
"It's not that they fail in the end, it's just that the technology wasn't mature enough at the time. Now the apparent shortcoming was no longer a problem, this big guy is ready to serve. "

"I hope to see the exact limit of this big guy's fighting ability." Victor looked meaningfully into Daka's eyes and said.

The environment becomes noisy when the voice of various sounds vibrate with the environment. "We have company." Victor checked the area and said.

"Stop, go to the surface. A squad brings the survivors back to the shelter.

Daka, what side are you going to take?

"The place where Cravers first arrived. "

"Maggots!! Time to Burn. Take a Stand!!"

General Daka put on his helmet and answered. With his helmet, he zoomed in on the view.

The mass of Cravers coming from both sides of the four-way street was like a colony of ants of different colors. They move through obstacles with their nimble limbs like a bunch of crazy fans trying to get closer to their idol. "I will go first. " General Daka nodded to Victor and went to the TCF members.

"Leave the other side to Victor's brats. Kill as many as you can before they get close to us. After a collision, forget your firearms. Use your bayonet or machete, depending on your preference.

Be aware of your surroundings. Are you ready?"

" Yes, we are!"

Daka advanced in front of the first line of defense, holding his sword high in the air and waiting for the Cravers to reach effective firing range. The soldiers deployed in the street or hide behind the rubble of their choice and await the order of the general.

Victor observed the movement of Daka's soldiers before moving to the opposite side to defend himself. The street is only this wide that he can't get all his soldiers into position. He climbed atop a wrecked car and inspected every location in the surrounding.

"Regiment 1, clear the buildings on both sides of the street. If you think it's dangerous, keep them in the building. Don't let them interrupt the defense line. At all costs. Are you clear?"

"They will be made." A major took off right after taking the order.

"You others get ready for battle!" He ordered the rest of the troops to jump off the fold.


Daka lowers his sword as a signal to fire as the Cravers run within effective range. The roar of firearms of various calibers echoed through the area.

To the crunch of bullets flying and grenades being thrown, the first group of Cravers experienced the awfulness of gunfire head-on.

Most of the forefront Cravers were the speed type that got the upper hand on their counterpart in the race, they can't take an infinite amount of attacks. All kinds of body parts flew off from their main bodies, causing them to fall over.

The following Cravers clashed with their fallen counterparts and the march of the hordes turned into chaos. "RPG, I want an RPG on that mass. Fire at will."

Daka eliminates the lucky ones who arrived in front of the first line of defense and orders the RPG team to fire.


Boom! mm. Boom. mm! Tree.!!!

With so many sparks and fire, the remaining fuel of the wrecked vehicles sets the road ablaze. Like a burning wall to discourage the crazy stampede of the Cravers.

after a while.


The burning wall was being traversed by a school bus, which was also dragging along the front-line burning obstructions and blocking the path of the bullets from the soldiers. With his eyes narrowed, General Daka turned on the black titan and jumped onto the burning bus roof.

He saw two creatures that resembled bulls and were the same size as the black titan emerging from the burning passageway while brandishing an iron mace.

They raise their mace to the sky as if calling for a brutal battle.

"Get set to collide!".

Fight! " The two masses of various species start their frantic battles at the general's war cry. The black titan leaps from the bus and rushes to the two bull monsters with his massive sword in hand. All of the Cravers that jumped in his path were dispatched by his massive sword, displaying the brutality of its power.

The minotaurs advance on the black titan with an apparent desire to test their fore. One leaped into the air and struck downward with his entire body, while the other dropped his mace and ran toward the black titan.

Black Titan ignored the one hovering in the air and lowered his sword to the horned head. The air is filled with dull collision noises.


A bloody wound was visible on the minotaur's head as it crashed to the ground. At the same time, a shocking force from the helmet entered Daka's head and made him dizzy.

Pulling himself together, he used his left arm to block the ensuing blow while simultaneously punching toward the lower jaws while holding the sword in reverse. Before he finished it off, a Craver leaped onto the black titan's shoulder, throwing it off balance and causing it to step back.

Two additional Cravers also grabbed his sword in an apparent effort to disarm him. After receiving a blow to the jaws, the minotaur struck the black titan's head while yelling in fury. Without much of a choice, Daka holds the sword in two hands while bracing for the impending shock. Take two Cravers that are clinging to the sword and make an upper slash along the side.

Two Cravers were crushed between the body of the minotaur and the sword, causing blood to splatter all over the place. He is hindered from moving by an increasing number of Cravers jumping onto the black Titan. He was so enraged that he leaped and hit the ground with his back, trying to use its weight to squash the pests.

While the black titan was busy with two minotaurs and their offender, the environment was also filled with the pain of suffering, the morale cries of the soldiers, and the Cravers growling beside the devastated battlefield in flames.

On Victor's side, he built a two-line defense for frontal engagements and left flank attacks. If one were to look with a bird's eye view, it is like the L-shaped jaws of a monster waiting for prey to enter.

"Have all the bombs been planted?"

"Yes, General"

Victor nodded satisfied and took control of the speaker from his assistant. Pointing to the other side of the battlefield, he raised the speaker to his mouth.

"Did you see that?" after looking for the soldiers to see the chaotic battlefield ahead, he continued. "They were proud soldiers of Cifad, just like you.

See that black armor? Inside was the famous General Daka.

They fight for their general.

And you man! Are you inferior to those soldiers?"

" No, we are not!!"

"Then am I inferior to General Daka in terms of performance or capability?"

" No, you are not!"

"Show me, then,

Show me that our soldiers' blood was redder than embers. Show me that you were the proud son of Father Cifad, who feared no adversity.

And finally, show these monsters how wrong it is to consider humans as their prey.


" To battle !!! " The battle cry of the soldiers makes the surrounding buildings vibrate.

Unlike the other side, the hordes that came to their side were a bit overwhelming. If they want to win the fight, they have to time the bombs at the right time.

"Complete!!! Fire."

The Cravers, while charging at their prey, fell one by one under assault from both sides. There was nowhere to hide, as shells flew at them from two directions.

They close in on their counterpart and race towards the hail of bullets like moths to a fire.

Body after body lies one after another, forming a small mound that flows down with a stream of blood. Before long, the soldiers were also running out of ammunition.

General Victor watched closely as the Cravers drove past the body mound, waiting for the most effective moment to detonate bombs in the wrecked vehicles. "Show the way!"...

Boom! Boom! Boom!! Following the general order, the destroyed vehicles explode like fireworks, lightning the surrounding buildings with red flames.

Cravers from surrounding buildings were also excited by the deafening sound of bombs. Even if their numbers were small, it is difficult to take them down due to structural obstacles. General Victor's 1st regiment struggled to contain them.

Bloodied armor approaches General Victor, who draws the heavy sword behind him.

"How was the situation?"

General Victor frowned at the strong stench of blood that made him vomit. "Can't you get rid of some of that flesh before you come here?"

"No time, I thought you needed help." When he answered, Daka stared at Victor's masterpiece. Cravers with broken limbs crawled over their pools of blood and went in different directions.

"Let's finish the work!"

Led by two generals, the soldiers clear the battlefield with bayonets.