Waking at six-thirty, knowing his mom might have jet lag and will sleep late but his grandparents are early birds, jet lag or not they wake up early.

Taking pride as he dressed, knowing he was going to see this young lady or his bride-to-be.

Brent dresses carefully in the exquisitely tailored cream suit and a caramel brown shirt his mom got him on one of her trips.

I didn't see what she brought me this time but I love this suit. I always wanted to wear it for a special occasion.

Recalling his exact words when his mom gave this gift to him two years ago, it was before he became serious about finding his true love.

"I will wear it the day I am going to see my bride-to-be. Now with that in his mind, he took his time and dressed. I haven't gained any weight for the past two years and it fits perfectly.

Being the only child she never holds back anything from me though matter what the cost.

Straightening the cream tie that looks perfect with the caramel stripes, which also match the leather caramel colour shoes and shirt.

Passing a brush over his hair as he sprays his cologne. Opening his jewel box he took his time selecting his jewellery. The thick gold chain was passed down from his grandfather Nicolas Larson when he was given the position of CEO of the Larson Group and Company, from his father's side with the Larson logo.

His Rolex gold watch and the thick gold wristband his dad gave him two years ago on his birthday. Brent inhaled some fresh air in his lungs and then exhale.

Being satisfied with his appearance Brent wanted to have breakfast with his grandparents before he headed out for the day.

Having no intention of returning home early as his mom requested, he took his briefcase and closed his room door.

Knowing what the outcome would be if he don't try to be at Johanna's home on time. He also knew if he don't seize this opportunity he might never get a second chance to meet his true love.

Reaching down the stairs seeing his grandparents already at the dining table having breakfast,

Brent joined in happily eating heartily as they conversed during the meal, listening attentively as they give a full-scale report of their experience of their visit to Switzerland.

Brent was happy to hear about their experience and the way they both expressed their love to each other.

When his watch beeped indicating it was time to head out to the office. Before he could say goodbye to them his grandmother said, "My precious grandson, isn't that the suit your mom get you two years ago?"

When he was about to respond to them, she wink at him and he notices the wicked smile on her face, saying his goodbye he left them as they enjoyed their coffee.

Turning to wave before he steps out the door he notices them staring at him with a smile on their faces.

Wondering if they recall his exact words when he saw the suit, and now what was on their mind? they seem to be whispering something to each other.