Becoming concerned he wanted to know what had happened to her. Concluding in his mind, 'Did she fall and damage her chin while making preparations for the wedding?' "Oh, my darling, how did you hurt yourself? Do you know how much I love you?"

Stroking her body gently once more he was hoping it would help to shift her mind away from the pain, "Sweetheart, have you been unwell and when did you hurt yourself?"

Brent hugs her as he keeps whispering his questions, "Were you missing me so much, is that why you have lost so much weight? Look, I don't want you worrying anymore, I will make up for the lost time we haven't seen each other. Now I promise you, just cancel this wedding and forget this Keston guy."

He kissed her once more as his kiss deepened, feeling his body on fire, it was worse than what he experienced a few minutes ago.

When she groans slightly louder, Brent releases her immediately thinking he must have touched the wound which is why she was feeling more intense pain.

But what he felt was unimaginable, especially when she responded to him so enthusiastically. Brent felt he was losing control, he also knew now it was not the right time and place and he could get caught. Taking a deep breath he has never faced such temptation. It was great.

Brent recalls the door wasn't locked and anyone could enter the room at any given time to check on her knowing she was unwell.

"Sweetheart now is not the time, and the house is flooded with your guests."

He heard her whisper something but was unable to understand anything she was trying to say to him, "Sh.... shhh don't speak, just cancel the wedding and we will get married as soon as Mom returns from her holidays. Now rest my darling and tomorrow I will see you."

Kissing her forehead before easing off the bed. When Johanna held his hand, she whispered something. Unable to understand what she was saying,

Brent didn't want to leave her but he knew she needed her rest and also time to think about what he asked her to do. He also knows if he lingers much longer he might become too weak to keep his promise and might even get caught in her room.

As he reached the door he turned around once again and looked at her lying there, wanting so much to be with her. 'Oh Lord, one more kiss won't harm us or make a difference, and it will confirm that I am not dreaming.'

As he returns to her and whispers, "I love you with my whole heart so trust me when I tell you this young man is not your life partner."

Kissing her on her lips to confirm what he felt both times before, Brent confirmed now he had found what he had been searching for all these years.

Having no choice, now the way his body was ready to deceive him, he restrained himself by taking control of his mind which was telling him, 'not to leave and take advantage of this one chance if she won't change her mind.'