Chapter -52

inside the Bernett Group Building.

Kai asked Denzai, who was asking about the business from where he was sitting, "So Mr. Denzai what kind of job do you want?"

"As you are already aware, I teach martial arts, so if I can find work in that field, I would be extremely grateful. ".

"It's my pleasure, oh! What about the other, Diwa-something, did he also want a separate job or your assistance?

"He'll be in charge of the artistic aspects of the Blade.

In armed conflict, I fall short of him."

"I will then inform Linda that she can begin working the following day," Kai concluded their exchange regarding work.

"So what about your daughter and wife? Are they still in the survivor camp? Have them move in around the interior ring of Barnett's building.

I'll send Linda to show you around while you wait. ".

"I want to discuss that subject right now. Anyway, thanks." Denzai bowed to Kai once and expressed her gratitude.

"When you speak to me, try not to be too strict; in the future, we will both need to rely on one another. ".

Linda, please come to the office right away," Kai yelled into the intercom.

Kai remembered something, so he asked Danzai, "Oh, so, is there someone to teach martial arts to the girls?".

"Of course, but it's helpful to learn from others when you fight. "

"Okay, let's make a decision based on what the girls want to do after I compile a list of the girls who want to learn martial arts."


"Insert the microchip," Ray commanded as he regarded the shifting mass.

The flesh took on several forms before taking on the shape of a ball.

"Try placing an order.".

The flesh gradually changes into more basic shapes and sags over time.

Gordon shouted triumphantly, "Teacher, We succeeded!" and the whole research department cheered.


Ray reprimanded Gordon and struck his head, saying, "It's just starting now, it's too early to celebrate.".

"Our subsequent objective is to integrate this mass of flesh with Project Fear's System to create living armor. Be careful; this project is crucial to the advancement of humanity. Do you understand?

"Yes, sir!".


"Hey! Miles, are you coming with me?" Hashin asked looking at Miles who was getting dirty

"Where are you going? If my sister goes, we will go, Isn't that right, Blacky?" Miles asked Blacky, who was standing next to him.

"How about you, Miley? Do you want to go with me?"

"Are you calling us to resell others?" Hashin's forehead creased because of Miley's playful question.

"Even if I wanted to sell you brats to others, no one would want to buy the little scumbags like you."

"Enough with the joke, are you guys want to follow me? I'm going to join Bernett Group."

"We don't know yet, what I have to do if I went with uncle?" Miley asked back with bright eyes.

"You don't have to do anything, If uncle gets a job there, you brats don't have to worry about living and eating. The place to live is much safer than this place."

"Isn't that too good to be true?" 12-year-old Miley's voice choked as she spoke. As for Hashin, he didn't say anything and hugged both siblings.

At the very least, he now had the responsibility, and have to fight for their future. He is no longer a mindless wanderer who doesn't have goals.


"You must perform 500 squats if you don't finish running in the next five minutes.

If one of you doesn't finish, the others have to finish as well, so don't think I'm done with you." At Bernett's practice facility, Smith's recognizable demonic voice yelled at his security guards from behind.

"Is your leader always like this?" Cratos asked while panting as he ran with the group of guards, who were aiding each other.

"Presently, it wasn't like this. Since the last fight, it has gotten worse." Boatsman from the side responded, his face showing disgust.

Smith's demonic voice screamed from the side of the two of them, "You guys are still talking, so run again.".


The demon Smith followed the guards as they ran, constantly pushing them from behind.


Somewhere in Bram town.

"Now, describe what took place."

He questioned while glancing at Toa, who was filthy.

"Please, Rythd, just once."

He said, "Please pardon me just this once, I'm acting out of fear. I had no idea things would get so bad. ".

Ryths gave Toa a silent glance before continuing.

He had no idea how to deal with Toa.

The issues that occur are not entirely his fault. Toa and Bernett Group won't clash if he didn't intend to control Kai.

"We will no longer pardon you after this. After that, make an effort to maintain your integrity. ".

Before the town completely goes in the wrong direction, there are still a lot of things they need to do. It's time to see Linda.


"That's how things are; we don't plan to completely break off from the Bernett Group. Please lend a hand." Ryths and Sakura bowed before Linda and made the request.

"I may be Kai's secretary, but I don't have the authority or positions to influence his decisions, so you guys think too highly of me." Linda doesn't want to get involved in this situation.

"Just once, please.

Our town's residents go too far in this matter, but consider the children and other innocent people who aren't involved in it. ".

Linda glared at them but did not comment. After a while, "I'll try to tell the chairman what you said; whether he accepts it or not is not my concern. ".

We are grateful.


The town elder looked at his friends, "Are we going to sit here and watch the kids do what they want to do?".

"You don't have a government to whine about, so what are we going to do if we don't watch? ".

"Are we old,?"

With a townie's groan, the group fell silent. They finally sighed and turned to leave after looking at each other's faces.