Switching off the light, Brent went and sat on the edge of the bed, speaking softly to her, "Sweetheart, I am sorry when I told you I wasn't ready to get married."

Knowing this might be the only opportunity he might have, he pleaded with her, "Honey, please, I know you love me, so don't make this foolish mistake and marry someone that later on you will regret. I am begging you, please give me a second chance and a few days to arrange everything. I know by then Mom should return from her trip."

Brent gently caressed her face as he said in a soft and gentle voice, "Honey, please listen to me. if getting married is so important to you, then I am ready to fulfil your desire, but sweetheart this Keston guy you are going to marry is not the right person."

Kissing her lips, loving the taste of the minty fresh toothpaste. Brent removes the silk covering and slides beside her.

Gently embracing her as he strokes her body. His hand glided down reaching to her waist he felt that something was definitely different from when he had touched her the last time before she broke off their friendship.

'It's been some months since I last seen her but something about her touch now has changed, and there is an awakening in my body that I never felt before.

My body feels so alive, 'Oh dear God this is for real, I have met so many women, and I have tested them by kissing and touching, hoping to feel some connection within the past years.'

Brent felt this craving and hunger to be with her now, it was uncontrollable, 'but she isn't well and I cannot use force and take advantage of her weakness. Also, I had promised myself that I would not desecrate my body though matter how tempting the situation may become.'

He knew in the past he had fooled around with many young ladies on their beds but nothing felt like this.

It was the first time he felt this wonderful, this surging fire was travelling through his veins. 'Oh God, this was what I have been searching for all these years, why is it when we were dating I never felt this way? Is it because absence makes the heart grow fonder or is it because I am anxious and afraid of losing her?'

He felt like one kiss wasn't enough, something was pulling his heartstrings like a magnet to get closer to her.

Right now his soul had a hunger and need to be fed. Ignoring his feelings, he focused on how she must be feeling, Brent said in a loving tone of voice, "Johanna honey, I didn't realize how much I miss you."

As he stroked her face, his finger felt like a lightning bolt of electricity shooting straight into his veins and penetrating his heart.

Wanting to stroke her lips, his hand returned to her face when he felt a bandage under her chin. Brent heard her groan, he thought she must be having pain.