6. The Observation

"Rossa has often felt her heartache since she was little, she said her heart felt like it had just been stabbed with a knife, Doc. I also don't understand, but when I take it to the doctor, the doctor always says that it's just an illusion because there's no problem with the heart. I want to take her to a psychiatrist, but I don't have any money, Doc," explained Risma.

Hearing the woman's narrative, Billy remembered a woman with fangs in the form of a werewolf who always appeared in his dreams, didn't that woman also commit suicide by stabbing a knife into her heart? Somehow Billy became more and more convinced that everything that happened was not just a coincidence, for him all of this was related to each other.

"What Is the disease of Rossa, Doc?" asked Risma and managed to break all of Billy's daydreams.

"Rossa ..." Billy looked confused to answer a question that is a very common question asked by the patient's family to him, but this time Billy really couldn't answer the question.

"So this is it, Miss. It seems that I and other doctors will be doing a follow-up examination soon, so I can't conclude what Rossa's illness is," Billy answered simply. He didn't know what illness the girl had because based on the examination he just did, he didn't find any abnormalities.

"Okay, Doc. I leave everything to the doctor because I don't understand anything, Doc," Risma blushed when she admitted that she was lagging in science and technology.

"Yes, I understand, Miss. So let's just say this, Rossa will be transferred to the Naratama room 1 or so-called VIP room class 1, after this, I will also carry out further examinations on Rossa, for the time being, she has been given painkillers and sedatives, so she can rest first. You should take care of the administration first, fill inpatient data, and so on," Billy advised Risma to register immediately according to hospital procedures.

Even though this patient was referred directly by the hospital owner, the discipline of existing procedures had to be adhered to.

"Okay, Doc. But I can't speak English because it's good and right," whispered Risma, looking at the sisters who were standing behind Billy.

Naturally, because Risma only received education up to junior high school, she did not understand foreign languages at all. This was her first time going abroad, so everything seemed very foreign to Risma. Moreover, she came here only accompanied by a nurse who was sent by Doctor Angga from Jakarta, but the nurse had to immediately return to Indonesia this afternoon, while her husband had died a long time ago since Rossa was a child, so Risma doesn't know anyone here.

"Don't worry because you will be accompanied by Vanya, she is my assistant. Incidentally, she is also from Indonesia, so you don't have to worry," Billy replied.

"Thanks for that, Doc. I became calmer," said Risma while rubbing her face with both hands as a sign of gratitude.

"Vanya, please take her and guide her, don't leave her," Billy ordered.

"Okay, Doc. Come with me," Vanya took Risma out of the ER and took her to the administrative filling area for new patients.

"Please take her to VIP room number one," Billy ordered the other nurses.

"Okay, Doctor."

After that, Rossa was moved to the number one VIP room which has very luxurious facilities. Usually, this room is only for officials or important people. But for Billy, Rossa is just as important. Not only because of personal problems but because Rossa was directly responsible for him by Doctor Angga. So Billy felt compelled to provide the best service here.

Still filled with curiosity, Billy finally followed Rossa to his new room. No, he was not curious about Rossa's illness, but Billy was more curious about the resemblance of Rossa's face to the princess who always appeared in his dreams.

Rossa was taken to a luxurious room, where complete equipment was available, ranging from oxygen hoses, IV bottles, electrocardiographs or heart measuring devices, and much more. In addition, the room is also equipped with a folding bed, a sofa set, a refrigerator, a nightstand, a patient wardrobe, and a television. Don't forget that the bathroom is already available there, so this is one of the most luxurious rooms in this hospital.

"Doctor, do you have any more work for us?" one of the sisters asked.

"Oh, No. I don't think so for now. Maybe later I will call you if I need help. I will observe the patient's condition first before giving a further diagnosis," explained Billy.

"Okay, we will excuse,"

"Okay, please."

After the nurses left, now Billy was left alone in Rossa's room. Billy was getting closer to the girl, he wanted to look closely at Rossa's face again, maybe he just saw the wrong thing because he was thinking too much about the dream.

Billy looked at every inch of Rossa's sleeping face while comparing it to the princess's face in his head. He saw from the eyes, life, lips, face shape, everything is indeed similar.

"This is crazy, it seems that this is not my hallucination anymore, this is real, her face is very similar to that princess, could she be the incarnation of a princess?" Billy asked himself.

"Ah, I'm just drifting off. Such things can't exist in this modern world," Billy also answered and refuted his argument.

It didn't take long for Billy's face to get closer to Rossa's, Billy wanted to observe the face from a close distance to be more sure, but suddenly Rossa's eyes opened wide, she woke up from her sleep.


Suddenly Rossa screamed hysterically because she was so surprised, how could she not when she opened her eyes, suddenly there was a face of a man who looked strange right in front of her face at a very close distance, anyone would be immediately shocked if they experienced the same thing.

Hearing Rossa's scream, Billy also reflexively walked away. He immediately adjusted his coat to lessen the embarrassment, but still, he became embarrassed.

