11 - "From Laughter to Revelation"

Arriving at the King's Palace, Swayam was still contemplating about the mysterious formula inscribed on the enigmatic Monolith. Suddenly, laughter erupted throughout the palace, an odd sight that left them baffled.

Swayam, upon witnessing the peculiar scene, exclaimed, "Could it be that they tinkered with the Time Machine? If they find themselves in such a hysterical state, it can only mean that the 'Modified Nitrous oxide' is seeping from the 'Nuclear Reactor.' If that's the case, I must swiftly halt the leakage, or the impending explosion I dreaded will manifest sooner than I had anticipated."

Swayam, now filled with distress and urgency, approached one of the laughing soldiers and inquired about the King's location. He needed to know how long this laughter had persisted and where he could acquire the crucial 'rosin core flux' to repair the malfunctioning 'Nuclear Reactor' before disaster struck.

Amidst fits of uncontrollable laughter, the soldier, still bewildered by Swayam's sudden appearance, questioned his identity and purpose within the palace. It was only after spotting Vale alongside him that the soldier finally shared information about the King's whereabouts.

He managed to convey, "The King is presently in the infirmary, seeking treatment from the physician. The incessant laughter has driven him to madness, much like the rest of us."

As Swayam absorbed this peculiar information, it became evident that the inhabitants of this parallel universe had no knowledge of his Time Machine or the enigmatic chemical formula inscribed on the monolith. It dawned upon him that he might have inadvertently teleported to a parallel Earth, one where humans were extinct, and it seems like the 'Vampires' held dominion. This alternate Earth bore the name "TRANSYLVANIA," mirroring a small town from his own timeline. The mystery of his unexpected journey deepened.

Amidst the bewildering revelations and the surreal nature of his situation, Swayam couldn't contain his inner turmoil. He burst out in frustration, shouting, "What the F**K is going on? How the hell did I end up here? And what the hell am I supposed to do now? I feel like I'm going to go crazy in this bizarre world."

In a tender gesture, Vale reached out and hugged Swayam from behind, offering words of solace. She whispered reassuringly, "Don't worry, everything will be alright. There must be a purpose for you being here. Stay calm and contemplate. In this world, there isn't a single soul without value."

When his anxiety gradually subsiding, he nodded thoughtfully. "You're right," he admitted, "There are certain things I must uncover at any cost, and perhaps a role I'm meant to fulfill in this strange world. Your support and encouragement, Vale, have been invaluable. I'm grateful to have met you; I can't imagine what I would have done without you." Swayam's demeanor shifted from one of distress to one of determination, thanks to Vale's reassuring presence.

Vale, her cheeks tinted with a blush, responded playfully, "Don't make me blush, you idiot. I'm not as great as you're making me out to be." Her lighthearted remark brought a smile to both of their faces, a brief moment of warmth amidst the uncertainty of their new reality.

Swayam, earnest in his gratitude, insisted, "No, Vale, you're a lifesaver. It's thanks to you that I have a sense of purpose here. But right now, we must prioritize stopping this endless laughter as soon as possible. If we don't, I fear for their well-being. I don't think they'll be able to endure this situation for long without dire consequences." Determination filled his voice as he contemplated the urgency of their task.

Swayam, now focused on the task at hand, turned his attention back to the laughing soldier. With a sense of urgency, he asked, "Hey, Mr. Soldier, can you tell me how much time has passed since you inhaled the Nitrous Gas and started laughing like this?" Time was of the essence, and he needed this crucial information to devise a plan to help them.

Amidst his uncontrollable laughter, the soldier managed to respond, "About an hour or so, ha ha ha."

Swayam's suspicion was confirmed. He realized, "Just as I suspected, Nitrous Gas doesn't mix well with Vampire blood, which is why the effects of Nitrous Oxide haven't worn off yet, even after an hour. We need to act swiftly; otherwise, I shudder to think what might become of them." Time was running out, and Swayam knew they had to find a solution fast.

Vale, concerned about the perilous situation, voiced her worries. "If these are the after-effects of that dangerous substance you mentioned, and considering we vampires are utterly clueless about human inventions, it falls upon you, Swayam, to help us avert this crisis. You're the only one who can guide us through this." Her plea highlighted the reliance they had on Swayam's knowledge and expertise in this unfamiliar world.

Swayam, despite the urgency of the situation, tried to reassure her. "I understand the risk, but for now, all we can do is wait and monitor the situation until the after-effects wear off. I know it's risky, but it's our only option. Please, have faith in me and wait for just half an hour."

Vale, still concerned, questioned him, "How and why are you so certain about this course of action?" Her curiosity and worry were evident in her voice.

Swayam replied with a degree of certainty, "You're wondering why I'm so sure? Call it instinct or a hunch, but I believe the after-effects will subside within that half-hour window." His response, while not entirely reassuring, carried a sense of confidence that offered a glimmer of hope in their uncertain circumstances.


Approximately 15 minutes later, the relentless laughter finally ceased. However, those who had inhaled the 'Nitrous Oxide' gradually lost consciousness, one by one, for nearly an hour. As they slowly regained awareness, they noticed that their once-sharp Vampire senses had significantly weakened. The situation was improving, but they were left grappling with the unexpected consequences of their exposure to the gas.

Upon hearing this revelation, Swayam immediately conducted tests on those affected by the 'Nitrous Oxide' and confirmed that the gas was indeed the formula written on the Monolith, which held the power to transform vampires into humans. However, to Swayam's dismay, the effect, as well as the side effect of the laughing gas, proved to be temporary. The individuals who had inhaled it regained their vampire abilities after a brief period. The discovery added a layer of complexity to their predicament, leaving them with more questions than answers.


While Swayam was conducting experiments involving 'Nitrous Oxide' and 'Vampire blood,' the soldier, who had been questioned about the situation by Swayam earlier, was summoned by 'King Gabriel.' The soldier dutifully relayed all the information about the boy who had assisted in ending their uncontrollable laughter. The news of this mysterious newcomer had reached the highest echelons of the kingdom, piquing the interest of King Gabriel.

Upon learning of the mysterious boy's involvement in ending the laughter epidemic, King Gabriel wasted no time. He dispatched a knight with a message to inform and summon this enigmatic figure to the palace for a conversation. The knight was tasked with ensuring the newcomer's swift arrival in the presence of the king.
