Rat Hunting (Part 3)

Chapter 10 – Rat Hunting (Part 3)

In a large room there were several shadows of people who seemed to be discussing something important, they were sitting at a table.

"Flavio just sent a message apparently some spies managed to steal information about us, he says that it is very likely that a cleaning team will be sent, so we have to evacuate immediately" said one of the shadows

"He did not say the message that the team was almost completely eliminated and the last two could only send something related but not our location" said another shadow

"He said that assuming they no longer had any other ways to send the full message, it's best to spread out all over the city and not get caught." Said another of the shadows.

"Wouldn't it be better to leave the city, besides it is very likely that they already know our identities, we would be at more risk being here" said a shadow

"No, they don't have our identities, the only ones who know who we are is the leader and ourselves, it is impossible for someone besides the 3 of us to know our participation in the organization." said the first shadow again

"Besides, it will be very suspicious if we leave the city these days, and we still have to get rid of the defective merchandise" said the first shadow again.

"Jaaa, I'll take care of them, you have to clean them immediately" said a shadow of the shadows that had a big belly.

"Well, we'll wait for you, don't delay, as you come and go we'll call the leader to finish proceeding according to his orders." He told the last shadow that he had a hump.

Nodding the paunchy shadow he left.

Defective Goods Cells.

Ren and the girls kept checking to see if they saw any more guards.

Elizabeth and Elena fell silent after Ren's question, while they walked in silence they heard quick but calm footsteps, the three waited in the dark for the person responsible for the footsteps to arrive.

A fat man with a white hooded cape appeared in sight of the three, the fat man was wearing a devil mask with horns which prevented them from seeing his face.


The man stopped his footsteps suddenly, the man looked in the direction of the three apparently he could feel their presence despite the almost zero visibility of the darkness where they were hiding.

Removing his hood the man said "Wow, it looks like some stray dogs managed to evade our detection." The fat man said.

Seeing that the three had been discovered, they came out of the shadows, the man, seeing them, tilted his head slightly as if in doubt.

(He swore to have felt only two as there are three, is it a spell?) The fat man thought.

"Don't let your guard down, that man is strong, and he has a thick mana around him" Ren whispered to the girls' ears, when they felt Ren's warm breath they felt an electric shock throughout their body, but they still nodded in response to ren's words.

Pulling out two swords from his personal space (storage ring), Ren got into a fighting stance and stood in front of the girls.

Elizabeth and Elena, seeing this, stretched out their arms in front of them and began to circulate their prana (A/N: they both use magical prana energy) with greater intensity.

The fat man, seeing that they had already prepared to fight, took out two large 'butcher knives', each of the 'knives' measuring almost three feet (90 cm) long and a foot and a half wide (45 cm). , the 'knives' as well as the man were covered in dark brown mana.



Ren moved quickly and collided his swords with the fat man, the man took distance and with a movement of his knife a strong brown cut came out, Ren blocked it with his swords, the man taking advantage of this approached and quickly collided one knife after another. another with Ren's swords forcing him back a couple of steps.

[Air Bomb] [Fireball]

While the man is busy with ren Elizabeth and Elena cast two low level spells, which were the most suitable for this situation, since even if they are low level in the hands of high ranks they are dangerous spells.

The man unfurled a simple barrier to buy time and seizing the opportunity he quickly moved with [Fast Step] and gained distance again.

Having more space, Ren recovered his posture, after which he ran straight towards the fat man, the man seeing this also ran towards Ren and raised his left knife to attack Ren, Ren seeing that the man did exactly what he wanted , moving with his [Fast Step] ren appeared to the right side of the man and strongly waved his sword towards the man, just as he was about to cut the man's neck something happened that surprised ren.


Ren had to block his left side with his other sword the strong blow of the knife, taking several steps back Ren barely managed to get out of astonishment because the man moved too fast, if it had not been for his strong instincts the knife would have cut him in two.

(That was... what the hell was that, how he moved so fast, he almost cut me in two, he's stronger than I thought luckily I have those two) thought ren after the attack.

"hehehe, it seems that this dog has some skill, so it will be more fun to bite you" said the fat man with a squeaky voice.

"To sting me you must kill me first" ren yelled as he moved with [Fast Step].



The clashes of the swords against the knife were getting more and more intense, ren was already showing signs of exhaustion due to his low vitality while the fat man was getting slower due to the pressure exerted by the ren attacks.

"Tch, I'm tired of you [Ground Beef]" said the fat man, after activating his ability he started throwing cuts like crazy that although they didn't have precision they did have great strength and speed.

The girls threw barriers to cover the three of them but instead of defending themselves, Ren launched himself at the man passing between all those monstrous cuts.

