1 - "Crossroads of Destiny"

In the veil of midnight darkness, a sudden and mystifying anomaly unfolded. At the pinnacle of a remote mountain, a radiant and resplendent object materialized, akin to a divine calamity in the eyes of the indigenous people of an enigmatic world.

This extraordinary entity possessed a brilliance so intense that it could easily deceive any beholder into believing the Sun itself had descended from the heavens to grace the Earth with its awe-inspiring presence. Among the native inhabitants who bore witness to this miraculous—or potentially catastrophic—phenomenon, the consensus leaned toward the latter.

To them, it seemed as if an unexpected disaster loomed, for why else would the Sun, in all its glory, appear prematurely and instantaneously, defying the natural order of the cosmos?

As the natives stood in bewildered clusters near the mountain, their minds raced with thoughts about the inexplicable event unfolding before them. Meanwhile, the two opposing armies, previously poised for conflict, turned their attention to the source, or more accurately, the genesis of this extraordinary radiance.


To the left of the mountain, the army stationed there trembled in the presence of the blinding light. They were struck with fear, their minds spinning tales of divine jest or possible divine wrath, as nothing else could explain this extraordinary occurrence. After a brief moment of daze, they snapped back to reality, their first instinct being to cast aside their weapons and scatter in all directions, desperate to safeguard their fragile existence and seek refuge from whatever mysterious force had descended upon them.

Their reaction was reminiscent of beings witnessing the rising sun for the very first time. But, in all fairness, one couldn't fault them for their response. After all, when have you ever encountered a vampire unafraid of sunlight? These were indeed vampires, creatures of the night, and avoiding the sun was ingrained in their very nature, no matter how hard they might try to defy it.


On the right side of the mountain, the second army perceived this unexpected phenomenon as a stroke of fortune. Seizing the moment, they launched a relentless assault on the vampire army with unwavering determination. The vampires, caught in a state of disarray and panic, struggled desperately to endure the sudden and brutal calamity that the gods had seemingly unleashed upon them.

The second army believed that the gods had forsaken the vampires, and in their eyes, it was justified given the atrocities the vampires had committed against humanity.

However, it's worth noting that the second army wasn't inherently different from the vampires. They were, in fact, composed of werewolves. The similarity between the two factions stemmed from the fact that both had inflicted harm upon humans in their own ways.


According to the accounts of the world's remaining natives and the last remnants of humanity, this extraordinary sequence of events unfolded approximately 5000 years ago. At that time, humans were the dominant species, reigning supreme over the planet. However, as the age-old adage goes, nothing lasts forever. This all changed when two enigmatic objects or entities descended from the heavens, one in the North and the other in the South. Their arrival marked the catalyst for a profound transformation.

Humans underwent a radical metamorphosis, splitting into two entirely distinct species. These mutants, once kin, turned upon one another, instigating a tumultuous revolution in their respective corners of the world. Friends and family found themselves on opposing sides, and the world as they knew it was forever altered.

However, another significant turning point occurred approximately 3000 to 4000 years later when an insurmountable dilemma befell them, leading to a collective descent into madness. Initially, both the vampires and the werewolves had been focused on expanding their respective species, vying for dominance in a relentless pursuit. They accomplished this by subjecting humans to their cruel methods, biting them and transforming them into their own kind.

A few years ago, a devastating war erupted, and the primary cause behind this conflict was the depletion of their crucial food resource—humans. Both species had pushed their relentless expansion to the brink, turning the majority of the remaining human population into either werewolves or vampires, while using many of them as a source of sustenance. The scarcity of this vital resource had become the catalyst for the bitter and deadly struggle between the two factions.

Initially, humans had numbered in the billions, perhaps even trillions, or more. However, the current reality was far grimmer, with the human population reduced to a pitiful few, numbering less than a million. Most of them were now on the run, desperately trying to survive in a world that had drastically changed around them.

Now, both armies stood united in a singular objective: capturing the humans seeking refuge within the underground caves of this mountain. Fully aware that they would soon be locked in a face-off against each other, both factions had come meticulously prepared for the impending clash.


This critical information had been inscribed within the letter that had inexplicably materialized on the windshield of the "shining object," also known as the "Time Machine." Its sudden appearance had injected further chaos into the already tumultuous hearts of the vampire army, setting the stage for a collision of worlds and destinies.

Indeed, it was a Time Machine, the very device that had materialized on the mountain seemingly out of thin air. And the individual who had just descended from it, now engrossed in the letter's contents, was none other than Swayam Shekhawat—a 20-year-old youth with the rather peculiar circumstance of permanently appearing 17 years old. He had emerged from the Time Machine, flanked by two remarkable and otherworldly beauties—one a 'Werewolf' and the other a 'Vampire,' heralding a convergence of extraordinary destinies and a tale yet to be unraveled.

Adding to the enigma of the situation, Swayam found himself bestowed with the daunting mission of halting the "Great War between Werewolves and Vampires." What made this revelation all the more confounding was that it came from none other than his future self, setting in motion a cascade of questions and mysteries that begged to be unraveled.

Indeed, the complexity of this situation is beyond what anyone could fathom.

To comprehend and elucidate the intricacies of this extraordinary predicament, perhaps it's best to start from the very beginning—or perhaps, five years ago. So, let's embark on the journey to unravel the mysteries that have led to this peculiar moment, shall we?