Glancing at them, 'Oh God, please do something so the family can't make it tomorrow, Sunday should be fine and Mom will go to church.'

Not giving up on his thought, he made a suggestion "Mom, shouldn't you have waited and consulted me first before finalizing your decision, Thinking about it now, aren't you tired of entertaining? I don't want to tell you what to do but please can you make arrangements for Sunday after lunch instead, and rest tomorrow? I already scheduled a meeting for eleven and can't say what time the meeting will be concluded."

Seeing her face furrows her brow angrily when suddenly her tone of voice was a pitch higher and rougher than normal.

Her outburst was a bit embarrassing but he was not a mama's boy to jump every time she demands him to do something. I must do what is right for me, it is my future that is at stake, and what she thinks might be good for me, might make my life miserable.

"Brent Larson, you are the CEO, of the Larson Group of Company, you can call off the meeting and make an effort to be home and I want no excuse whatsoever."

Brent becomes even more embarrassed when he observes his grandparents smiling, wondering, 'If they enjoy how his mom rebukes him so openly.

'Well, what do I care, when I was a child they see my backside and it never bothers me, now they are seeing me bullied and I am not going to let it bother me. I know they will still love me, so chew poo,'

"Mom, you know when I call a meeting, I hate to cancel but I will see what new arrangement can be made in the morning. Now if you all will excuse me, I had a heavy day, and I am very sweaty and exhausted from managing the business alone."

When his grandmother said, "My precious grandson don't be angry with your mother, she is right and so are you, so don't worry about tomorrow, it will work itself out just thank God for today."

"I will grandma and you are right, God will make a way for me if I just trust Him and be faithful, isn't that so?"

When his grandfather said, "You are right son so go and rest, tomorrow we will have enough time to talk, you look tired."

"I am grandpa, and thanks for understanding, I am so happy to see you and grandma, and Mom, I am just ecstatic that you are home. Now tomorrow will be a hectic day as well so let me get some rest and you all should try and do the same."

Once more he kiss his grandparents saying goodnight and hurried up to his room.

Inside his room, he quickly locked the door then discard all of his clothes, and went under the shower.

Brent just stood under the shower allowing the cold water to flow over his body to cool down the inner fire that had radiated.