"What are you going to do to me? Surely you want to be perverted, right? You're a perverted doctor," snapped Rossa as she covered her face with the blanket to protect herself, she thought Billy had intended to do something indecent to her.

Even though Rossa is from the village, she is not at all lowly. She is a woman who upholds her self-respect and honor as a woman. In addition, Rossa is also a woman who is quite well educated. Now she is studying in semester 5 majoring in nursing, she can go to college because she gets a scholarship so that all her tuition fees are borne by the government, otherwise, Rossa will not be able to continue her education.

Considering that Rossa comes from a poor family, her mother is only a washing laborer and sometimes joins in farming in people's gardens, while her father has long passed away. Her illness did not make Rossa despair, even though she had to go to the hospital many times, or just go to the pharmacy to buy painkillers. Rossa was able to pass the medical test when she entered university, that's because she did not have a history of any disease when she was checked and the results were always healthy.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm not a perverted doctor like what you accuse," said Billy, who didn't accept Rossa's words.

"If it's not a pervert then what is it called? Why was the doctor's face so close to mine?" asked Rossa not wanting to lose as she opened her blanket little by little.

"That… that was just what I wanted to observe you, I need further observation so I can give a diagnosis of your illness," Billy replied casually while averting his eyes so as not to look nervous. There was no way Billy would say that if he had just looked at the girl's face because it looked so much like a princess in his dream. The one with Rossa would be more enthusiastic about making fun of him.

"Doctor, I'm not that stupid. I have heart disease, not facial pain. If you want to observe it should mean looking at my heart, not at my face," said Rossa.

Billy scratched the nape of his neck that didn't pitch, he didn't think that this village girl was quite smart and observant, "Ah, that... I was... I did see your heart, but I accidentally ..." Billy hadn't finished speaking, suddenly. Suddenly the door to the room opened.

"Excuse me, Doctor Billy," said Vanya as she entered, followed by Mrs. Risma behind her.

Inwardly Billy was very grateful to Vanya for coming at the right time, so he could change the subject, "Thank you, Vanya. So I don't have to answer questions from that annoying woman."

"Have you done?" asked Billy?

"Yes, I have. Everything is in order," answered Vanya.

"Mom..." Rossa called.

"Rossa, you are awake. How? does it still hurt?" asked Risma who immediately approached her son.

Then Rossa immediately rushed into her mother's arms while whining like she was going to cry, "I'm not sick, but earlier..." Rossa deliberately stopped her words, then she looked at Billy who was wide-eyed embarrassed because Billy knew that Rossa would complain about something that didn't happen. not to his mother about the incident earlier.

"What are you doing, Ross?" asked Risma worriedly.

"Earlier, the perverted doctor wanted to do things to me. Just imagine, when I woke up, he was already in front of my face at a very close distance. Mom, you just have to report him to security here if he's a perverted doctor," replied Rossa, her voice sounding very passionate because she was still annoyed with Billy, it was clear from her cynical gaze at the handsome doctor.

The atmosphere in the room became a little awkward after hearing Rossa's words, Mrs. Risma and Vanya were silent while reflexively looking at Billy, while the man looked very embarrassed and also embarrassed because it involved his pride.

But a few seconds later, Vanya's laughter broke out, she laughed so hard she held her stomach, "You perverted doctor ..." Vanya muttered in between laughs.

"Vana. Shut up, why are you even laughing?" Billy snapped in a whisper in Vanya's ear.

"Dock. Sorry, that's funny," Vanya replied, trying not to laugh anymore. Vanya couldn't understand how Billy could be called a perverted doctor by a patient he had just met. Of course, Vanya didn't believe it one bit because she knew how Billy always respected women.

"Miss, it's just a misunderstanding, so I was doing an observation on Rossa's heart, but then Rossa suddenly woke up, and that was, she thought that I would do no good to her," Billy clarified because he didn't want his good name. smeared even if only in front of one person.

"Yes, Doc. I should be the one apologizing because Rossa has accused you carelessly, I also believe that you must be an educated person and it is impossible to do something like that," said Risma while bowing many times as a sign of apology for her son's behavior.

"Mom, why are you apologizing, I lied. He's the one who lies, he's very clever at making excuses. If he was observing the heart, it means he should be looking at the heart, not in front of my face, so he is certainly lying," Rossa still insisted on defending her opinion. Rossa's shock didn't seem to go away, so she was still annoyed with Billy.

"Rossa, that's enough! Don't talk like that again, you know who the doctor is? He is the son of Doctor Angga who owns this hospital, he cannot do that. Now I want to ask, did he touch you? Or is he holding your hand? No, so stop, don't embarrass me," said Risma in a low voice but full of emphasis.

Rossa immediately fell silent, she did not expect that the handsome doctor in front of her was the son of the owner of this hospital. Maybe Rossa doesn't know Billy yet, but she knows very well who Doctor Angga is. Previously, Doctor Angga had visited a small hospital in his hometown. That's when Rossa met Doctor Angga until now she can get help from the very generous doctor.