My first first love

I'm usually a pretty calm person but right now I'm about to lose my temper, this isn't good at all, why it's raining so hard clouds appears to be so black, didn't the forecast say it all will be clear, that is why I never believe things that are fully based on predictions.

Looks like rain will not end up soon, wait it's raining huh where is this uneasiness coming from?

Some overwhelming thoughts came into my mind playing with my subconscious but not strong enough to change this cruel reality, everything around is reminding me of her even this rainfall, I'm cold.

I want to go back to the delusion that she loves me, I don't wanna suffer any further misery, where on earth is she.

Am I the only one who's suffering, I can't help it, I want her to realise that what she did to me wasn't an indication of love such thing is called betrayal at the moment, I face the roller coaster of emotions my mood plunges to the north to south and back in a nanosecond.

I try to temper my rage convincing myself she did it, for heaven's sake whatever reason! I took a deep breath not letting my emotions manipulate me any further as my brother calls me.

"Hey, are you studying?"

"I don't know" I reply with an idiotic grin on my face.

"Huh it's evening already do you care to join me for a walk," he murmurs, I shake my head in agreement.

Come to think of it, it's not raining either seems like we can get a kick out of walking in the evening, I grab my sports shoes and the keys we locked the door, heading towards the lift.

Fortunately, we live on 21 floor at such height among the tallest buildings as well as the evening sun make the view spectacular, literally out of this world.

Reaching the elevator, I press the button to the ground floor, the door opens as we go in.

Abruptly a voice came "excuse me hold the elevator, hold the elevator."

"We got you."

"Thanks," she said while smiling at me.

"She's pretty ren, isn't she," he mutters while gazing at her.

"Indeed brother, but yet she looks a bit troubled."

"Indeed why don't you ask her," he whispers.

"Say something idiot don't blow up the opportunity," he murmurs feeling extraordinarily brave.

"We haven't crossed paths yet, have we," I say while struggling to hide the stupid grin on my face.

She sighs, "I moved here yesterday only."

"I assume she lives opposite to ours flat, it was vacant till yesterday," he said grinning ear to ear.

"I see," my lips lift, I try to stifle my smile.

"You look in a hurry is everything alright," her eyes soften.

"Yes, yes I am fine thanks for the concern, I'm so late, I have to meet someone," she whispered.

"Ohh, you do have friends here," I snap, leaning the side of the elevator.

"No, it's my boyfriend though he works so, only the time he gets to rest is when the sun sets," her voice is low this time, the door opens abruptly.

"I should get going now bye guys," she said.

"See you around eh?," I whisper in low tones.

"See you around huh?"

"What was that," my brother grins in joy.

"You didn't even bother to ask her name."

"I'm sorry," I whisper, suddenly feeling stupid.

"I was too charged at the moment I couldn't be bothered," he closes his eyes as he says.

"Believe me ren, I know how it feels like seeing your hope crumbled right before your very own eyes," he mutters sympathetically.

Well, I don't like where it is going, I try to change the direction.

"The weather outside is stiff and brumous right," despite I have worn a jacket I'm cold.

"Why are you glancing at me like that," I try to stifle my giggle.

"Like what," he chuckles.

"What is it, you have been thinking so hard," he put his arm around me.

"It's nothing besides, I've had this vehement feeling since we crossed our path with that girl.

"Huh, what about her."

She was in such a hurry to meet her boyfriend, I wonder what's her boyfriend is like, is he taking good care of her," an endless cycle runs through my mind.

"Dude never let your feelings come in the way of your objective," his tone is serious.

"Hmm you're right, I think way too much," I whisper apologetically.

"Yeah, dude you're sick…"