
About 10 km from the town of Bram on a hill near the village, what he saw with the binoculars prompted Smith to swap another pair of binoculars. The streets of the village, the rooftops, the field around the village, every time he looked he saw the Cravers as if they were gathering around the village for a parade.

He glanced at the guard beside him, who was also surveying the area around the village and the head count of Craver. The guard's hands, holding the binoculars, shake violently, and hold his breath as if trying to hide.

Smith, noticing the anomaly, patted him on the shoulder and asked. " What happened?" He knows Cravers' head count was incredible, but not to the point where he lost his temper.

Ketz points to the center of the village,

"The Craver, the Craver smiles at me. He looked me in the eyes and smiled at me." Frowning, Smith looks at the spot Ketz is pointing through the binoculars. Before he knew a Craver was pointing in their direction, around him the other Cravers were like 6 to 7-year-olds who gathered around their father and watched back to them.


Smith grabbed Ketz by the shoulder and pulled him back to HMMWV and yells at the other guards. He doesn't think too much and doesn't even need to think. A leader has emerged from these Craverns. They will likely target the closest population, the Bram.

Like African wild dogs, Cravers began to chase scouts.

Smith uses his SW to contact Kai... "What is it?" The call was transferred and Kai's slow voice rang out.

" Boss, this is not good. There is a horde in the nearest village. I don't know about the other's village, but a chief has appeared in that horde.

Need for immediate action. They were chasing us now." Smith did not hesitate long and reported immediately.

" How many?"

"About two thousand to three thousand." After a moment of silence, Smith calmed down. He can't let this horde move in the direction of the Bram.

"Change direction! If you can, change the opposite direction of Bram, the farther the better!" Smith yelled at the driver.

The driver's body stiffened, gritting his teeth, he pushed the vehicle in the opposite direction of Bram. "Smith!! You don't have to," Kai's angry voice rang out from SW.

"Boss, this obstacle was not something the current Bram can handle. Even if we go back to Bram, we will only bring more broken families.

Tell the other brothers not to worry. If the situation permits, let's have a drink together one day." Smith answered Kai with a smile.

"Fuck you!!! Bram Town may or may not hold up, it's something you don't have to consider. This is my problem, this is my responsibility. Hu… hu.." Kai cursed Smith through his heavy breathing.

"30 minutes, give us 30 minutes!!. Then I will contact you in which direction you should drive."

"Boss, I'm glad to hear that you care about us, but as you ordered earlier, we don't need unnecessary sacrifices."



that... the HMMWV's machine gun started firing as the hunting party narrative began. "Fuck you!! Don't you follow my lead? Even if you lure them away, how far can you go? Not even a day!!! Sooner or later this horde will come after Bram.

So shut up and follow my order." The conversation ended with curses. Smith patted the driver on the back and looked in Bram's direction.

"Did you hear that? We have to survive 30 minutes."

Three HMMWVS sped across the plain, dragging dust and monsters.



"Yes, President." Linda ran up to Kai with baffled eyes due to his unusually loud voice.

"Tell Doyke to bring everyone capable to the southeast side of the fort! And calls all ex-TCF members and our guardsmen. Tell them to be ready for battle.

Especially the bomber man and mines specialists. I needed them in 3 minutes to get there. Clear?" Looking at the order of the Kai cards.

"Yes, President."

" Go!"

"Ray, I need your special operations team!

And come to the place where I sent on SW."

Right after the transfer, Kai told him what he wants. "What happens?"

"We have a company."

"Based on your voice, it must be pretty bad. How many are there?" After a moment of silence, Ray asked.

"About two thousand to three thousand. They pursued Smith's group. We have 30 minutes."

"Ok, I know. Do you need the battle semi?"


Do it 2. We'll talk after we get to the place. Goodbye." After logging out, Kai decided to change his outfit.

5 minutes later... "I want the maximum effect. If we get them to a targeted location, how many can the bomb kill?" Kai pointed to the map and asked the specialists.

"Depending on how long they were in that place, we can guarantee 70% of the Cravers will be sent to their deaths." A bomb specialist responded confidently.

"Then do it, you have 20 minutes. Go!"

"Did you ask for something?" After dispatching the bombers, Kai's attention was drawn to the special operations team.

"Boss, can't we stay here and defend the town?" Boatman asked, rubbing his head. "Sure, I just don't know how Smith will feel knowing whoever he saved was a coward."

Kai responded with a smile that didn't look like a smile.

"Ah, ah.

ha, ha" Red-faced, Boatman stood in line and said nothing more. Bernett's other group security guard also fell silent, looking serious.

"How about you two?" Kai looks at Ryths and Juan, who weren't part of the Bernett Group guards and have just joined the special ops forces.

"I have nothing to complain about!" Ryths answered determinedly. This very morning, he was determined to get stronger. How could he back down in the face of danger? It's not the alpha way.

"I have nothing to ask," Juan answered with trembling eyes. His voice was so soft that Kai has a hard time understanding what he means.

"Okay, here's the plan. I didn't ask you to fight the horde against each other. You just help Smith's group with firepower when they were in danger. Although they were chased by the horde, not all can match HMMWVS's speed. So it's not that dangerous. After receiving our signal, you have to lure them to that position in the best possible way. Are we clear?" Pointing out at the map Kai said.

"Yes, sir."

"Ray, please." Kai looked at Ray and handed them to him.

"The vehicles assigned to you this time were the latest model with a .50 caliber machine gun. The turret fires automatically when you select a target or group. No human control is required. Have 30k ammo.

50 mines can be dropped when you need them. But this semi was not built for such use. Use with caution.

Any questions?"

" Then why do we need 4 or 5 people on each semi?"

Boatman asked again.

"If nothing happens you guys were just ammo box changers. If the situation was a little serious, I think all of you guys can escape with one more person on your back.

The most priorities were Smith and Ketz. Are we clear?"

" Sir, yes sir."

" Then fuck off."


"Machine guns ran out of ammunition, boss. There are still 15 minutes left." On top of the HMMWV, the shooter reported.

"Use what we have, and make due. Two semis were headed our way to assist us. Dumb Drunk, I sent a plan to the GPS in your car. Adhere to the path."

Smith sent it to all HMMWVS and placed an order after reviewing the information on SW.

The hilly region occasionally echoed with the sound of semi-automatic gunfire, and as the road passed through the area, two semi-trucks pulled over to the side of it without turning off their engines.

They'll be there in a moment, all set for escorts. Tate examined the tablet and dialed alert. They can hear sporadic gunfire echoing through the hills even from here.

Soon three HMMWVS with ragged shapes appear in the semi-truck field of view, and the turret on top of the semi-truck locks the closest Cravers.

bring their wrath down upon them.

"Go. go.


The semi-truck speeds up and begins to pursue the HMMWVS after finishing off the remaining half of the Cravers that are trailing the group.


The Cravers arrived on the scene where the small fight had taken place about 30 seconds later, running like water coming out of a dam.

Before they run off again, some Cravers will sniff here and there on the road. Some of them were atop enormous monsters that, aside from their abnormal sizes and grotesque designs, looked like cats and dogs put back together.

But to the horde's surprise, two places in the horde exploded like fireworks, sending their flesh flying

and paint the others red.

"Grumbling!!" The angry growl of the horde shook the surrounding hills.