Rat Hunting (Part 4)

Chapter 11 – Rat Hunting (Part 4)

As they walked in the corridor, Ren remembered that he hadn't asked the girls if they used weapons, although he didn't see them use a weapon, he can't rule out the idea that they were lost in combat by those who left her alone with magic.

"I forgot to ask you before but do you use weapons?" said ren while she kept her [Spiritual Perception] in a range of 100 meters, it should be noted that the entire basement seems to have been enlarged with spatial magic so it is very large.

"Yes, I use a sword and Elena uses a bow" Elizabeth said as she kept her guard up.

"Take in this ring there are a lot of weapons that fat man kept" said ren while she handed over a black ring with purple runes.

As they walked, the girls finally chose a sword with a thin blade and slightly serrated on one side for elizabeth and a bow made of fire tree wood with a string from a rank B demon beast and arrows made from the same wood and feathers from [Condor]. of wind].

"Stop" Ren said softly as she pointed ahead where there was a special anti-noise wooden door.

"I can feel 3 presences on the other side of the door, they are the two sub-leaders and the leader" said ren

"Um, how do you know that?" asked elizabeth, although she can understand the part that she feels the presences and maybe even sees them but how do they know that they are the leaders and not some subordinates?, ren understood this and said

"One of my abilities allows me to get the last memories of corpses" she said, this ability surprised the girls who despite being SI never heard of such an ability.

"I see, that's why we continue straight ahead" Elena said

"Yes, the path on the left led to where the other members of this organization were" she said, reaffirming Elena's assumption.

"Now the plan, when we enter I will cast a high level spell to hurt them, although it cannot kill them it will be more than enough to leave them quite injured, at that moment we will attack when they are off guard and that's it" said ren although it was a simple plan not for that it was completely bad besides that they had almost no information about them and this was the best they could do.

"Fine" the girls said at the same time.


Exhaling, Ren began to chant the spell as he walked towards the door, when he was in front of the door he recited the last part of the spell: "...With a storm I cut the mountains..." Ren opened the door calmly, the men in The room was surprised but it was not for long as Ren recited the last part of the spell.

...[Storm of Cuts]






All kinds of sounds came out of the room after the spell was cast, the sounds of all kinds of barriers breaking reached the ears of the three of them.

[Storm of Cuts]

— Rank: Land 1st Lvl.

— Grade: High

— File: [Wind Files]

— Type: Area

— Effect: Creates a windstorm so strong that it creates powerful slashes that shatter everything.

—(Note: The wind element is required to cast the spell – Can you cut a mountain with the wind?)

When the sounds quickly ceased the three entered the room there they saw two men with deep wounds on their bodies, one of them had lost an eye, while the other lost four fingers of his left hand, the damage caused was higher than expected something good for them, when they were going to pounce on them..


Ren blocked a dagger that was going to pierce Elena's neck, if it wasn't for Ren's instincts again, it is very likely that Elena would have died.


Ren's eyes widened in surprise as the dagger attack broke the sword creating a web where the damage from this attack spread, even though the sword was 1st Lvl Earth Rank - Low, it was still a good sword as is that it could be broken from the attack of a dagger, that only said the abyss that existed between the quality of weapons.


Swinging his other sword swiftly at the dagger's owner, he activated the authority of sloth to hold him in place.


Another surprise for Ren to see that the guy who should be held by his authority was able to move, albeit slowly, without problems.

"Heh, a skill that fixes people maybe?" said a sharp and insidious voice.

The man with the dagger withdrew and taking advantage of the space ren began to give orders: "Cover elizabeth I'll take care of this guy" saying that ren rushed towards the man.

"Oh will you take care of me? What a nice thought" said the man with that annoying voice.

Ren didn't respond but using quick step he appeared behind the man, launching an x ​​attack with his swords.

The man suddenly disappeared and reappeared again above Ren.



The sound of metal hitting metal rang out again, but with it came the sound of something breaking, it was Ren's sword that shattered with the man's attack, this left him with only one sword, taking up space and readjusting his stance to match. a sword ren ran towards the man.

