5. Are They Twins?

So long had Billy been lost in his thoughts, that he didn't realize that several hours had passed without doing anything? Suddenly his daydream was interrupted because he received a call from Vanya who informed him that a referral patient from Indonesia had arrived at Mount Elizabeth Hospital.

"Doctor Billy, the patient is almost at the hospital, I'm heading downstairs to greet him," said Vanya.

"Okay, Vanya. I'm down now," said Billy. Without wasting any more time, he immediately put on his proud white coat. Don't forget to tidy up her hair which looks messy from daydreaming too much. Billy's face looks very dignified with his sharp jaw and sharp nose.

Billy walked gallantly to the first floor to immediately welcome a special patient who was referred directly by his father and that patient would also be Billy's responsibility for some time to come.

Just as Billy reached the first floor, the ambulance carrying the patient had just arrived at the hospital. Vanya and several other nurses immediately approached the patient.

"Aww, it hurts, Mammy is sick," shouted a woman who had just been pulled out of the ambulance.

Billy, who was waiting in front of the reception desk, was very curious because from his screams the patient seemed to be in great pain. As soon as the patient was brought into the hospital by several nurses on a push bed, then Billy could see the female patient's face.

Immediately Billy's body trembled, his eyes widened perfectly, not to forget his heart was beating wildly. How could it not be, the female patient's face was the same as the fanged woman's face that Billy always saw in his dreams. Starting from the shape of his face, eyes, nose, lips, and everything. The two of them are like betel nut cut in half. Billy could only be stunned to see it, he couldn't say anything other than be silent.

"How can her face be so similar to that fanged woman? In fact, who is she?" Billy wondered.

"It hurts, please… My chest hurts," shouted the female patient named Rosa.

"Patient, dear. You must be strong, I believe that you can recover," said the middle-aged woman beside her who seemed to be encouraging with tears in her eyes.

"Doc, where has this patient been taken?" Vanya asked Billy, but the handsome man was still silent as if he didn't hear Vanya's question.

"Doctor Billy," said Vanya again in a higher tone.

"Eh, yes," then Billy snapped out of his surprise.

Vanya took a deep breath, working with Billy sometimes requires extra patience because this doctor is often lost in thought, "Where are you taking this patient, Doc?" asked Vanya.

"Just take him to the emergency room first, I'll check his condition later, then we'll think about the right action for this patient," Billy replied, still half-conscious.

"Okay, Doc."

"Gays, Doctor Billy said we must take her to the emergency room," Vanya said to the other nurses. Vanya immediately pushed the patient to the emergency room with the help of several nurses.

"This is crazy, How can there be someone who looks like that. Are they both twins? But right, I saw one in a dream while the other was real in front of my eyes. Ah, the longer I go crazy if this is the way it is," Billy grumbled in his heart.

"Doctor Billy, come on, why are you still standing there," said Vanya.

"Yeah, I'll be following here," Billy replied as he walked quickly to catch up with them.

The majority of female health workers there really admire Billy, they even sometimes feel jealous of Vanya who looks very close to Billy.

As soon as he arrived at the ER, Billy immediately checked Rosa's condition, he checked Rosa's blood pressure, don't forget to check Rossa's heart rhythm. For some reason Billy's hands were shaking violently, he had a tremor. In fact, during his time as a doctor, he had never once felt something like this.

"Let's try lowering your hand first, I'm having a hard time checking it like this," Billy tried to lower Rossa's hand from his chest to make it easier for him to check the girl's heart condition.

"But it hurts, Doctor," said Rossa.

"Yeah, I know it hurts. But if you keep blocking like that, how can I check," said Billy, actually from the start Billy couldn't focus at all on examining the patient's condition Billy was more focused on the woman's face. Billy couldn't stop staring at her face, the beauty of Rossa's face was the same as the beauty of a woman in the form of a werewolf in his dream. Although the woman has fangs her face is still beautiful.

Finally Rossa lowered her hand, she allowed Billy to check on her. Billy immediately put the stethoscope on Rossa's chest, he listened to Rossa's heart rhythm and where he thought it hurt. But Billy did not find anything strange there. Rossa's heart is normal, her heart rate is normal like most healthy people. At that time Billy had an eye with Rossa, he wanted to ask Rossa whether she ever lived in a dark forest and became a werewolf or something? Silly indeed, there can be no such thing in modern times like this.

"Please, give her an injection for pain relief," ordered Billy. "Are you Rossa's mother?" asked Billy

"I also happen to be from Germany," explained Billy.

"Yes, Doc. I'm also from Germany, I'm grateful that I was able to meet Doctor Angga, at first I was desperate because I didn't have money anymore for Rossa's treatment, I've taken her everywhere, but she still can't be cured, Doc. Finally, Doctor Angga gave a referral here with the help of medical expenses. Thank you again, Doctor," said Risma with teary eyes.

"Yes. You don't have to think about that, I have also received direct instructions from my father, what is important now is Rossa's health, I want to ask about Rossa's condition. Can you tell me about Rossa's disease before that?" asked Billy again.

"Rossa has often felt her heartache since she was little, she said her heart felt like it had just been stabbed with a knife, Doc. I also don't understand, but when I take it to the doctor, the doctor always says that it's just an illusion because there's no problem with the heart. I want to take her to a psychiatrist, but I don't have any money, Doc," explained Risma.

Hearing the woman's narrative, Billy remembered a woman with fangs in the form of a werewolf who always appeared in his dreams, didn't that woman also commit suicide by stabbing a knife into her heart? Somehow Billy became more and more convinced that everything that happened was not just a coincidence, for him all of this was related to each other.