All he wanted to do at that moment is to make sure he wasn't mistaken and she won't deny him access if he returns.

Holding her long enough to know, 'If he didn't meet Johanna here and now, he would have made yet another big blunder in his life.'

Releasing his hold Brent thought, 'I should have recognized the difference immediately, they are completely different and opposite. Johanna is coldhearted while her cousin although she is unwell, she is on fire.

I must see who this Jessy is. It was the first time I kiss someone to cause my body to radiate such fire. Oh God, what a huge blunder I would have made thinking Johanna was the one in bed?'

Looking up towards the room wanting desperate to go and speak with the person but he knows Johanna will never allow it, also, the young man who went into the room hasn't left the room.'

Not wanting to make a scene Brent left quietly with the intention of returning the next day.

As he walks away he felt as though someone was gazing at him. Brent slowly turns around seeing Johanna looking at him, but from deep within he feels this dark shadow and heaviness as he drags his tired legs along.

Brent had only stepped out the door when he saw a shadow behind the fence knowing immediately it was the same young lady that held his hand. 'Is she one of Johann's friends or is she a family member?

Why is she following me? Besides Johanna's rage and this young lady, rage seems so different Johanna might be rigid but this young lady seems dangerous. I know Johanna is also very selfish and uncaring, all she thinks about is herself but I don't think she has any bad intention of hurting anyone.'

Brent went to his car, glad that there were many other vehicles in the parking lot. wondering 'if the person who is following him around knows his vehicle, I hope they won't be a problem-maker.'

Sitting in his car Brent passed his fingers through his hair and took a few deep breaths, he was exasperated, 'I never thought I will see this day when my body could feel this way.'

He then wipes his face still feeling the surging and tingling that continues to make riot in his body.

All that was on his mind is, 'This was not a dream, it was for real, and it really happened to him.'

With a blast of happiness that keeps pounding from deep within, he continues to whisper, "Oh God, this is for real, this is what I have been searching for, for so long. I must return to see who this Jessy person is, it is only then will I be satisfied. Will You please help me Jesus to meet her? I know that I only call You for help when I am in a difficult and distressful position, which is very selfish of me, but please help me see this person. I also know that I have made many promises to You and I have failed miserably every time, so I will not promise but I will try my best to be faithful."