"[Slash Flash]" before ren arrived the man used an assassin class skill [Slash Flash] a movement and attack skill in which the assassin moves at a very fast speed and cuts everything in its path.


Ren was sent flying against a wall due to the blow the blow caused Ren to spit out a mouthful of blood, he almost lost consciousness due to the impact.

(Damn he's stronger than I thought, he must outrank me by at least two minor ranks, not to mention that he still hasn't used the skill he sneak-attacked us with yet) Ren's thoughts were searching for a way to win.

[Aster of Thorns has been activated]

Activating the [Aster of Thorns] gave my strength an increase of one degree that it wasn't before.

(Kurobane Ren's POV)

This is my biggest problem, despite having climbed the ranks quickly casino I have experience fighting people, I almost always fight with demon beasts or low ranked ayakashis, and none of them surpass me in strength what leaves me in my current conditions.

Physical enhancement with magical energy is the most basic ability of all the abyss, and once maxed it evolves into [Magic Enhancement] but I only have the maximum magic enhancement, it's a big problem since I have many skills, both innate as normal, my reason for coming to the academy is to improve my strength at the speed of my rank, gain experience, that's why I've been killing so many people since I arrived, it's very likely that Elena showed me fear because of the state in which the bodies were found.

With many of them I experimented with torture in which places it is better to land a blow, improving my basic skills and forbidding me to use my authorities, my authorities are strong but not invincible, I became very dependent on them except when they are necessary I do not plan to use them , which would leave me more trump cards.


Large exhalations leave my mouth, the metallic taste of blood can be felt in every inch of my mouth, increasing my resolve not to use my authority I started with every move.

(Third Person POV)

Stabilizing his breath, Ren began to move his qi to every inch of his body, but not only did he direct his qi to his blood, veins, muscle fibers, and capillaries, he did not let any inch of his body or section lack qi enhancement.

"HAHAHAHA, you're trying to improve yourself beyond your limits, you won't make it, it's impossible to have such concentration on two things." the man said with his annoyed voice.

But he was right in what he said as when he lunged at ren and attacked him, ren just defending himself lost concentration and all his qi quickly dissolved.

Helplessly ren could only defend against attacks, but that was the limit of him even with the [Aster of Thorns] upgrade, he couldn't even use spells due to the difficulty of chanting while defending against deadly attacks.

Ren knew that he was not in danger of dying if he used all of his cards but…..that would only mean that he is incompetent in using his abilities.

"Girl, if you think you're so brave why don't you improve your brain too, to see if you can use your strength better, HAHAHAHAHA" said the man who one of his attacks had broken the mask and part of the cape thus revealing his ren face which the man mistook for a woman.

Listening to the man's words, he thought of the possibility but at the same time no, although it may be possible, the brain is a very sensitive organ, a false step and I could end up dying trying.



Clashing his sword with the ren man's dagger a mouthful of blood flew out and he spat out.


And along with it the sound of breaking bones rang out, from the impact three of Ren's ribs were broken, Ren gritting his teeth stood up and raised his sword.


"Heh, old man you don't condescend to your minors" said ren as he spit out a tooth and along with this blood.

"I'll show you what it means not to be condescending with your minors so that you learn in your other life not to mess with who you shouldn't" said the man with a touch of anger.





With a series of blows attacking ren, ribs, abdomen, temple, face, arm and legs, the man began to cut ren like a piece of meat.

Ren without a chance calmed down.

Entering his consciousness, Ren directed his consciousness in a dark place, where he walked only mist could be seen, arriving in front of a beautiful stone door (A/N: it's like a gate, with doors on the right and left side, it only opens in the center), this door showed damage as if it would break in a few years.

Seeing the door ren calmed down, whenever she sees it she calms down, right now her [Door of Truth] is in front of her, passing this gigantic door is her truth, what he is and what he will always be.

Passing by ren he arrived in front of a tree this tree was always in the sea of consciousness of him since he can remember, stopping in front of the tree ren seemed to be waiting for something and that was not long in coming




"Any advice?" Ren asked quietly.