
The ground shook as two enormous figures ran by. The gravel was flying around as if it were supporting a good fight. Whatever obstacles they encounter—the wrecked car, the dead people, the building's debris—are yanked aside, kicked away, or cause a bloody puddle to appear under their feet.

In response to the black titan's war cry, the monster swung out at him with the barrel in his right hand like a baseball bat.

By jumping toward the monster's head and dodging the incoming blow while holding the enormous sword above his head, the black titan took advantage of the creature's running speed. Swinging the sword downward, the brute demonstrated that it should not be underestimated by raising the turret as a shield above its head with its left hand, embracing the massive sword.

Boom!!! The black titan recoiled and flipped backward before crouching down and rotating in the air.

The monster yelled, banging the barrel against the turret.

"I'm strong; you're weak; submit!".

General Daka does not respond to the monster from inside his armor.

"Insert GE. ".

"Considerably, injecting GE. "A machine voice responded.

Along with the strength, a cooling sensation swept through his entire body.


He swung the sword to the right side and felt that it lacked sufficient weight. He needs more, enough to cause a monster of this size to cower in fear at the sight of his sword.

Amid the smoke and dust, he taunted the brute with a beckoning motion. The brute screamed in rage.

"Ant. Dead meat!" He hurls the turret at the black titan while running and striking him with the barrel in both hands.

The black titan uses a swing to deflect an approaching turret, but he is too late to deflect the next attack. The left shoulder of the black titan was struck by the brute's barrel as he struck down.


The black titan steps back from the force.

The impact sent a powerful shockwave vibrating toward his entire body. From his mouth, the general spat out blood.

He underestimated the monster's fighting instinct; despite the fact that it doesn't appear to have a sharp mind, it fights with directness and effectiveness.

He attempted to hold the sword with both hands, but his left arm experienced dulled movement due to the apparent damage to his armor's left shoulder. As he uses the sword to parry the subsequent blow, he has no time to think.

However, this time the force of the strike yanked the sword away, leaving the black titan little choice but to retreat and gain some distance.

Two RPGs slam into the brute's head from the General's behind as they fly over his head.

Boom! mm!

Two RPGs had blasted the brute's head, leaving it bloody and with one of its eyes dripping with blood.

The brute exclaimed inaudibly, "Dirty ants, Qweeeee!". After the brute cry, the surroundings become noisy. The Cravers were pouring out of all the different locations of the neighboring buildings.

"Safety must come first, and attention must be given to the Cravers. Give this bastard to me." General Daka transitioned to the second stage and gave his soldiers orders.

"When the second stage is active, a lot of energy is used. It is advised to conserve energy.

operating for five minutes." There was a warning from the support system.

"It's more than enough." Inwardly, General murmured. taking a lethwei fighting position. (You can watch a brutal form of Myanmar martial arts on YouTube as a reference.)

Due to his high level of emotion, General continued to taunt the brute with his arm. After being over 50 years old, his aging body forced him to give up the hobby of hand-to-hand combat. However, when he finally had the chance, he jumped at the chance.

The black titan dodged nimbly and delivered a right-hand punch to the brute's groin as the latter swung down the barrel in anger. the right knee of the target is then kicked.

The brute screams in pain, "Oweee.".

Without wasting the opportunity, the black titan leaped and deployed a flying knee with a dull spike toward its lower jaw. Its massive body had just bent to one knee.

As it takes the blow, the brute body falls backward. The black titan jumped on its chest, sat on it, and punched its head and throat.

The black titan stopped punching after about 50 seconds of continuous action. The brute's headless body became immobile beneath his body.

"Remaining energy 70.0 percent, the second stage deactivated."

After the general second stage deactivation, the support system sounded.

"Open the speaker. "

The speaker is activated by the system.

"Activating the speaker, at your disposal. ".

The dark titan raised a fist above his head.

"The survivors were waiting for us to save them; clean up the Cravers. "

The blood-covered titan, standing commandingly, is covered in the brute's blood. When the victorious general is seen, the soldiers' morale improves.

The resounding shouts of "Clean up the Cravers! Clean up the Cravers!" are accompanied by the sound of guns being fired.


General Victor Martinez is following the soldiers scrubbing the subway. He had anticipated that his old friend would lose it if the public was in danger. Even from the subway, he can hear the sounds of their fighting coming near and near.

They cannot be helped because they have different visions, mainly because of the way they are standing. He only puts his country first, and he will even lay down his life for it.

He needs his soldiers to clean up the monster-infested nation; he can't gamble with their lives like General Daka. Ha ha, for ignoring the Bernett Group's recommendation. If that brat won't give up the technology, he won't give in even if he travels back in time.

Of course, he'll make a different choice; despite possible opposition from the general public, he'll still take the Bernett Group's technology by force.

He asked his assistant, "How's the situation at the other shelter?".

"Of the 7 large shelters, 3 lacked communication. The remaining 4 had enough food stored in there to survive underground for at least six months. "

"The president's order, What is it?".

"When we combined forces with General's Daka TCF, he gave us the order to immediately clean up the capital. "

General Victor grabbed a Craver who had crawled up close to his assistant by the nape and yelled, "Bloody fool!" at the president.

Without batting an eye, he pulled out the military blade and plunged it into its lower jaws. The assistant didn't pay attention to the general's profanities directed at the president.

They were soldiers, and the president was just a regular citizen who temporarily assumed leadership of the nation, so it can't be helped. Their mentality cannot be the same.

Theirs 20k Division had been reduced to just 2.5k soldiers. How in the world can the capital be cleaned?

Considering that over 3 million people were living in the capital, let's assume that only 30k Cravers—or 1%—of them survived.

Bastard, slick mouth, no brain.

"Fast, clear the path. It's not fair for you guys to keep my old friend waiting for too long. ".


"General, the entrance to the subway station has already been secured. Do we need to make room for the underground entrance?

"No need, just watch the entrance. Dispatch all directions. Keep any Cravers away from the entrance."

General Daka removed the helmet that had dried blood on it and exhaled deeply, "Shooo!". Carefully reexamining the surroundings. The Ultra Market building was on the other side of the street, and there were many different kinds of apartments thriving there.

The four-way road was clogged with wrecked cars and the bodies of citizens and Cravers who had died. Although there was a partial body of humans, yes, bodies do break apart.

By the Cravers' accounts, everyone was a scavenger. Even the dead Cravers' body parts that bit off can be seen.

dat. dat. dat. The general is jolted out of his daydream by the sound of gunfire. Some Cravers could be seen running up from the underground passageway as he looked down at it.

To greet the Cravers who were emerging from the underground, he picked up the bulky sword that was resting on the nearby bench.

The sharp edge of the sword collides with the body parts of the Cravers, sending them flying in all directions.

, "It stinks!".

As he worked to clean the Cravers' blood from his face, General Daka spits out his saliva angrily.

One of the soldiers passing by his hands out a handkerchief as the others laugh.

" Thank. ".

"You are brutal to the enemy as always, my old friend!".

Following his exit from the tunnel, General Victor surveys the surroundings. The surroundings were secure, and General Daka's team had cleared the area of any Cravers infected.

He turned to face the commanding blood-smeared armored general Daka. Looking up at his old friend made him feel a little uneasy.

"We will suffer as a result of the mercy shown to one enemy." Daka smiled and answered, "Did you forget the teacher's lessons?"

He doesn't forget, of course; it's just a courteous greeting. He asked with a shrug of the shoulders.

"Your armor looks good; did that brat give it to you?

I struggle to see how the ostensibly pointless project would be helpful in this circumstance. "