As the cold water fell over his body he took a deep breath, feeling such relief he whispers words of prayer with thanks, "Oh Father and God, I thank You for making a way of escape for me. You have given me enough strength and courage to say no to temptation and thanks for the insight to leave the room."

Standing under the shower for more than twenty minutes Brent finally felt like himself, 'that fire was doused and his body cool down.

Brent wondered at that moment, 'Did the young lady feel even a little of what I felt and tasted? Oh Lord, I hope she feels the same as I did. Now my only hope is to find her. I hope she will be easily detected with the bandage under her chin. Her hair looks the same colour as Johanna but also the young lady who was following me has the same hair colour.'

Brent pulls his robe over his shoulders as he walks to the window tying the belt across his waist. Becoming tempted to return to Johanna's home when his eyes caught sight of a white panel van not too far away from the entrance.

Knowing his property is secluded and secured away from the main street, he ponders, wanting to know, 'what that van was doing parked on private property.'

Becoming curious, he completely ignores his safety, in fact, he was wearing only his robe as he scales down the fire escape to get a closer look. Sneaking up to the van he notices the person's head was resting on the steering wheel, it seemed as though he was tired and sleeping.

Meanwhile, in his mom's room, she took her phone and flip through the surveillance only to see a white panel van parked up.

The driver was standing next to the van with his binoculars scoping out the property. Trying her best to angle the camera to get it in position to get the number plate, but it failed. Suspicion rises in her heart wondering, 'what should she do.'

Thinking about alerting the police when the person gets into his vehicle and drives away, feeling such relief, she thought to herself, 'I must alert the Assistant Director to instruct the Security to keep their eyes on Brent at the office and those two assistants to keep Brent under surveillance when he leaves the office.

Having no idea that his mom saw the van and what she was thinking, he returns to his room undetected by the butler and his mom. I can't tell mom and cause an alarm but I must alert Jeffery also I must see to get a watchdog to keep the property more secure.

Slowly as the driver left he sighed feeling so relieved he didn't get caught. 'It's a good thing I was scoping out the property when I glimpse the young man coming at such speed. Also thanks to my fast thinking I get into the van and play I was sleeping.'