Releasing her slowly, Brent felt that there was an urgency to step out of her reach. He took some deep breaths as he listened to the voice in his head and walked towards the door. He opens it then closes the door softly behind him and steps away. The way he feels has him flabbergasted and dazed.

Lost in his thoughts he stood in the corridor when he saw a young man enter the room hurriedly half a minute later.

'Is he Keston? but he is a foreigner, he is not what I expected if that is Johanna's choice. He is so casual and he seems unkept, if tomorrow is his wedding what he is doing here?'

Scratching his head and considering the matter for a moment, Brent thought, "Well, if it was me and I heard my wife-to-be got injured I would rush over to see her. But where did Johanna meet him?' He felt his heart boil when a pang of jealousy and envy overwhelmed him.

Brent knew if he wanted he could stop this whole scenario right now, but he held back. He slowly patted his chest to calm down the heartbeat as he gazed around trying desperately to ignore the raging fire that burns within.

Looking at the door being tempted to enter once more, when he thought, 'Is this why I felt this urgency to leave the room? Oh Lord, You didn't want to make me embarrassed so You gave me the insight to leave the room, I must truly thank You, Jesus, if You want me to get married to Johanna You will make a way and show me what to do.'

Feeling much relieved he notices everyone is busy decorating the house, all he wants is for her to cancel the wedding but then he thinks, 'She was never the kind of person to turn back on a decision she makes. From the time we met, she had been very stubborn and headstrong so all he hoped for was that if this is the will of God she will do as he asked.'

In the room Mark looks around, everything looks normal and there isn't anyone inside with her, 'so why did that young lady keep insisting that someone was in the room? Well, who cares I am not downstairs for Johanna to keep bossing me around as if I am her servant, Now I get an excuse to check on my girlfriend.'

Resting the porridge on the small centre table he placed it at the bedside. Mark slowly went and stood by the French floor-to-ceiling window shifting the drapes aside, taking in the view as he pondered in his heart.

'When will the day reach when I will earn something this elegant and luxurious? I can also bring my family across. I might have to work for two lifetimes to enjoy such luxury. If only an opportunity will show its face to live in such a fabulous house I will jump at the chance immediately, not really for me but for my family's sake.'