12 - "Secrets of the Past, Paths to the Future"

Swayam, in accordance with King's summons, arrived at the palace. He promptly briefed King Gabriel on the compatibility of 'Nitrous oxide and Vampire blood' and its consequences. Following his account, King Gabriel instructed a knight to retrieve a box from the treasury. From within, the king extracted a letter, handed it to Swayam, and revealed it to be penned by his father, the previous king. This letter contained a crucial directive: it was to be delivered to the individual who would materialize in this world precisely 1000 years after its composition. Remarkably, Swayam's arrival coincided with this precise moment in time.


After handing over the letter to Swayam and engaging in some casual conversation, King Gabriel adjourned the gathering and advised Swayam to continue his previous tasks.

Upon receiving the King's dismissal, Swayam thought to return home and propose to his wife, Vale, the idea of exploring the surrounding region.


While strolling along the road, the notion of perusing the letter crossed Swayam's mind. However, as he delved into its contents, he found himself pondering, "What significance does this hold? Are these merely succinct notes recounting 'The Great War' from a lone individual's viewpoint?" Upon finishing the letter in its entirety, he concluded it was rather unremarkable, leading him to amuse himself by crafting a paper plane from it.

After crafting the paper plane, just as he was about to launch it, Swayam noticed that some lines within the letter seemed to connect in a peculiar way, forming an entirely different message.

The newly revealed message read: "Swayam, if you are seeing this message, it means you are currently in a situation where you don't understand what's happening around you or what to do next. If that's the case, let me guide you. Your sole option now is to swiftly complete the formula and restore them to humanity. To achieve this, you must 'use the same method' that brought you here in the first place, even if it was an accident. Only then will you comprehend how and for what reason you arrived in this parallel universe."

Upon reading the letter, Swayam was left in bewilderment. He pondered, "What is happening here? How in the world did someone from a thousand years ago know my name, and how on earth did they anticipate that one day I would arrive in their realm?"


A multitude of questions swirled within his mind, but the one that troubled him most was, "What did he mean by 'use the same method' I used to come here?" Swayam had a rough notion of his next steps, but uncertainty lingered regarding whether he would succeed in unraveling the enigmatic message.

With yet another question added to his growing list of mysteries, Swayam's curiosity regarding the letter and its concealed message intensified. Fueled by this enigma, he resolved to heed the letter's request and make it his mission to transform all the vampires back into humans.

As the letter's suggestion, or rather the implied hidden message, directed him to repair the crucial Machine, the key to restoring the vampires to humanity, Swayam recognized a significant obstacle: the Time Machine resided in the King's palace. Repairing it would demand a substantial amount of time and effort. With this realization, he made his way to the King's palace to discuss the matter.


Upon reaching the King's palace, Swayam was greeted by the sight of several individuals diligently transporting large containers, wooden boxes, into the room where the Time Machine was securely stored, all at the behest of King Gabriel.

Swayam couldn't help but interrupt the bustling activity and inquired, "I apologize for the interruption, but may I ask, Your Majesty, what exactly are you doing?"

King Gabriel, with a gracious smile, replied, "Oh, this? I'm simply ensuring that you'll have all the necessary resources to repair that device and complete the formula. Additionally, I've taken the liberty of enrolling you at Vale's School, so you needn't concern yourself with searching for books about this world. She will assist you with anything you require there."

It was as though the King had anticipated Swayam's arrival and his requests for these very provisions, including enrollment at Vale's School.

The situation grew more intricate as King Gabriel made an additional request: that Swayam refrain from utilizing his Vampiric Abilities in public, considering his unique status as a 'Half Vampire.' It was widely believed that 'Half Vampires' possessed unparalleled strength compared to their counterparts.

However, the very next night, as he attended the school, Swayam found himself at the center of attention. Rumors spread like wildfire about how he had become the spouse of the school's idol and was the exceptional individual personally endorsed by the King.