The man did not expect Ren to launch towards him, so he increased the speed and strength of his attacks, Ren received several of his attacks with his body, his cape was almost shattered under the attacks of this man, which showed that he was a high ranking A-Rank, likewise the mask had already shattered under the cuts, several wounds appeared on his arms and legs but he still managed to get behind the man.

The man without any defense at his back could only accept his fate under Ren's sword.



After Ren's attack the man's head was cut off and within seconds the dull sound of a falling body sounded.


Heavy breaths came out of Ren's mouth. The fight just now had exhausted him, although it had been short it was still a fight between high ranks, not taking into account the fact that Ren just reached A-rank- 10 days ago which What has caused his exhaustion is his low vitality caused by his body.

(A/N: I know you're going to ask, but from now on I'm telling you, stamina doesn't refer to fatigue resistance, it refers to damage resistance from physical and magical attacks, and vitality refers to fatigue. plaster.)

Just as Ren was sitting on the ground a notification appeared in his quest.

[He breaks into the Heart of Blood organization and helps to dismantle it. (2/3) (Completed)]

[Extra Reward: After defeating one of the sub-leaders of the organization known as 'Bloody Butcher', you are awarded 'White Bear Meat – 5 Kg']

[Questline "Rat Hunting"]

— Help find and eliminate the remaining 2 sub-leaders and their leader (3/3)

— Difficulty: High-Low – Warning: Be careful, lots of enemies.

— Reward: 30 Amber Points – Skill [Nymph Eyes] – Dagger Technique [Shadow Slayer]

— Punishment: If he abandons the quest once started, the bearer will be deducted 100 Pt Amber and will be in the state of [Magic Poison] for 3 days.

(Extra reward?, it's the first time it's given to me, because it's given to me, later I'll think about triggering the extra reward) Ren thought as he drank a healing option that he took out of his ring.

Approaching the girls they suddenly stopped and looked at Ren in amazement, but it was clearly not astonishment at his strength but at her beauty, they were both stunned to see Ren's beautiful features.

"Kuhum" ren, realizing this, cleared her throat with a loud sound which took both girls out of her stupor, both blushed slightly for having been 'discovered' in a daze.

"I-it's as strong as your information said Mr. Grim Reaper" Elena said stammering a bit.

"um" nodding ren started to get up, taking off what remains of the cloak ren started walking towards the man standing in front of the corpse he asked as she turned to see the girls:

"They know who it is?" I ask, although he knows that he is a certain 'Bloody Butcher' that is an alias after all, if he is going to fight against the other sub-leaders he may be able to find out something about them through this man.

"Now that I see him more closely I can tell you that he is 'Bloody Butcher' a serial killer who chopped his victims as if they were cuts of meat hence his name, it is only known that he worked alone in addition to being a fan of the blood, his true identity is unknown." Elizabeth said as she approached the corpse.

"Well I think it's time we found out who he is" Ren said as she took off his mask.

"Heeee, but look who it is" Elena said after seeing her face.

"Do you know him" Ren asked curiously.

Nodding Elizabeth said: "It is Father Emilio Alpes, the priest of the Church of Armonía, a church located in the town of Armonía 10 km from this city"

"Well it seems that the 'harmony' between his life in the light and in the dark went down the drain" Elena said with a certain mockery towards this 'Father'.

"Well it's time to continue, you wait for me at the fork while I take care of the corpse." She said ren, the girls just nodded and moved on.

Ren alone took the cloak, mask and storage ring from the man, standing up, Ren's shadow spread out, many eyes and mouths with sharp teeth appeared in them, the shadow swallowed the corpse and with it nothing was left.

"Tch disgusting maybe no human can taste good" said ren as he went after the girls.

Moments before at the fork.

"Elena you saw her face it was too beautiful" said Elizabeth

"If I feel jealous of anyone who manages to make him fall in love, he is too beautiful to be real, besides her beauty aside, you saw him, right?" Elena said

"Yes, he was a Mars just like us and a strong one, although now I understand why you hired him I still don't know your initial fear and caution towards him." Elizabeth said

"Well, if you had been awake at the meeting a month ago you would have known who he is" Elena said but seeing that Elizabeth's curiosity towards him only increased she said: "When we get back I'll tell you everything we know about him" Elena said. That calmed Elizabeth's curiosity.




Hearing footsteps coming from the hallway the girls saw a man in a white cape and horned devil mask was obviously Ren who had put on the 'butcher's' things.

"Let's go straight ahead" Ren said, the girls hearing Ren's voice and seeing his black uniform calmed down again and followed Ren who led the way.