19 - "Choices, Consequences and The Blood Bonds"

As they journeyed towards the Vampire Sanctuary, a sudden commotion arose. An informer, breathless and frantic, sprinted towards them, urgently delivering grave news to the King: 'Jacob' had escaped from prison and was on a murderous rampage, relentlessly dispatching anyone who dared to stand in his way.

Upon receiving this dire tidings, the King swiftly initiated plans to apprehend the elusive fugitive once more.

While the King engaged in conversation with the informer regarding 'Jacob's breakout,' an unsettling unease swept over the onlookers who had gathered nearby. Their faces had noticeably paled, a reaction not lost on Swayam, who, thanks to his newfound Vampiric Abilities, could keenly sense their overwhelming dread and anxiety at the mere mention of Jacob's name.

Moved by curiosity and concern, Swayam felt compelled to approach King Gabriel and seek a comprehensive account of the enigmatic Jacob.

"Is that man a significant threat to you?" Swayam inquired, his voice tinged with genuine concern, as he gazed at King Gabriel, waiting for his response.

"Yes, indeed, he is," King Gabriel replied with a heavy sigh, his eyes reflecting the gravity of the situation. "Merely uttering his name has the power to instill fear in the hearts of many."

Swayam, his resolve firm, offered his assistance. "If there's anything I can do to aid you in dealing with this threat, please don't hesitate to summon me. I stand ready to assist in any way possible."

"Thank you for your kind offer," King Gabriel acknowledged, his gratitude apparent in his eyes. "Your willingness to help means a great deal to us. However, in these dire circumstances, I cannot bear the thought of harm befalling my esteemed guest."

With a gentle yet persuasive tone, he convinced Swayam to refrain from intervening and instead encouraged him to embark on his journey to the enigmatic Vampire Sanctuary, a place that had piqued Swayam's curiosity for some time.

Following their conversation, King Gabriel, Vale, and their contingent of soldiers swiftly departed from the palace, determined to put an end to Jacob's deadly rampage and prevent further casualties.

Meanwhile, Swayam embarked on his solitary journey to the Vampire Sanctuary, guided by the map graciously provided to him by King Gabriel. His path remained unobstructed, and he made steady progress toward his mysterious destination.

Complying with the King's instructions, Swayam reached the designated room and carefully followed the guidance provided on the map. With a sense of anticipation, he reached for the door, ready to unveil the secrets hidden within.

As Swayam turned the doorknob and entered the room, he was met with a sudden surprise. Once he was fully inside, a remarkable holographic projection materialized before him. To his astonishment, it displayed an eerily lifelike image of himself, and the hologram began to convey a message.

The holographic projection of 'Future Swayam' conveyed an urgent message with a grave tone. "I understand this may be overwhelming, and questions may flood your mind, but there's no time for confusion. What I'm about to tell you is of utmost importance. Listen closely," Future Swayam implored.

"Everyone who has set out to confront Jacob and halt his reign of terror is facing imminent peril. Unless you take action, their lives are in jeopardy. And remember, your own journey back to your planet and timeline hinges on your choices." The message hung in the air, its significance weighing heavily on Swayam's mind.

Upon hearing the dire warning about the potential consequences of not intervening, Swayam wasted no time in contemplation. Driven by a sense of urgency, he harnessed his Vampiric powers and dashed toward Jacob's location.

As he arrived on the scene, he was met with a chaotic battle, with everyone engaged in protecting the injured Vale.

Swayam found Vale lying amidst the tumult, surrounded by protectors. He hurriedly approached her, concern etched on his face, and inquired, "Vale, what transpired here? How did you sustain these grievous wounds?"

King Gabriel's voice, tinged with regret, emerged from the side as he admitted, "It's my responsibility, a grave error in judgment. I underestimated Jacob's threat and dispatched a low-level soldier to subdue him. Tragically, Jacob not only dispatched the soldier but also targeted Vale, seeking revenge for her previous capture of him." The weight of guilt hung heavily in the air as he recounted his misjudgment.

Fury surged through Swayam, and without pausing to temper his emotions, he unleashed his anger upon King Gabriel. "Are you a fool?" he shouted, his frustration evident. "First, you all trembled at the mere mention of his name, and now you underestimated him, assuming Vale would protect you!" His words were a sharp rebuke, borne out of exasperation and concern for Vale's safety.

King Gabriel, chastened by Swayam's reprimand, acknowledged, "You have a valid point, and I accept that I underestimated the situation. My error was not due to having Vale by our side, but rather, my overconfidence in our sheer numbers. However, now is not the time for us to bicker." The gravity of their predicament weighed heavily on his shoulders, prompting him to prioritize action over argument.

Recognizing the urgency of the situation and the need for a swift resolution, Swayam composed himself and replied, "Understood. You all keep him occupied while I tend to Vale's recovery. Once she's safe, I'll handle the rest." With a shared sense of purpose, they set their plan in motion, determined to confront the looming threat of Jacob.

King Gabriel, his voice laced with urgency, emphasized the critical nature of their mission. "We'll do our utmost to stall him, but time is of the essence. You must act swiftly, for I fear that our chances will diminish within the next five minutes."

With determination burning in his eyes, Swayam assured King Gabriel, "You won't have to wait much longer. I'll have Vale ready in a minute." Time was of the essence, and he set to work, focused on swiftly nursing Vale back to health.

With a profound display of trust and willingness to help, Swayam slit his hand open and offered it to Vale, allowing her to suck his blood. As the crimson life force flowed into her, Vale's wounds began to heal at an accelerated pace, a poignant demonstration of her true Vampiric nature, and a reaffirmation of the bond between them.
