With that simple prayer said Brent drives out of the car park and heads home.

Behind the fence Kathlyn glared at him as he drives away, 'I had been tracking you for more than a month and this is the first time I saw you up close and you visit someone. I have always followed you from your home to the Larson building. You barely go out for lunch or dine out, you don't entertain friends or go to parties in the evenings. You just attend meetings once or twice for the week outside the office, so what is it about you that makes Rosanna so obsessed when the both of you are the opposite in your lifestyle?'

Recalling how flustered he was when he descended the stairs, 'Who is this Jessy, Johanna spoke about, and what happened in the room? I must check this person out and see if she will be any competition for Rosanna.

What has baffled me the most is, why is Rosanna tailing Mr Larson when she knows his parents are away, and she could make her move now seeing he is not dating anyone right now. She shouldn't let this opportunity slip through her fingers. From what I have observed this month, he is such an obedient young man.

He is my type of person but Rosanna had paid me to watch him like a hawk to make sure he doesn't have any women friends. I know she has a plan but why was she delaying? Now was a good time for her to make her move, there is no influence or interference from his parents. She also reveles to me thet he was a bit friendly with Johanna but they have broken off the friendship yet he kissed her with such affection.

I can certainly see why she wants to be with him, he is very handsome, and loaded, from what she said he is the CEO of the Larson Group and Company.'

Kathlyn thought, 'When I held his hand I thought he might be affectionate and reach out to assist me or console me but there was such disdain in his eyes as though no one is qualified to touch him or fit his standard.

Katelyn immediately felt this anger and disgust towards him, why was that? Could it be because of his rejection? All I heard about him I thought for a moment I could take a risk and give it a shot for myself.

The thought I entertain about being a bigshot girlfriend or a wife would be amazing, but seeing how angry he looks at me dissuaded me immediately, the vibes were not right and it just had a chilly feeling.

There was not even a smile on that beautiful handsome face, yet my heart skipped a beat seeing that coldness. I immediately knew it would be a lost cause for me because that coldness could freeze the warmest of hearts.

Now if Rosanna has money and wants to throw it away, I don't see why I can't accept it.