
In the market building.

Victor watched as soldiers helped wash the blood off the Daka's armor. He remembered the brutal fight between this black titan and a group of Cravers.

The fight between them was as if an adult fighter was bullying children.

"General, if we can get hold of this kind of armor, the homeland is at hand." Victor Assistant Captain Lucas stared at the armor with clear eyes and spoke with a clenched fist.

"It's not that simple, I don't think many people can wear this kind of armor. Don't look at the performance under Daka's control and think beautiful.

Also, the material used for this armor was not easy to obtain. And after all, in these difficult times, will this kid be able to easily sell this type of armor to anyone?" Victor looked away from the armor and replied quietly, shaking his head.

He knew what kind of person this kid was because they were all the same. Both wanted everything under control and did not tolerate unstable factors. Whether he even rented this type of armor from Daka was still a matter of debate. Of course, if there are enough tokens at a bargain price, things are different.

The black titan approached Victor when he was done doing the washing.

"How was it? Did you get what you needed? »

General Daka started the conversation with a question.

"The soldiers were still checking the goods, it will take time. I thought your TCF would still have enough members, but from what I've seen, that's not the case."

"The TCF no longer exists, we are only there for the survivors. If it weren't for the survivors, I wouldn't be here, even if you call for help." "


... ...

" Wait for a second...

Has the TCF disbanded or lost most of its members and can no longer exist?"

"I just disbanded it," Daka replies without changing his facial expression. "Why did you dissolve the division? Who gave you the courage?' Victor's anger erupted immediately.

The soldiers nearby stopped what they were doing and looked at their post with uncertain eyes.

"If I told you why, there would be so many. Just assume that most of the members of the TCF have lost their faith. "

Victor looked at the surrounding soldiers who continued to do their job with complicated eyes.

"Is it because of our decision?" Victor looked Daka in the eye and asked.

"More or less. "

"ha.ha.ha.ha... Aha..ha..ha..ha. Staring at Daka's for a while, Victor walked away with a hollow laugh.


Before the town hall in Bram.

There was a noisy gathering of people on the street, and occasionally fights broke out among them.

A cacophony of voices greeted Kai when he arrived later, all of them staring back at the mayor. Doyke took the microphone and sighed before speaking to get their attention.

Hello, could you please be quiet?


Kai received the microphone after he had them all focused.

"Hello, my dear townspeople.

There is only one purpose for which we have gathered you today.

I'm not trying to scare you or make you work for me, but ask yourself, From today on, what will we do? Why don't you do something worthwhile for yourself instead of wasting time as you are right now?

There is a lot of noise coming from the crowd, but it is difficult to understand what it is saying.

"All right, select a rep for each of your groups. If things continue in this manner, not only will I hear your voice, but you guys won't get the response you're hoping for. After a while of watching them, Kai said.

For a while, the raucous crowd remained agitated despite the arrival of 4 people. Kai motioned for the guards to give each of them a microphone.

You claimed that you didn't intend to intimidate us or force us to work for you, Mr. Dot Kai. You continued to ask, "Why don't we do something worthwhile?". Why should we listen to you when it was inherently contradictory? Starting today, whether we complete our work is entirely up to us. "Toa fervently questioned.

"That's a good question." Kai smiled in response.

"You guys are used to freedom because you always enjoy it. But one thing you guys consciously or unconsciously ignored was that freedom without responsibility was meaningless.

In the past, when freedom was ensured by the government, today's society disregards this privilege and monsters hunting you guys don't even care. It's up to you. Next. "

"You said that we would be in danger if we didn't install the chips." A middle-aged man asked, averting his eyes, "But why don't the people who didn't install the chips fine now?".

"Another great question: Why don't you just put in the chips and go out to see what those monsters were? If you had the chance, you would be one of them.


Additionally, you guys don't even need to visit the monsters if we don't add 10 Limiter and other drugs to your drinking water every day. Kai mumbled to himself.

"Half the farm was your property, and the majority of us lost our jobs because there wasn't much else to do in this town besides farming, so what kind of work can you give us? ".

You can work as a construction worker or in any other occupation you are good at, which is why I like the question. The Bernett Group building is open for inquiry at any time. Next. ".

"Where have the TCF members disappeared, and who will defend us when the monsters arrive? ".

"So ask yourself: When danger threatens, which family will you defend—your own family or the family next door? It goes without saying that we won't leave you guys alone, but the protection order will be different."

The crowd became agitated after hearing Kai's casual response.

An angry woman emerged from the crowd, took the microphone, and demanded, "Aren't you guys here to protect us, and after saying that, don't your conscience hurt?".

Kai replied to the woman with a smile, "So tell me, why my conscience must be hurt?".

"Don't you guys think that we're all human too? If you guys have the power, you guys have got to take care of your species. Even Kai had to respect the woman's arguments because they were so well-made. But.

"So, what are you guys going to do? All I heard when I told you to take responsibility was this freedom or that freedom. The crowd quieted down as Kai asked,

"Go ask for protection from the freedom you valued so much."

"That's all. Please visit our building or the mayor's office if you need more information. I've performed my duty."Kai gave the mayor the microphone before heading back to the Bernett Group's headquarters with his security.


Ryths calmly looked at Kai from a distance before disappearing completely from sight. In these days he suffered so much that his pride was hurt. But as someone who leads a group of people, he can understand certain principles.

Although the Bernett group treated him harshly, his life was never threatened. They don't discriminate against their group, even though they were half-monsters. He even has perks from joining the Special Operations Forces.

He kept asking himself question after question. As Kai said, if he was in Kai's shoes, what would he do or how would he treat these townspeople? What was certain was that his treatment of the townspeople might not have been as good as Kai's. He also overestimated his power. It's not that he's not strong, but he needs experience for real combat and time to grow.

Once Ryths had decided what to do, he walked with a firm step towards the headquarters of the Bernett Group.