Almost out of the entrance Raden turns around to take a last view and to make sure he wasn't followed.

Hurriedly he sent a message, Raden...."We have been detected by the young man and they have surveillance cameras on the property it is no longer safe here."

Kathlyn, "Just stick around for a while then leave, okay?"

Raden, "Sorry, I had to leave just in case they call the police, I don't think they suspected anything although the young man came to the van. I am not taking any chances just in case he took the van number, but I know we must be on the alert from now on."

Raden had now sent the message when he heard a police siren coming at a very fast paste. Having no time to drive off he continues to park at the side, but the two jeeps seem to be on another errand.

Not taking any chance Raden drives away as his mind went back to when he was instructed to keep an eye on the young man. 'This entire month they had kept spying on this young man. Not once did he go anywhere except from home to work."

Kathlyn has not revealed why but she has me surveilling his building and his car every day.'

Thinking Katelyn had completed her messaging Raden switched off his phone and rest his head back, sighing once more as he heads home slowly.

When he received an incoming message saying that he would be sent to another location tomorrow." seeing the picture of the new client he felt relieved, messaging back, "Okie dokie."

In Brent's room, it was quiet but sleep was the last thing on his mind. Even though the night seemed to linger on and he was tired and restless, he dwells on the mesmerizing kiss. "All I want to do is to meet this person."

When he heard a soft voice in his heart, "So just suppose this Jessy who you are losing sleep over is ugly or older than you, what will you do?"

"How could that be? Her body felt so soft and delicate as if she is a chaste young lady. Also, she had a hunger to kiss me just like when I was kissing her. I am not looking for Miss World or Miss Universe I just want true love, is there something wrong with that?"

"Don't you think you are exaggerating a bit too much, there is no such thing as true love."

"Then if that is the case I will not get married and live like a Monk and will not pollute my body and soul."

"You fool, all those books you read are just fiction, and a money-making venture, it is not real and you know your parents have been nagging you to give them grandchildren."

"You said I am a fool but I don't mind, what I felt tonight was real, now I must make it a reality." With that in mind, Brent close his eyes and slept.