
Ray touched a machine gun that was being pulled by a small truck.

"This big guy fired 500 rounds per minute of 7.62mm armor-piercing ammunition. Even with the ammo box, you can only shoot for a full three minutes because an ammo belt can only hold 500 rounds. ".

The machine gun's distinction from other machine guns wasn't very great. Only its size and a few specific locations were changed to be compatible with the armor.

"It can last a little longer if you switch to semi-automatic. Therefore, fire cautiously when on the battlefield. Anyhow, general, could you now demonstrate your shooting skills for us?" Ray asked with a smile.

General Daka turned his back on Ray and grabbed the machine gun. As it should be, the gun fit exactly within his arms. He loaded the gun with ammunition and pointed it at the target.

" Rig. . gig. gig. "He used an automatic weapon to fire at the dummy; he didn't have to worry about the recoil since he was wearing armor.

"If only I could have unlimited ammo, this big guy was amazing. " He looked at the place where vanished dummy was located. The general felt sorry and placed the machine gun back on the truck.

"With just this, it is not appropriate to continue the fight."

"Of course, we were thinking about that issue from the beginning; with today's technology, we can't give you unlimited ammo, but as the ancients said, the fist and the blade are never out of service. ".

"Yes, that's right, clench your fist firmly. When your punch makes contact with a resistance greater than a certain threshold, the armor's knuckle portion will transmit a powerful current voltage.

With its punishing force, it can at least paralyze the adversary."

Ray conjured up an explosion in his head.

"Naturally, that was a last-ditch effort because the main attacking mechanism of this armor was a heavy sword or blade. Ahh! Did you know any sword art? Which do you prefer generally?"

Without saying anything, the 3M-high armor looked down at Ray as though he were seriously asking.

"Aha, ha. ha. ha. joking.All in good fun." Ray backed away while waving his hands. Like his nephew, this elderly man was not amusing at all.

"At the time of this old man's generation, every member of the army took martial arts seriously. I don't know about later generations. My preferred type of sword does not give a damn about armor—one that is heavy."

"Bring the heavy sword!" the assistants order as they wheel out the heavy sword on a trolley. The heavy sword, which measured 2.5 meters in length, shone in the sunshine.

"This sword's strong suit was that it had a strong resistance to deformation. It was forged from GM 03 with additional materials, including this big guy. Attempt it, old man."

General Daka took up the sword and posed with it while waving it. A powerful wind would blow up the hair of those nearby each time he waved the heavy sword.

It's fantastic. He tested the sword's compatibility and then asked, "Any more?".

"No, that is all; you can get this armor before your campaign, General. Oh, I see, a vital component was missing. Give this big guy a name, general. ".

General Daka was troubled by the sudden request, Ray stated with a serious expression. He can say with pride that there aren't many things he's bad at, but naming was not his thing.

Even the name of the new regiment was said in a frenzy of emotion; he shuddered just recalling it.

When Ray noticed the general's troubled appearance, he grinned maliciously.

"Candle Saint sounds good to me. Mnmnnn. As good as Candle Demon. Oh. oh. stop. general. Trying to kill me, are you.... hey. Stop this old bastard, Kai! Why the fuck are you laughing?"

A giant wearing black armor was pursuing a small figure in the direct light of the setting sun. The diminutive person was cursing, dodging, and spewing out obscene words.


Hashin observed the oblivious locals as he strolled through the tranquil town. He made an effort to look for his compass, his faith in these locals. He can't seem to for some reason.

His chest tightened with rage as he watched their figure wander around carelessly. "Maybe I wasn't the only one who thought that. "He considered while.

He is chuckling. He moved in the direction of the Bernett Group's laboratory to see how they differed.

The atmosphere changed abruptly when he entered the lab's outer ring after the guards permitted him to do so.

He could feel their emotions as he moved through various structures and areas. They fight for themselves, their organization, their future, and their family, and this is why.

There were at least as many people as the residents of the town. People were wearing a variety of outfits, including the white lab coat, the guard's military garb, and the casual clothing worn by the survivors, but they all had one thing in common: they were all very busy.

Some were carrying the building supplies, some were carrying out the training, and some were preparing the rations. The guards gave even the young ones serious training.

He arrived at the survivors' camp near the Bram after exploring the Bernett Group's outer ring. For those who are unsure of their next steps and do not wish to enroll in the survivors' camp run by the Bernett Group, there was this camp.

Finally, after making several inquiries throughout the camp, he found a temporary hut.

"Master Denzai, are you here?".

"How did you get here, Hashin?"

"Please give me a little time; I'm just a little lost."

Denzai called to the hut, "Honey, I'm going out for a while!".

A worried-looking middle-aged woman emerged from the hut and inquired, "Where are you going?".

"Just take a short stroll; it won't take long. I'll be returning." He smiled as he responded.

Without speaking for some time, the two walked around the survivors' camp together. The majority of the survivors in the camp had dejected expressions; some were conversing with friends, while others were just staring out at the surrounding area.

"I don't know what to do after the general disbands the division," the soldier said. I don't believe in anything or have anything to fight for. The two exchanged a silent pause before Hashin spoke.

Denzai, however, says nothing or doesn't respond. He didn't say a word as they strolled from the survivors' camp to the TCF camp and then to the town.

"Do you believe that everyone living in the town is not deserving of protection?"


"And those living in the camp of survivors?"


"I understand how some of your TCF members felt; first, some of the upper levels of government betrayed your beliefs; and second, after sacrificing your brothers in hand, the majority of you guys received complaints and blame from those you have saved. "

"I don't blame either them or you. mainly because it's in our nature. Within a few days, the survivors' entire world came crashing down. They felt so lost and the world seemed to have changed overnight.

Don't you have the deja vu feeling right now? There is good and evil in everyone. They can't always be good or they won't always be bad. "

"I've heard that the chairman of the Bernett Group trying to establish a kingdom. The general was occupied with rescuing individuals from hazardous situations."

"The Bernett Group and the locals were at odds, and the mayor was attempting to mend their differences."

"Every individual has unique ideals and beliefs.

Why don't you start with small beliefs, like trying to warm those around you or trying to protect someone, if you can't have a lofty dream like them."

Hashin attentively heard Denzai speak. He recalled the people he wished to shield. There wasn't much; however, his close friend Bulldog, suddenly recalled the brat Mile and his sister.

The kids he rescued from the city, the kids who had lost their parents. He recalled his childhood spent in an orphanage. What's more, they weren't enjoyable recollections. He halted his train of thought and turned to face Denzai.

"Are you going to the Bernett Group or the town?".

"The people need stability, but the mayor's personality can't provide it. Despite his ambition, the chairman of the Bernett Group is the type of leader we need right now. ".

"I heard that he attempted to reclaim the town's protection, don't you think he is cruel? "

"In my opinion, there's nothing wrong with that. The organization's interests come first because he is the leader of it.

I promise you that I could be crueler than him if the safety of my family were in jeopardy."