Chapter -51

The brute under his body was smeared with blood on his face. Daka raised both fists and smashed him in the face.

Brute's face was slightly injured by the impact, but not fatal. Even under Daka's eyes, some wounds are beginning to heal.

He stood on Brute's chest and bent both knees. The black armor soared into the air and returned with both knees with dull spikes to Brute's face.

This time, lumps of flesh and blood shot out from Brute's face. His head was also shattered like a watermelon falling to the ground, and his badass journey ended in the hands of Daka.


Henry's platoon soon caught up with the thrower and surrounded him. Looking at the thrower's huge body, they didn't know how to kill him.

"Make it fall first, You guys start attacking his legs," Henry ordered after a while. The thrower also relies on his huge body to swat away the soldiers. Sometimes he sprays the soldiers with acid from his mouth.

What the soldiers didn't know was that they were surrounded by a hundred Craver while they were fighting with the thrower. When the thrower saw his reinforcements coming, his attacks became more intense.

The blood mist gradually thinned as it faced off with the acid liquid from the thrower. Henry's group also began to have casualties.

The situation got worse when they were confronted by a group of Cravers who surrounded them later.

"Fuck!" At this point, Henry began to realize his mistake. His blood mist is a good skill, but its weakness is also obvious. If he doesn't kill the enemy continuously, the blood mist will soon be used up.

"Let's leave this big guy and we're going to break out of this blockade" Henry immediately ordered a retreat. Craver's group also predicted the situation in advance. Instead of making direct attacks, they leaned toward blocking their path.

Somewhere on the battlefield, the command-type Craver looked at the trapped group of Henry and laughed scornfully.

"You're very delighted, aren't you?" asked an angry voice from behind command Craver. He was about to turn around when something kicked him hard on his back.

Daka notices this unusual Craver before the battle begins. The smallest of the three leaders. He didn't have the scales of a brute type, nor did he have a huge body like a thrower.

Now he knows that it is a command-type Craver that commands a whole group of Cravers. He grabbed the fallen Craver by his feet and lifted him into the air.

Looking at his chaotic struggle, "You like my soldiers dying, don't you?" Daka slammed the Craver to the ground.


Daka stared at the bloodied leg that was left in his hands for a while. After that, looking at the ground where some flesh and blood were scattered, he muttered, "What a weak Craver."

Then he threw away that bloody leg and ran towards Henry's group. When he reached the Cravers surrounding Henry, he quickly jumped over the Cravers' wall.


Henry glanced over to where the voice came from, defending against the Craver's attack. General Daka in the black blood-stained armor, stomped on some Cravers where he jumped to and sprayed the surrounding area with blood.

"Fuck! General is coming!!" Henry and the whole platoon screamed without consulting. Their attack became more intense in a moment.

"I will leave these small flies with you boys, leave that fucker in my care," Dakar said, pointing his finger at the thrower.

"Don't worry, General. Once we clear these guys out, we'll come and help."

"Who do you think I am? I am DakaFuck! General is coming!!" Henry and the whole platoon screamed without consulting. Their attack became more intense in a moment. I will finish the battle before you boys. ha ha ha"

With a laugh, Dakar ran towards the thrower.


Victor looked through the binoculars at Daka and some of his soldiers who were trapped in the Craver group and swore, "Fuck!, He still hasn't changed his old habits."

"Don't let the Cravers in the front line get back to their rear line. Are you clear?" he ordered the assistant next to him.

He was jealous as he watched his former colleague rampage through a large group of Cravers. "Lucky bastard!"



His armor bounced back when Daka collided head-on with the body of the thrower. He carefully observed the body of the thrower, his big belly and body like a barrel, was not easy to knock down to the ground with his strength.

His weakness was his slow movement, and Daka began to change his style of attack. He began to attack, focusing mainly on the knee joints of the thrower.

The thrower splashed the approaching Daka with his acid liquid. Smoke rose from the armor and some parts were gradually melting.

Dakar ignored the damage to the armor and focused on the thrower's knees.



Under Dhaka's persistent attack, the releaser's knee joint cracked and his giant body fell to the ground.


"Mother Fucker!, Is this the mouth that produces the acid?" Daka went to the head of the thrower and slammed the mouth with the heels and continued swearing.

The bloated body of the thrower can't get up from the ground as he was beaten black and blue under Dakas' attack.

The battlefield gradually came in the favor of humans as the leader of Cravers fell one by one. Finally, the soldiers came to the place where Daka and Thrower were fighting and what they saw made them quite speak less.

The black armor was sitting on the thrower's neck punching the face of the thrower as he swears.

"ahem..." "General!"

"Humm!" Daka looked back at the voice, his entire body was tired as fuck.

"Why don't you let us finish off that guy?"

"No need. Give me some grenades."

Nearby soldiers took off their grenades and handed them over to Daka.

"Don't you like spitting acids? Why don't you try to eat some grenades?" he fed the grenades to the Carver's mouth and activate them.

"Back off."