2 - "Innovations in Solitude"

Atop the mountain, thoughts swirled within me.

Seventeen years adorned my existence, and I, Swayam Shekhawat, held an intellect graced with an IQ of 250. A calculating calmness defined my demeanor, earning me the moniker of "The Calm Thinker." My unique ability to unravel challenges with unwavering serenity marked me as an individual destined for a luminous future. Yet, the threads of fate, or perhaps the hand of the author, had spun a different narrative.

Who could have foreseen that 'The Calm Thinker,' known for aiding countless inventors and enabling the marvel of 'Teleportation,' would find himself thrust into the heart of a conflict between 'Vampires' and 'Werewolves'? It all unraveled in an unexpected moment, as I ventured into my 'Father's Laboratory' and stumbled upon a concealed door, unwittingly opening a portal to a world of chaos.

Even now, there are moments when I question if I'm ensnared within a dream. This bewildering situation has led a mind that boasts an IQ of 250 to ponder the surreal, leaving me to wonder what must be coursing through the minds of you, dear readers.

But dwelling on such thoughts won't serve us well. Let us not delve too deeply into the bewildering and chaotic tale that lies ahead.


(Swayam Shekhawat, Current Age 15, still unfolding)

It all began on the 23rd of April, 2016, a date etched into my memory.

That morning was meant to be a pleasant start, awakened by the presence of my beautiful childhood friend. Or at least, it should have been. How could someone like me, who rarely ventured out of the laboratory for anything as mundane as "love or friendship," expect to have anyone to care for him? This realization struck me like a lightning bolt as I sat beside my bed, massaging my forehead after a rather rude awakening courtesy of the floor. With a deep sigh, I commenced the day, my heart and mind shrouded in negativity. I had just roused from a five-hour slumber, only to shatter a wondrous dream.


Well, there's no use dwelling on it; I can't argue with anyone, not even with myself. There's an abundance of work awaiting my attention. Now that I'm awake, I might as well tackle it head-on. But before that, I needed a revitalizing shower to start the day at my best.


After a refreshing 15-minute shower, I emerged from the washroom, and the immediate course of action was to reach for a Provigil Pill.

(Provigil, also known as modafinil, is a medication designed to enhance wakefulness. It's believed to function by modifying the brain's natural neurotransmitters, allowing one to stay alert for nearly 40 hours.)

It was this very pill that allowed me to persevere in my work on the latest invention. Nevertheless, I couldn't overlook the importance of sleep. I made sure to grant my body the rest it required, allocating a minimum of eight hours of sleep at least once every seven days. However, given my current state of wakefulness following a mere five hours of sleep, I recognized the need to address the sleep issue immediately. Falling asleep at any time and place could result in catastrophic consequences.

Having ingested the Provigil Pill, I supplemented my body with essential nutrients and tablets, mindful of taking precautions. With that done, I ventured into my father's laboratory, determined to bring my work in progress to fruition.

As I approached the laboratory door, a low, mysterious voice intercepted my journey, whispering, "Wait, Son."

My father's call beckoned me, prompting me to pause at the threshold of the laboratory, ensuring he could locate me easily. However, as he approached, an unexpected weakness overcame my body, rendering me helpless and unsteady. Dizziness washed over me, and my consciousness began to slip away, leading to my father's hurried rush in my direction. He caught me just in time, preventing me from crashing to the floor.


{After a few minutes.}

My father, 'Mahadev Shekhawat,' the renowned mind behind the theories of the Teleportation Device, gently woke me from my fainting episode. He inquired with concern, "Swayam...? Son, are you alright? Have you been feeling strange and uneasy lately? I'm aware you've been without sleep for seven consecutive days, and I know your determination to complete the 'Virtual Wear' is unwavering. However, do me a favor, please. Take care of yourself. You're the only one left by my side since your mother's passing, so don't push yourself too hard. Promise?"

Swayam reassured his concerned father, saying, "Don't worry, Dad. I'm perfectly fine; there's no need to panic just because I fainted. I've taken all the necessary nutrients to support my body, and the fainting was merely a side effect of those tablets. As for my 'Virtual Wear,' I've completed the coding and the structure. I was on the verge of conducting a test run, though I'm confident that it will work without a doubt."

Swayam's Dad smiled warmly and said, "That's wonderful, Son. I'm proud to be your father. You truly are a prodigy among prodigies, and that's why I've always encouraged you to pursue your passions. I've told you before, 'Just do whatever you want to do, you'll always have my full support.'"

Swayam replied gratefully, "Thank you, Dad. You're the greatest father anyone could ever have."

Dev, Swayam's Father, turned more serious and said, "Hey, Son, while it's true you'll always have my full support, please remember this: I won't be here for the next three years or so. It's crucial that you take care of yourself during that time because I won't be around to look after you. Promise me you won't do anything reckless, alright?"

Swayam nodded solemnly and replied, "Okay, Dad, I'll keep that in mind and won't do anything reckless. I promise."

Dev let out a sigh, as if he knew that his son's promise might just be words, nothing more. He then added, "I understand that we won't be in touch for the next three years, but I still want you to send me messages, make calls, and even try video calls if possible. Even if they don't reach me, I want you to send them. Alright?"

Swayam assured him, saying, "Okay, Dad, I'll send you messages every day, so you don't have to worry about me. Just focus on your dream of making AI (Artificial Intelligence) a reality."

Dev replied, "Alright, Son. See you in three years. Goodbye."

Swayam bid his father farewell, saying, "Goodbye, Dad. Take care."


After that, his father departed, utilizing his son's Teleportation Device, a marvel that could only be activated once a year.

With his father's departure, Swayam entered his father's laboratory, eager to conduct the test run of the 'Virtual Watch.'

His father's laboratory was a realm teeming with every conceivable invention and machine crafted by mankind.
