore citizens' cries for help?!!

I don't know about you guys. But not me, I can't ignore it. Even though they tried to take advantage of me "

He pointed toward the shining sun.

"Look at the sun. When the sun was given the light to this world, is the sun differentiate between good people and bad people, humans and animals, the beauty and the ugly?


Even though we can't be compared with the sun, even though I can't be compared with the sun, for those helpless citizens I will gladly become a candle who gives light to those in need with my own life, in these darkest days, until I die."

The TCF members started to shout his name throwing their's fists in the air after his chicken blood speak.

" General Daka, General Daka... General Daka.."

Signaling them to stop, he continued.

" Don't excited quickly, I have something to announce."

" From today onwards there will be no more TCF. I hereby announce the disbandment of the Division.

I will create a new regiment, it had nothing to do with the military. The Candles, we will become the candles that give light to those in need. And also those who don't agree with me, you guys were free to leave because it has to do with your own life and no hard feelings. "

The assembly becomes quiet under the sudden bombshell.

"You may be quite confused now, why do we need to disband? Because from now on we will go city after city, town after town to clean up those Cravers and monsters. This is not an easy journey, there will be more sacrifice as we move on, and we will bleed our blood for helpless citizens.

So think carefully.

If you guys need jobs after the Division disbandment no need to worry. Go to Bernett Group, they have so many jobs to be offered. A carpenter, a farmer, as long as you're good at the profession, there are so many jobs to be taken.

Of course, a security guard was also an option. "

After telling them what he need to talk about, he quietly looked at the TCF members who become irritated by the sudden news. He knows that everyone will be confused, but the road he wanted to tread was not a path everyone can follow or agree upon with. He just can't selfishly drag everyone around.

Henry who was standing behind the general looked at his broad back, who radiated with confidence. His waning determination and doubts melted down without a trace.

His blood was boiling with a new conviction, ( I will become a candle who gives light to my own life) the sentence was resounding inside his mind.

" I will give time for you guys to decide, today before dusk we will assemble here again. Those who don't want to join the new regiment don't have to come back.

I know it's not enough time to decide an important decision, but time is a luxury I can't afford now. Anyway, enough with my nagging.



Hashin along with his friend left the assembly, ruffling his hair with annoyances face.

" Bulldog, what will you do?!!"

"Don't know,...."

Bulldog answer with uncertainties.

"But what I'm sure about is wherever we are at, sooner or later we have to fight. So why don't we follow the general? At least we have a reason to fight for. "

Hashin's footsteps came to a stop, what is his reason to fight for? He was an orphan, with no relatives, no siblings, and no parents.

At first, he had a reason to fight for his Division, no matter whether he like it or not. Now the TCF was disbanded, he no longer needlessly fight for those selfish pricks.

(When the sun was given the light to the world, is the sun differentiate between good people and bad people, humans and animals, the beauty and the ugly?) Hashin remember the general's sentence, but his head became more confused.

Bulldog looked back at his friend who stood behind like a statue.

" What happened?"

Hashin wakes up from his reverie, shaking his head.

" I need to go get some air. Later bro. " He walked off in another direction after saying his parting words.


"Are you sure old man?"

Nodding his head, the general reaffirmed his decision. There was nothing to unsure about anymore. His mind was completely awake now, he knew what he wanted and he also knew what he have to sacrifice.

" Yes, as you said the people inside the town are also humans, those who were trapped inside the shelter or any other locations were also humans too.

There was a need to shoulder the responsibility for all of them. I will happily shoulder the responsibility."

Kai know that there was no hope to change the general's decision, after hearing his determination. His head hurt! all the problems pop out like mushrooms day after day. After calming down his emotions he closed his eyes and became silent.

General Daka waited patiently for Kai's approval, although he can do what he wants with his Division, if he doesn't get Kai's support everything is for naught.

" I will support you, but give me a promise that you will never fight the impossible battle. "

" Ok, I agree. " General Daka readily agreed. He knows

and even if Kai doesn't tell him not to, he'll never do that kind of stupid thing. They can't sacrifice needlessly for a dead end, there were too many places that needed them.

After getting the promise from the general, Kai thought for a moment. Looking at side way, he called out to Linda.

" Linda, prepare the necessary resources for this campaign. Also, recruit the disbanded TCF members

as much as you can." He told her what to do and beckoned to move on.

" Yes, Chairman. "

" Ray ?" Kai asked Ray who was trying to leave.

" What? If the meeting is over I need to go. " Ray get up from the chair and prepared to leave.

" Can you prepare the FEAR armor, to be battle ready before tomorrow?"

After hearing Kai's question, he sits back on the chair and drops his files.

" You are going to work me to death, Kai. I have so much on my plate, are not you a little sorry for me?"

" It has to do with the general's safety. This is the last time. Please?"

Ray became serious after hearing what he said.

" Are going to give that to the general? For real? Kai!!!"

Of course, if there were another person in general's place, he wouldn't even think about it. But General Daka was different, he was like an uncle to him, a family. He doesn't want to lose more people who are dear to him.

" Yes, I may be a bastard but if I can, I wouldn't shy away from the responsibility of a human being. " Contrary to his thought, he utterly let out bullshit.

" What are you guys talking about?" General Daka and the other members can't understand what they were talking about.

" Given him, that armor was not a problem, it's just whether or not he can effort it. Let's go, we need to move our assas ." Knowing Kai's bullshit, he just let it go.

" Go.. go... You will know when you see it. " Kai also gets up from his chair and moves along.


" Ready?" researcher 1.

" Yes, everything is normal. " an assistant.

" General, trying to move around. "

General Daka inside the armor feels a little uncomfortable. He tried to walk a little, it's like walking in the water, he can felt the resistance.

" It's quite hard to move around. " a muffled voice came out.

" General, under the chest logo there were three key's holes. Use your armor right index finger as the key, insert it into the upper hole, and rotate clockwise a little. "

General Daka followed the instructions and activated the support mechanism. The armor hummed.

" Ok, try to move around again general. "

This time the armor moves as he wishes, like his own body. He goes out from the hangar under the other council members' jaws-dropping faces.

" General, first trying to run around the inner circle."

Ray nodded his head, he instructed the general to run. If only the first stage were needed to be activated for running and moving around, its energy sustaining for a long time.

After running for one lap, the black armor comings back in front of the hangar. Moving around its body's parts to different poses.

" How did you feel in general? Did you feel any discomfort while running?"

" Not at all, I think I can even flip a vehicle effortlessly. Only I'm a little out of breath after running. "

" It's supposed to be, after all, you are moving a big weight with a little mechanical support. Only monsters can move tirelessly that thing with no support. " Ray answered with a smirk.

" Who are you calling a monster? Human.. you fucking geek. " Kai replied with an insult.

"Anyway, time to test gun firing. Let's go to the firing range. Go..Go.."