18 - "Into the Heart of Vampire Lore: The Sanctuary"

Swayam, after receiving a scolding from Vale and Windy, implored Vale to devise a plan for an audience with the King, seeking a way to make the necessary arrangements.

Upon hearing his request, she inquired, "Is this regarding the letter Windy handed to you?"

"Yes, it is related to that letter, but I'd prefer not to delve into the specifics. I'm uncertain if the King can assist me, so I don't want to raise too many expectations at this point," Swayam cautiously replied.

Listening to his words, Vale pondered, "This could be a grave matter." She then reassured him, saying, "Don't fret. I'll arrange the meeting with the King. Just take it easy for today."

After Swayam had requested Vale's assistance in arranging a meeting with the King, he prepared himself and set off for school, accompanied by Windy.

Swayam devoted his entire day to immersing himself in a plethora of books at school. When the school day came to a close, he returned home. It was then that Vale shared the news: "The meeting with the King has been scheduled for 3:30 am. Change your attire, and let's make our way there."

With a little time to spare before the scheduled meeting, Swayam decided to visit the garden where the ancient Monolith stood, intending to decipher the encrypted formula inscribed upon it.

Having successfully decoded the formula etched onto the Monolith, Swayam found himself pondering, "How can I create this thing if a crucial part of the formula is missing?" Lost in thought, he and Vale eventually arrived at the King's Palace.

Entering the assembly room, Swayam noticed King Gabriel seated on his throne as usual. To his surprise, the room wasn't filled with nobles and royals as he had expected; instead, the King sat alone. This sight brought a hint of relief to Swayam's demeanor.

Swayam greeted the King and proceeded to share the details of Windy and the letter she had given him, discreetly omitting the fact that it was penned by his future self. He also mentioned that the formula from the Monolith remained incomplete. Following the letter's guidance, he expressed his desire to seek answers from the King by posing several questions.

Recognizing the significance of Swayam's impending questions, King Gabriel affirmed, "Ask whatever you wish, and I shall assist you to the best of my abilities."

Swayam wasted no time and began with his most pressing question, "First and foremost, why do all vampires aspire to become human?"

King Gabriel paused briefly to contemplate Swayam's inquiry before responding, "Throughout history, we vampires have held dominion over this land, regarded as the most formidable among humans and werewolves. However, our reign began to falter when our primary sustenance, human blood, dwindled. This scarcity forced us to resort to consuming animals out of necessity."

Swayam pressed further, seeking clarification, "But that still doesn't answer why vampires like you desire to become human?"

King Gabriel elaborated, "The animals we resorted to feeding on carried harmful bacteria that led us to lose our sanity. This resulted in us turning on one another, and these incidents continue to plague our kind worldwide, even to this day."

Swayam, puzzled by the situation, inquired further, "If these incidents are still occurring worldwide, why is it that the people in this area remain unaffected by them?"

King Gabriel offered an explanation, saying, "Ah, that's thanks to a medicine we developed based on my grandfather's letter. It has prevented us from succumbing to madness."

Swayam's curiosity grew, and he asked, "'Letter?' Your Majesty, would you be willing to show me that letter?"

"Of course, if it can be of any assistance to you," King Gabriel replied before instructing one of his soldiers to retrieve the letter.

When the soldier returned with the letter, Swayam noticed that it bore a striking resemblance to the one Windy had given him earlier.

Upon seeing the identical letter, Swayam couldn't help but wonder, 'Is this merely a coincidence, or could my future self be involved in this?'

Swayam turned his attention back to King Gabriel and inquired, "Your Highness, how long has this letter been in your family's possession?"

King Gabriel reflected on the question and replied, "For how long, you ask? I'd estimate this letter has been in our family's keeping for approximately a millennium."

As he opened the letter and perused its contents, Swayam's bewilderment deepened. He exclaimed, 'What on earth is transpiring here? How and why is nitric oxide (NO) the formula capable of restraining them from losing control?'

Lost in contemplation and struggling to make sense of the situation, Swayam harbored numerous questions. Unable to think clearly, he mustered the courage to address King Gabriel, saying, "I hope not to sound impolite, but were you the one who created this?"

King Gabriel clarified, "We ourselves did not create or succeed in making it, but our ancestors devised a sanctuary. Spending just five minutes in it each year ensures we remain unaffected by the bacteria."

"Sanctuary?" Swayam's curiosity piqued as he continued, "I would be interested in entering that sanctuary, with your permission, Your Highness."

King Gabriel nodded in agreement, saying, "Certainly, it would be my pleasure. You're doing this to assist us, after all."

Having agreed to Swayam's request, King Gabriel gestured for him to follow, and together, they departed for the sanctuary that held the key to restraining the bacteria.
