Turning to look at Jessy on the bed, 'I must thank God her cousin treats her with such honour and also meets the medical bills for the emergency surgery because I didn't have the money to offset the expenses.

Mark considered the things in his heart, "I love Jessy so much, she is the best thing in my life, she doesn't ask for much, yet everywhere she goes favour follows her around as though she has a fairy godmother preparing her way before her.

She treats my family nicely, in fact, she speaks with everyone respectfully and treats them so very special, that is what I love most about her.

I know she is poor and seeks help from others, but thinking about it now during this journey to visit Johanna, she was able to talk and laugh with so many people making friends that they volunteered to purchase our train and bus tickets at every stop. To raise money for our overnight expenses she sings lovely songs on the promenade."

Smiling he looks at her as she lies so quietly on the bed. Pondering from deep within Mark chuckles, 'She is a gem and very rich in her own ways, if I tell others, without raising a finger or spending one cent, she single-handedly used her talent and offsets all the overnight expenses.

She has such a unique way about her when she converses with others, one can truly say she is tremendously blessed. On the other hand, her cousin is filthy rich but her behaviour and attitude are the opposite of Jessy's.

Jessy is beautiful and very caring while Johanna is wonderfully beutiful but the way she speaks to others is really too controlling and demanding. She is very arrogant never listening to anyone yet she is rich and Jessy is poor.

Jessy has never spoken about Johanna or herself but she is very respectful. She cries openly as she expresses herself when she sees others being ill-treated or hurting in any way.

When we discussed our plans for the future she always mentioned having a place extra to help the poor and those in need. Even when we kiss it's like I am on cloud nine and can't get enough.'

Mark took some deep breaths as he viewed the entire room again to ensure no one was hiding before he went and sat on the bed to feed her.

Outside the room Brent decided to leave, he was alighting the stairs admiring the house, and how beautiful it looked.

He realized he wasn't paying much attention when he first arrived so he didn't see the full beauty, but now he takes in the beauty and the hard work and effort the decorator was doing.

'This is a huge task, and she did change the paint outside from vanilla and now it is painted in cream.

Almost reaching the last two steps he felt someone grab a hold of his hand from the side of the step in this rough manner.