8 - "Between Reality and the Supernatural"

Swayam's voice carried an urgent tone as he implored, "Stop kidding around already, can't you see I am serious here? I don't have time for your silly jokes. Just tell me, where is your King's Palace? I must go there to put an end to his dangerous experiments with the Time Machine."

In the dimly lit room, Vale's voice trembled with emotion as she retorted, "Wait... what did you say about me joking? Can't you see I'm more serious than you? Did you seriously think that you are the only one being serious here? My future is at stake, and you think I am joking? What will my relatives say about my choice when they learn that I've married an unknown person, someone who doesn't even know about his own past and culture?"

Swayam's patience waned as he replied, "How does your matter relate to me, and why are you telling me about the person you're married to? And you're still kidding, aren't you?" His frustration was palpable in the dimly lit room, where their fates seemed intertwined in unexpected ways.

Vale's words hung heavy in the air as she exclaimed, "Are you an idiot or something? You're still asking me how it relates to you? Isn't it obvious that you're that unknown person whom I married?"

Swayam's confusion deepened, and he stammered, "What are you talking about?" His expression mirrored the perplexing web of mysteries unraveling before him.

Vale, had her eyes filled with a mix of determination and vulnerability, revealed a secret that left Swayam speechless. "When I rescued you and pulled you out of that burning object, your wounds were critical. A blood transplant was necessary to save your life. So, I shared some of my blood with you to heal your wounds. Your body accepted my blood, and when it fully recognized it as its own, we made a blood oath of eternity. It won't be broken even after death, and that's how we were married."


Swayam's mind whirled with confusion and disbelief. He couldn't fathom how Vale claimed they were married due to a blood transfusion. Thoughts raced through his head as he wondered if she was out of her mind or playing some elaborate prank at the worst possible moment.

'But,' he couldn't help but thought, 'how did she donate blood without any proper medical instruments or tools?' His curiosity overtook his concern about the Time Machine, and he needed answers to this perplexing puzzle.

Swayam, still bewildered by the situation, pressed forward, his voice earnest, "If you don't mind me asking, would you be kind enough to answer my question?"

Vale, her eyes fixed on his, nodded slowly and replied, "Okay... Ask whatever you want to know." The room held its breath as their secrets unraveled in the dim light.

Swayam's inquiry was earnest as he sought to unravel the mysteries of their peculiar situation. "How did donating some of your blood to me make you my wife? And first of all, how did you even do that without any proper medical kit?"

Vale's eyes held a mixture of sorrow and determination as she explained, "I had to do something to save your life. Sharing my blood with you was the last resort I had. Your wounds weren't curable anymore, and you had lost too much blood, teetering on the brink of death. If there's anyone dying in front of me with a way to save their life, I can't stand by and let them perish." The room seemed to pulse with the gravity of her choice.

Swayam nodded, understanding Vale's desperate act but still puzzled by the practicality of her actions. "Okay, okay, I can understand that," he conceded. "But the question still remains, how the hell did you even do that without any proper medical kit?"

As he pondered this, Swayam decided to momentarily set aside this peculiar tale and focus on reassessing his current situation, realizing that the mysteries of the past could wait while they navigated the uncertain present.

While Swayam continued to reassess his situation and tried to make sense of the bizarre revelations, he turned to Vale and asked, "For how long was I unconscious?"

Vale replied, "You were unconscious for 2 hours," her voice softening as she watched him process the information.

Swayam's disbelief grew as he processed the information. "2 hours, you said? Are you out of your mind? How's that even possible? Didn't you just say that my wounds weren't curable? Then how the hell am I standing here in just 2 hours?" He paused, his frustration mounting. "And the biggest question still remains: if my wounds were life-threatening, why am I not in a hospital?"

The room seemed to close in on him, questions piling up with no clear answers in sight.

Vale, her expression a mix of patience and exasperation, reiterated, "Didn't I just explain to you that 'Vampire blood can cure any fatal wounds, even if those wounds are life-threatening'? And what is this 'hospital' thing you keep mentioning?"

Swayam's eyes widened in disbelief as he stammered, "Wait, what? Vampire blood?"

Vale nodded, her confidence in the healing powers of her blood evident. "Yes, my blood healed your wounds, and you're doing great, just as I expected."

Swayam's curiosity burned brighter as he asked, "I'm still wondering, though, how was your blood able to cure me?" The room held the secret to an extraordinary revelation, and he was determined to uncover it.

Vale gently explained, "You already knew about it, but since you hit your head very hard, you must have lost your memories. Don't worry; I'll repeat myself. 'We are vampires.' When I let you drink my blood, your wounds started healing, and they fully healed in just an hour."

Swayam's protest was swift. "Hey, hey, hey. As I mentioned earlier, I'm fine, and I haven't lost anything. And wait a minute, what did you just say? A vampire? What on earth are you talking about? Or did I mishear something? I think my ears aren't in good shape today, so can you please repeat yourself?"

The room seemed to hang in suspense as Vale prepared to clarify the astonishing truth once more.

Vale nodded and said, "Yes, I can repeat myself; we are vampires."

Swayam managed a faint smile and replied, "Vale, you know, you don't exactly have a talent for comedy." He then added, "I know you're a good girl who's worried about me, but I have to contact my father and tell him about this odd situation. Could you please wait for some time?"

Afterward, Swayam attempted to call his father, but there was no signal. Frustration crept in, and he turned to Vale, asking if she had a landline connection at her house.

Vale, puzzled by the term 'Landline Connection,' asked, "What's that?"

Swayam couldn't help but chuckle at her response. "Hey, hey, hey! You don't know what a landline is? Then how do you all communicate with each other? Oh, let me guess, all vampires have some special powers to possess animals and communicate with each other, and you don't know what a landline is because you're a fool." His laughter filled the room, offering a brief moment of levity in the midst of their surreal situation.

Vale's patience wore thin, and she retorted, "Who do you think I am? I'm 117 years old, and you can't make fun of your own wife, you pathetic." Her frustration was evident as she continued, "If I had known you were this type of person, then I wouldn't have saved your sorry life. Goodbye, serve yourself." With that, she turned and retreated into her room, leaving Swayam alone to contemplate the strange turn of events.
